I don't like him.

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Went out on a date. Nice enough guy but I'm not interested in him romantically.

He's already sniffing around for date #2. Should I just blow him off or be direct?

I feel bad because he is nice, but . . . yeah. It ain't happenin.
:lol: I generally just subscribe to the "ignore him til he goes away" school of thought when it comes to ill-matched suitors. Not the nicest, but we all know how to play that game.

Why didn't you like him?
Went out on a date. Nice enough guy but I'm not interested in him romantically.

He's already sniffing around for date #2. Should I just blow him off or be direct?

I feel bad because he is nice, but . . . yeah. It ain't happenin.

Why aren't you interested in him? Are you SURE you're not interested in him? I feel like it may take more than one date to get to know a person, but that's just me.

If you just know for sure that you aren't interested I think you should be as direct as you are comfortable with, whether that's a text, a phone call, or a meeting. I think the ignore tactic is immature and rude and you seem better than that. :yep:
Why didn't you like him?

Why aren't you interested in him? Are you SURE you're not interested in him?

  1. He didn't go to college and disdains college and thinks people who did go to college are chumps. (Dual-degreed sister over here who works in higher education :look:)
  2. He's older than me but acts younger. (Seriously, he sounds like a 13 year old except instead of talking about video games and manga he talks about cars and computeres.)
  3. He's broke. (Y'all shoulda seen the car he picked me up in. I'm not saying a dude has to have a luxury automobile, but damn. I didn't feel safe at all. I half expected the door to fall off into the road.)
  4. I'm not attracted to him. (He's tall and thin. I'm short and round. We would be lookin' like the dish and the spoon :nono:)
  5. He does not know how to carry on a conversation. (See points #1 and #2 . . . I think those directly impact #5.)
Are those enough reasons? :lachen: Nice guy, though. Really . . . he took me on a nice little date . . . but I was read' to go after an hour.
If you don't feel comfortable actually telling him "I enjoyed our date but I don't think we're a good match" Then I ascribe to ignoring until he gets the point. Or if he texts you respond to the text with that info.
Yeah, after #1 I would have been ready to roll out too :nono: I've had a date with a nice guy, really cute but when I asked him what the last book he read was, he said 'I don't read books. Magazines sometimes.' We didn't have a second date. When he asked me why not, I told him that I love reading and can't see myself with someone who didn't like to read. If higher education is important to you and he thinks it's a waste of time, then maybe for you being with him is a waste of YOUR time. :nono:
Yeah, after #1 I would have been ready to roll out too :nono: I've had a date with a nice guy, really cute but when I asked him what the last book he read was, he said 'I don't read books. Magazines sometimes.' We didn't have a second date. When he asked me why not, I told him that I love reading and can't see myself with someone who didn't like to read. If higher education is important to you and he thinks it's a waste of time, then maybe for you being with him is a waste of YOUR time. :nono:

trufax: i worked at a bookstore for awhile, and i was surprised at the rate men bought magazines, especially compared to women. you would think women would buy magazines more frequently, but it was the opposite by a longshot. usually, the majority of men in the store bought only magazines. women hardly ever came in just to buy magazines and not books.
  1. He didn't go to college and disdains college and thinks people who did go to college are chumps. (Dual-degreed sister over here who works in higher education :look:)
  2. He's older than me but acts younger. (Seriously, he sounds like a 13 year old except instead of talking about video games and manga he talks about cars and computeres.)
  3. He's broke. (Y'all shoulda seen the car he picked me up in. I'm not saying a dude has to have a luxury automobile, but damn. I didn't feel safe at all. I half expected the door to fall off into the road.)
  4. I'm not attracted to him. (He's tall and thin. I'm short and round. We would be lookin' like the dish and the spoon :nono:)
  5. He does not know how to carry on a conversation. (See points #1 and #2 . . . I think those directly impact #5.)
Are those enough reasons? :lachen: Nice guy, though. Really . . . he took me on a nice little date . . . but I was read' to go after an hour.

