I dont want to start nuthin, but...

Re: Butters sans water

1) Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream (thanks Naija)
2) Jane Carter Nourish & Shine (thanks Charm)
3) Anita Grant (thanks Felicia)
4)Wondergro cocoa butter (contains coca butter, shea butter, fragrance)
5)Wondergro shea butter (contains shea butter and fragrance)

my 2 additions to the list
...does anyone use a non-water based moisturizer? I really am starting to think water-based is not where it's at for me lol. The moisturizer I have been using only contains shea butter and coca butter and gives my hair so much more moisture than any water-based I have tried. Ladies please share your opinions on this topic...

Ive always said my oils and butters give me moisture

thats my story and I'm stickin to it , the debates dont change my mind that water alone is a poor moisturizer and it in fact takes out all my moisture......so you know:look:

I hate water-based moisturizers unless I'm wearing stretching my relaxers. I love butters so much! Just the right consistency and moisture like you wouldn't believe. I use the butters, then seal with oil. It works wonders and I'm finally able to retain length that way...

You probably already said it...........but what butters do you all use? I would like to try a non water based moisturizer. :yep:
i wish i had seen this thread a few days ago when i was lamenting about what to put on my rollerset cause all my WNG moisturizers are water-based. good thing i gave in and broke out the shea butter or i would have had more breakage than i already got. it worked well, it just weighs my hair down.
My hair absolutely hates water-based moisturizers! It does not do well sealed with oil either. The only time my hair likes water is when it is being washed. Other than that forget it. Thank you for this thread:grin:
My hair does best when I wash or cowash and then follow up with either castor oil or avocado butter applied while wet. If I don't use anything, it dries into a crispy mess. Q
However, for me and my hair water is not, nor has never been a adequate moisturizer.
I don't know anyone for whom water is an adequate moisturiser. You need something to trap it. That's why people use moisturisers (i.e. humectants) and/or oils and/or butters.
My hair absolutely hates water-based moisturizers! It does not do well sealed with oil either. The only time my hair likes water is when it is being washed. Other than that forget it. Thank you for this thread:grin:

I'm still researching mine, but I have a sneaking suspician this is where my babies are falling into line.

Tks. Deja. :yep:
Originally Posted by LovinLocks
1) Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream (thanks Naija)
2) Jane Carter Nourish & Shine (thanks Charm)
3) Anita Grant (thanks Felicia)
4) Wondergro cocoa butter (contains coca butter, shea butter, fragrance)
5) Wondergro shea butter (contains shea butter and fragrance)
6) Qhemet Biologic's Olive and Honey Hydrating Balm
7) Kid's Organics Shea Butter Lotion
8) Qhemet's Amla & Olive Heavy Cream
I don't know anyone for whom water is an adequate moisturiser. You need something to trap it. That's why people use moisturisers (i.e. humectants) and/or oils and/or butters.

I know all about sealing!:look: But what I was speaking about in my post was water based moisturizers, moisturizers that consist mainly of water, and those of the like! I find that butter moisturizes my hair and water based products do not.
Well its day 3 of me using a butter. I moisturize and seal 2x a day and seal with kemy oil. My hair is very hydrated and not weighed down. Usually by now, with water based, my hair is a hot mess:blush:

i've been using the jane carter solution nourish and shine as a sealant on only hair with plain old water and it feels nice and moisturized. seems to be no need for a store bought or even homemade leave-in/moisturizer with other ingredients. if i can spend less money...GREAT.

i did also try the nourish and shine on a dry section of hair when i tested it out
and while it came out fairly soft, it didnt feel moisturized.

so i guess my thing wasnt getting rid of the water,
but getting rid of all the other unneeded ingredients

maybe my hair likes simplicity? lol
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so after trying out the moisturize-with-shea-butter thing, i can finally say...

my hair hates shea butter. -sigh- no wonder that rollerset was still dry after i used it on my ends.

i hope i can contain this since i want to try other butters, and my hair responds really well to miss jessie's baby buttercreme...idk. all i know is DCing, baggying, sealing...nothing works with this stuff. now when i use my glycerin/AV juice spritz and seal it with some oil...that's the bidness right there.
Well its day 3 of me using a butter. I moisturize and seal 2x a day and seal with kemy oil. My hair is very hydrated and not weighed down. Usually by now, with water based, my hair is a hot mess:blush:
I love butter! :grin:

and oils! I'm glad you found what works for your hair

I remember being in a vicious cycle of water moisturizers and my hair being harder to manage and then needing more of them to manage, and on and on
You know what, by golly, it's official-I'm gonna make me some stuff. I had joined a soaper's swap where they are making a leave-in conditioner. Well, I dropped after researching and finding out there are a gazillion on the market. But, now, after reading here, and going out on the net and looking at some of the prices of these butter products listed here-geez oh man. A sistah only working part-time, ya know.

I'm gonna formulate a leave-in butter-based moisturizing product for my hair. It'll be fun. From what I've seen thus far my product will incorporate cupuacu butter and vegetable glycerin. On I read.

Thanks, ladies. You're the bomb!

Oh, and I've been thinking about a name for it. What do you think about Asante Sana. With "Your hair will thank you" as the by-line. I'm feelin' dis, yaw'll.


