i dont like the way my 'boyfriend' kisses me

Spongie Bloom

New Member
Hi ladies hope you can give me advice and pointers...i met this guy bout 3 weeks ago and we exchanged numbers, he was quite quick off the mark with calling me and well most of the time i was busy to meet up with him and stuff so he even chased me more (thugh i really wasnt playing hard to get) anhoo after spending time with him i think he is a nice guy and would not mind taking it further (to bf and gf)

but the thing is he kissed me the other day and it does nothing for me its a bit too..wet we've kissed a few times but still...nothing and he keeps on wanting to kiss me and i keep backing away and making excuses :ohwell: this is a bit childish actually the last time i saw him (thursday) i vowed to tell him i didnt want to see him again cause he is a 'bad' kisser but after thinking bout it for a while i thought this was being shallow so is there anyway i can tell him/show him that i dont like how he kisses me without hurting him? cause if i cant that is when i will have to walk away :nono:

please help!!
You have to TEACH him. The next girl may Looove the way he kisses so kissing qualities depend on the person. I had to teach one boyfriend because I thought I couldnt be with him either and literally was like "do your lips this way, less tongue, more tongue, open your mouth more, less..." and he ended up being one of my BEST kissers.

From then on we couldnt stop kissing. Roommates got sick of us kissing. Didn't need sex. Just needed to kiss.

Make it work! If he cant follow directions then drop him.
Hi ladies hope you can give me advice and pointers...i met this guy bout 3 weeks ago and we exchanged numbers, he was quite quick off the mark with calling me and well most of the time i was busy to meet up with him and stuff so he even chased me more (thugh i really wasnt playing hard to get) anhoo after spending time with him i think he is a nice guy and would not mind taking it further (to bf and gf)

but the thing is he kissed me the other day and it does nothing for me its a bit too..wet we've kissed a few times but still...nothing and he keeps on wanting to kiss me and i keep backing away and making excuses :ohwell: this is a bit childish actually the last time i saw him (thursday) i vowed to tell him i didnt want to see him again cause he is a 'bad' kisser but after thinking bout it for a while i thought this was being shallow so is there anyway i can tell him/show him that i dont like how he kisses me without hurting him? cause if i cant that is when i will have to walk away :nono:

please help!!

Just be nice about it but be honest. That way there's no confusion.Just tell him that you really like him (if that's the case) but when it comes to kissing, it's not what you're accustomed to. Tell him that you really dont like theway he kisses and offer to show him what you like. Honesty is the quickest and best policy.
Mmmmm - OK, so everything else about him is fine, just his kissing is bad. 'Too wet' sounds like it could be easily improved (i'm guessing his lips feel like they are all over your face :perplexed)

You need to slow him down and you take control of the kiss. Draw back when he starts getting all sloppy and start kissing again the way you like. If he gets sloppy again, draw back and by now he should have got the hint and ask you what is wrong.

Tell him because he has asked. Tell him you like gentle kissing.

If he is still doing it, then you have too options put up with it or say goodbye.

I had an experience many years ago where a guy literally put his tongue down my throat. I gagged and i felt sick for a good few hours after. :nono:
:look: My SO had to teach me. Same problem, "too wet"...funny because I never got the hint. He had to actually tell me LOL. I wasn't offended at all, thought it was funny actually. Then he saw me laugh it off and started making jokes like "After we're done I have a mouth full of spit. Didn't you notice that big swallow I take afterwards??":rolleyes:
:look: My SO had to teach me. Same problem, "too wet"...funny because I never got the hint. He had to actually tell me LOL. I wasn't offended at all, thought it was funny actually. Then he saw me laugh it off and started making jokes like "After we're done I have a mouth full of spit. Didn't you notice that big swallow I take afterwards??":rolleyes:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Pure comedy. At least you took it well.
OP: I agree with the other posters, show him how to kiss you. I had the same problem and unfortunately it didnt get better. We ended up ending the relationship. But I think that you can work yours out :yep:
Bite training works. Bite his tongue if he's giving you too much of it. Bite his lips if he's being to rough, wet, or opening his mouth too wide. It'll shock him into paying attention. Then proceed to kiss him how you want him to kiss you. Repeat as needed...This usually works.

Pressing your lips together tightly and not allowing his tongue to penetrate your mouth can also be effective. I prefer the bite method though.:grin:
lol thanx ladies for all your advice i was beginning to think there was no way out ok i'll just have to be brave ..will let you know how i get on
For me a kiss tells about chemistry - it's not the actual kiss itself but the feeling you get when you do it. You might be able to overlook a lot of sloppy wetness if it came with the right tingle. Hope that's not too confusing.

Anyway, it sounds like you are already feeling disgusted and turned off about the idea of getting close to this man. I say don't force it. Fall back and if he's a really nice guy, be his really good friend. JMO.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Pure comedy. At least you took it well.

Yeah...I couldnt get offended. When he told me I could tell he really didnt want to tell me bcuzz he was so hesitant like "Uh...babe....well...when you kiss me....it's kindof ....a little to wet...." LOL
You have to TEACH him. The next girl may Looove the way he kisses so kissing qualities depend on the person. I had to teach one boyfriend because I thought I couldnt be with him either and literally was like "do your lips this way, less tongue, more tongue, open your mouth more, less..." and he ended up being one of my BEST kissers.

From then on we couldnt stop kissing. Roommates got sick of us kissing. Didn't need sex. Just needed to kiss.

Make it work! If he cant follow directions then drop him.
Put it on him girlie just like MizzBrown said - work it out:lachen: