I don\'t think I\'m a 4B after all!!?!?!
All this time I've been defining myself as "4B". Well now, 10 weeks post relaxer, I'm seeing that none of my new-growth has a "Z" pattern. It is all tightly coiled, with looser coils at the back. At my temples, I have cute little perfectly coiled, springy sections.
I guess my hair has never "grown out" long enough for me to know my hair type. Has this happened to anyone else? If I post pictures of my new growth, can you help me define my hair type?
All this time I've been defining myself as "4B". Well now, 10 weeks post relaxer, I'm seeing that none of my new-growth has a "Z" pattern. It is all tightly coiled, with looser coils at the back. At my temples, I have cute little perfectly coiled, springy sections.
I guess my hair has never "grown out" long enough for me to know my hair type. Has this happened to anyone else? If I post pictures of my new growth, can you help me define my hair type?