I Discovered Something About Aveda DR Cond Tonight


Well-Known Member
...And that is using the conditioner alone does not give me optimum results as it does when I use it with Aveda DR treatment. When I purchased the Aveda line about a year ago, the sales rep instructed me to use all 3 products together for the best results, which is what I've been doing until tonight. Normally I would poo, apply the treatment and go under the dryer for 20-30 min, rinse and apply the cond for 5-10 min (no heat). This gives me nice slip and softness. Well tonight I decided to try the cond alone. I pooed and then applied the cond. Went under the dryer for 20 min and dang I could not even get a comb through my hair under running water. I just quit trying and added my leave ins to get rid of the tanggles. I'm 8 wks post, but I did not expect this. This past Sat I used all 3 together and did not have a problem. So for you ladies that have posted about not getting the results from the cond as you expected, I suggest use it along with the treatment. Although I wash twice a week, I only use the Aveda DR line every other wk. I only used it tonight because I was curious about an earlier post stating that she did not get slip. Frrom now on, I'll use the 3 products together.
I have noticed a lot of the ladies here say these products work better together. Glad you figured out your hair's magic formula. :brainy:
Maybe that's why my hair was so tangled ater using the DR conditioner alone. I will deinitely use the intensive treatment also next time. Thanks or the tip.:look:
Thanks for the advice. I used the conditioner and wasn't too happy. Going to buy the treatment this weekend.
OK, nexxus girl here hi-jacking the thread -- why bother with a really expensive product that doesn't give you good results unless you use it with another very expensive product? Just get one thing that's good and works. Okay, stepping back out of this thread . . .
I always use the treatment alone and get good results. It always detangles my hair like nothing else and makes it feel so smooth. I don't know, maybe my results would be even better if I used all three, but so far using the treatment alone has sold me on Aveda DR.
I'm the opposite, the conditioner detangles my hair really well. The treatment doesn a decent job at detangling also, but after 6 weeks post its the conditioner all the way.

I use all three when im nearing touch up time and my hair is always smooth and shiny.