I dont want to start nuthin, but...


Well-Known Member
...does anyone use a non-water based moisturizer? I really am starting to think water-based is not where it's at for me lol. The moisturizer I have been using only contains shea butter and coca butter and gives my hair so much more moisture than any water-based I have tried. Ladies please share your opinions on this topic...
...does anyone use a non-water based moisturizer? I really am starting to think water-based is not where it's at for me lol. The moisturizer I have been using only contains shea butter and coca butter and gives my hair so much more moisture than any water-based I have tried. Ladies please share your opinions on this topic...
Ive always said my oils and butters give me moisture

thats my story and I'm stickin to it , the debates dont change my mind that water alone is a poor moisturizer and it in fact takes out all my moisture......so you know:look:
I hate water-based moisturizers unless I'm wearing stretching my relaxers. I love butters so much! Just the right consistency and moisture like you wouldn't believe. I use the butters, then seal with oil. It works wonders and I'm finally able to retain length that way...
Ive always said my oils and butters give me moisture

thats my story and I'm stickin to it , the debates dont change my mind that water alone is a poor moisturizer and it in fact takes out all my moisture......so you know:look:

Yep! You are so right! I only use a water-moisturizer if I'm wearing my buns during a long stretch. That's it. Otherwise, they do nothing for me or my hair.

ETA: Well...actually they do! They weigh it down and my hair is already so fine. The only moisturizers that work for me are butter-based.
Ive always said my oils and butters give me moisture

thats my story and I'm stickin to it , the debates dont change my mind that water alone is a poor moisturizer and it in fact takes out all my moisture......so you know:look:

This is what I was thinking. Like thats like saying you could take a shower and just add a small amount of oil and be non-ashy. uh...no, my dry skin, esp with this baltimore hard water, needs something thick like cocoa butter. Also, I am not one of those ppl who can just wash and seal with oil. My hair will cuss me out. So Im thinkin oil based and butters may just be just as good, if not, better.

Butters are the biz!!!
I use both (I think). I'm assuming s-curl is water-based. Anyway, I layer s-curl, followed by a creamy (buttery) leave-in, then seal with an oil. That combination always makes my hair feel wonderful.
so what kind of butter-based moisturizers are ya'll using. Let's throw some names out so that we can try these. Sometimes the water based doesn't work for me either.
I think it depends on your hair.

It's just like anything else... nothing works for everyone!

My hair needs moisture, moisture, moisture... put too much oil on it and it gets mad at me. It feels more rough and dry and gets that thirsty look. It also gets greasy very easily.

Just the thought of only putting an oil based moisturizer or butter on my hair is scary.

My hair needs some oil, but it need a lot more moisture than oil. Some people go without oils at all because their hair just doesn't like them!
I'm a natural so water based moisturizers don't do much for me. When my hair is straightened, I stay far far away from water based moisturizers. And when i'm not straightened, I rinse with water and seal with carrier oil based prods.
I don't know if this is right( correct me if I'm wrong!)
but doesn't the water in the moisturizer evaporate..which can make it seem drier?
That is the reason for sealing though - so it can stay moist - not evaporate.
Yeah, that is what I've always though.I still feel that water has the potential to leave somehow..but in in same cases
whenever I just do a rinse with water for my hair and seal with coconut oil, in the sunlight I can see little droplets of water, and I can even touch my ends and get water on my fingertip...and yet my hair still feels dry( not dried out, or crunchy..just not wet either). stuff like that confuses me.
I can only used butter based moisturizers. I love jane cater nourish and shine as well as the hair nourishing cream. The nourish and shine is a complete butter blend and the nourishing cream is a butter and water blend, however it still works well. My hair cannot tolerate water and oil based moisturizers, they always turn my hair hard and greasy. Butter based moisturizers ALL the WAY for my dry hair!!!

I tend to agree with those that feel that water is not very moisturizing. Even if I use water alone and seal with a oil Im gonna be in trouble. Water tends to dry my hair out and I need my natural oils, butters and castor oil to bring my hair back to life!
Yeah, that is what I've always though.I still feel that water has the potential to leave somehow..but in in same cases
whenever I just do a rinse with water for my hair and seal with coconut oil, in the sunlight I can see little droplets of water, and I can even touch my ends and get water on my fingertip...and yet my hair still feels dry( not dried out, or crunchy..just not wet either). stuff like that confuses me.

Thats interesting (and confusing to me too)!!
I was wondering about this too. My husband seems to think that water based mositurizers would be usless for the same reason others have mentioned, evaporation. I'm not sure which is better, but when I used Anita Grant my hair felt nice. Her products have no water and they are all butter/oil based.
i love butters but i also like keracare creme hairdress(have no idea if that is water based.) my fave butter right now is hairveda's green tea butter.
I personally love Cantu - shea butter daily moisturizer. It is the only moisturizer that leaves me and my daughters hair well moisturized. It has no water in it.
I hate regular water moisturizers also.

The only moisturizers that work for me are those with a high amount of glycerin and i think its because glycerin is a hummecant so its constantly bringing moisture to my hair.

I'd rather just get protein and moisture in my hair and fix my cuticles with protien and moisture treatments, maybe use clear rinses or henna to help protect my cuticles, seal them off with an ACV/acid conditoner and cold water rinse, and daily use butters/oils like the scalp is naturally supposed to to keep my hair detangled, smooth and shiny.
Butters sans water, do me a fav

Will you ladies start listing here, the name of your fav butters. Simply do a cut n paste with the name to keep it simple for folk like me, i.e.,

1) So N So's Butter Moisturizer

Make sense? Thanks.

P.S. I ask because these comments make sense. I am sure many ladies would like a comprehensive list without having to rifle through a whole thread. Trust me, this thread is gonna grow exponentially.

Thanks, gals. You're gems!