WOW. Well, in that case I don't blame you! :lol: He sounds like a character. :perplexed Since you already know things won't work out I think you should let him know. :yep: Even if you just send a text.
I think Compatability is a major factor, you have to have things in common and build from there. Looks are a plus, but sometimes as you get to know a person, they grow more attractive to you over time *shrug*

courtship/dating is the butterflies in your stomach phase...if you're not feelin' it, then you may want to just..be friends :look:
  1. He didn't go to college and disdains college and thinks people who did go to college are chumps. (Dual-degreed sister over here who works in higher education :look:)
  2. He's older than me but acts younger. (Seriously, he sounds like a 13 year old except instead of talking about video games and manga he talks about cars and computeres.)
  3. He's broke. (Y'all shoulda seen the car he picked me up in. I'm not saying a dude has to have a luxury automobile, but damn. I didn't feel safe at all. I half expected the door to fall off into the road.)
  4. I'm not attracted to him. (He's tall and thin. I'm short and round. We would be lookin' like the dish and the spoon :nono:)
  5. He does not know how to carry on a conversation. (See points #1 and #2 . . . I think those directly impact #5.)
Are those enough reasons? :lachen: Nice guy, though. Really . . . he took me on a nice little date . . . but I was read' to go after an hour.

Why did you go on a date with him in the first place? Did you know all this about him before hand?
I would just be upfront with him and let him know why I don't want to date him anymore.

I mean, when I used to date I hated when I would think we were having a good time and then the guy ignores me and I don't know what happened. Maybe it's just me, but I like to know why someone didn't like me. It just makes me feel better instead of just making me wonder about what was wrong with me.

If the guy wants a second date then that means he is interested in you, and it would be nice to tell him instead of igging him. At least then he could know, and if you happen to see him again (happens to me all the time) then it woln't be as awkward.
Yep...just thank him for the date but say you don't think you're a good romantic match...end of story.
I agree with just letting him know upfront.

I know how the disappearing act thing feels and I don't like to do it to others, unless he was just a straight up a** or played games, etc. But if it's just a matter of not being compatible, I'd rather be honest.
Went out on a date. Nice enough guy but I'm not interested in him romantically.

He's already sniffing around for date #2. Should I just blow him off or be direct?

I feel bad because he is nice, but . . . yeah. It ain't happenin.

Just be direct and tell him you aren't into him. That way, you're not wasting anyone's time.

If blowing him off works for you, do it. He'll get the hint. Hopefully.
Okay I'll be upfront . . .

He keeps texting me. How do I do this? Do I come out and say "Look dawg, we ain't a love match. Keep it moving." :lol: I guess I'll wait until he brings up going again?
Okay I'll be upfront . . .

He keeps texting me. How do I do this? Do I come out and say "Look dawg, we ain't a love match. Keep it moving." :lol: I guess I'll wait until he brings up going again?

I'm not interested in seeing you again. Please stop texting me.

I know it's harsh but it seems like kind and subtle struck out so it's harsh's turn. If he's still texting you after that, I'd just stop responding :nono:
^^^ I would stop interacting with him through texts. I would call him and say you really have enjoyed getting to know him and hope you can continue to stay in touch but that you think the you want different things in a romantic relationship. Would be great if we could stay friends, maybe even support each other in our search for other partners (who knows he may have cool friends), but that you really want to keep your relationship on the friendship level.

If he pushes and wants to know why you're not interested, I would be vague. Just say he's a great guy but you're not feeling the kind of chemistry or connection you'd want in a romantic relationship.

Good luck!
Okay I'll be upfront . . .

He keeps texting me. How do I do this? Do I come out and say "Look dawg, we ain't a love match. Keep it moving." :lol: I guess I'll wait until he brings up going again?

Just be honest, text him and say, "you were really nice the other night, but I just don't think we're compatible" and leave it at that"

I'm not interested in seeing you again. Please stop texting me.

I know it's harsh but it seems like kind and subtle struck out so it's harsh's turn. If he's still texting you after that, I'd just stop responding :nono:
whoa you re a meanie lol.

OP I d just reply to one text out of 4 ,if he calls and ask you whats wrong you just tell him he s such a nice man but you dont think you re compatible enough ,be polite thats it .
I would just say via phone or text:

Thanks for the date. I think you are a nice guy but I don't see this going any further.
Whoa! He's got a lot that's NOT going for him...Geez!

I would actually go with the direct approach, though. Let him know that you're not interested in a second date, and if he asks why, tell him. I always try to think about how I would like the "ignore them until they go away" method if the shoe was on the other foot, and the truth is: I wouldn't like it at all! :)
i think in dating you have to be fair and the fair thing would be to be direct and let him know you are not interest. imo, its cruel to just let someone dangle.