Hi there,

Do you mind me asking where you would purchase this from? I want to make a mixture of it and red palm butter to try for my hair.

I just got my order of CamdenGrey, avocado and macademia nut butters. I had some good quality Ghanian shea butter but it has a bit of a smell and is very dense. I wanted to mix up 3 butters to see if I'd like it. It's nice, but honestly, the shea is pretty waxy for me. Avocado by itself is great, rather oily. Macademia nut butter is very moisturizing. All of them are and seem to draw moisture to the hair. I mixed the 3 butters and because the shea had a scent, I put 3-4 drops lavendar oil. It still smells slightly of shea. Using them on freshly washed, damp hair is nice as a leave-in conditioner/styling type product. I think I like macademia better and there's no smell to it at all..neither to the avocado.
great thread! I have only tried shea butter and really didn't give it a chance. I'm going to revisit the butter thing.
Well its day 3 of me using a butter. I moisturize and seal 2x a day and seal with kemy oil. My hair is very hydrated and not weighed down. Usually by now, with water based, my hair is a hot mess:blush:

Ok, so I love this thread and I just read thru the ENTIRE thing. but like, im scared. Are most of you guys natural in this thread?

I tried the Qhemet Amla Heavy Cream (don't know the whole name) and it was awful- I don't like it. I think it most definitely has water as one of it's first ingredients because it's more of a cream consistency than a butter, I was really sad bc it didnt work for me. I have type 4 dry relaxed hair and I put the Qhemet product on dry hair. I tried it on wet hair also. I wanted to like it so much ( I got the sample size earlier this year).

Shtow, what's your hair type and what was the butter you tried again? Also, how you used (and how much) is important to. It's important to state that information because some people try products without knowing how the person that loved it used it and they get adverse results and dont want try it again. I always give products a good go.

We should make that a rule on the forum... it help my pjism like no other.:rolleyes:

Thanks again ladies!!
^^^^ the heavy cream didn't work at all on my relaxed hair, but the sidr tree worked wonders. its been discontinued, but maybe you can try the replacement-burdock root cream. They both have water in them though.
Ok, so I love this thread and I just read thru the ENTIRE thing. but like, im scared. Are most of you guys natural in this thread?

I tried the Qhemet Amla Heavy Cream (don't know the whole name) and it was awful- I don't like it. I think it most definitely has water as one of it's first ingredients because it's more of a cream consistency than a butter, I was really sad bc it didnt work for me. I have type 4 dry relaxed hair and I put the Qhemet product on dry hair. I tried it on wet hair also. I wanted to like it so much ( I got the sample size earlier this year).

Shtow, what's your hair type and what was the butter you tried again? Also, how you used (and how much) is important to. It's important to state that information because some people try products without knowing how the person that loved it used it and they get adverse results and dont want try it again. I always give products a good go.

We should make that a rule on the forum... it help my pjism like no other.:rolleyes:

Thanks again ladies!!

Hi sweetie. I am type 4a bonestraight relaxed. I am currently using raw african shea butter. I just rub it into my fingers to melt it some and then rub it into my hair. I then seal with Jojoba oil. I only used approx. 2 teaspoons of the shea (in its raw form) on my entire head. It could have been less than 2 teaspoons but trust me it was very little because shea is very mopisturizing.
HTH and HHG!
Hi sweetie. I am type 4a bonestraight relaxed. I am currently using raw african shea butter. I just rub it into my fingers to melt it some and then rub it into my hair. I then seal with Jojoba oil. I only used approx. 2 teaspoons of the shea (in its raw form) on my entire head. It could have been less than 2 teaspoons but trust me it was very little because shea is very mopisturizing.
HTH and HHG!

that's great!, do you do this on wet or dry hair?
Hi sweetie. I am type 4a bonestraight relaxed. I am currently using raw african shea butter. I just rub it into my fingers to melt it some and then rub it into my hair. I then seal with Jojoba oil. I only used approx. 2 teaspoons of the shea (in its raw form) on my entire head. It could have been less than 2 teaspoons but trust me it was very little because shea is very mopisturizing.
HTH and HHG!

This might be a silly question, but why do you need to seal after you use a butter.. Help me to understand.
Ok, so I love this thread and I just read thru the ENTIRE thing. but like, im scared. Are most of you guys natural in this thread?

I tried the Qhemet Amla Heavy Cream (don't know the whole name) and it was awful- I don't like it. I think it most definitely has water as one of it's first ingredients because it's more of a cream consistency than a butter, I was really sad bc it didnt work for me. I have type 4 dry relaxed hair and I put the Qhemet product on dry hair. I tried it on wet hair also. I wanted to like it so much ( I got the sample size earlier this year).

Shtow, what's your hair type and what was the butter you tried again? Also, how you used (and how much) is important to. It's important to state that information because some people try products without knowing how the person that loved it used it and they get adverse results and dont want try it again. I always give products a good go.

We should make that a rule on the forum... it help my pjism like no other.:rolleyes:

Thanks again ladies!!

Hi! I just wanted to give you a link to one of Traycee from KISS's video's. I believe she is 4a/4b relaxed and she just bought some shea butter and she says she's in love with it. Her hair is MBL.

P.S. I bought the same butter she did and I can't wait to try it :D