I did it...Japanese straight perm!


New Member
Been sick and my hair was looking crazy. I didn't have the energy to flat iron it, besides my flat iron sucked. Couldn't figure out which FHI to buy after reading countless contradicting reviews on here (its good, no buy a CHI, etc), plus couldn't afford the Runway. Just tired of trying so many products and regimes and nothing seeming like it worked.

My good friend here, with the same type of hair as mine, got a Japanese straight perm a while ago and her hair always looks great. She never flat irons it and is mostly wash and go, but her hair looks fab. She's a single mom to a 1 yr. old so money, time, and effort is at a minimum. She hooked me up with an appt at her salon in Tokyo, so despite feeling crappy I went this Sat.

I took an hr and half trek to her salon where NO ONE SPOKE ENGLISH but the ppl there have been doing her hair forever and one guy has tons of experience with "ethnic hair". So I just said...geez, just chill.

I was drugged up on sinus meds and asleep for half the process, but here's what I remember:

1. They washed my hair and conditioned it.

2. Then rinsed it out, put on the perm stuff, combed it through. They were super slow and carfeul combing it through and three ppl worked on my head at one time.

3. Then they let it sit, and rinsed it. She then blowdryed it.

4. Flat ironed it meticuously straight. She then dusted the ends. (They needed it) She did the comb-chase method flat ironing it.

5. Then she and the head stylist "reviewed" my hair checking to make sure even my kitchens were straight and I thought I was done----BUT NO!

6. They put some clear gel on my hair and combed it through slowly and had to sit(sleep) there for 15 mins.

7. They rinsed it out, applied a deep conditioner on the ends and then rinsed again.

8. Blowdryed it and I was done.

**The best thing about Japanese salons is the service!They cover your face with a special tissue not to mess up your makeup and put a hot towel under your neck while shampooing. All through this process I got hot tea served to me, a warm blanket over my lap, and finally a 20 min neck/scalf/shoulder/back massgae!!**

The whole process was maybe 4 hrs? It cost $120 (I got a $20 discount cause my friend told them I was coming)

I wish I had paid more attention to the products, even though the bottles were all in Japanese, and I was way to tired and worn out to do anything other than sleep in the chair.

I was told not to wash my hair for 2 days and then to make sure I deep condition once a week. No special products either. They said I should come back in 3 months or so, when the curl starts to come back at the roots.

My SO was like "What happened, your hair looks and feels amazing" (I didn't tell him I was going) My hair IS softer and less heavy, which was a big problem. There's no curl in sight--I am just fine with strick straight hair! I will keep posting after this week, I will wash it and see how it turns out.

Sorry for the ghetto photo...I am sick still.


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Very interesting. Your hair came out very straight. How long until you have to retouch? Can you still apply a relaxer or must you continue to get this treatment? Were you natural before the treatment? Sorry for so many questions.
You have to retouch as hair grows out. I have heard it is much more expensive here in the States but I am not sure. My friend who is Black/Thai got it done a few years back. Her hair is a 2A, kinda like Kimora Lee. She liked it but eventually it got fatiguing for her to go back because her hair grew so quickly!
1. They washed my hair and conditioned it.

2. Then rinsed it out, put on the perm stuff, combed it through. They were super slow and carfeul combing it through and three ppl worked on my head at one time.

3. Then they let it sit, and rinsed it. She then blowdryed it.

4. Flat ironed it meticuously straight. She then dusted the ends. (They needed it) She did the comb-chase method flat ironing it.

5. Then she and the head stylist "reviewed" my hair checking to make sure even my kitchens were straight and I thought I was done----BUT NO!

6. They put some clear gel on my hair and combed it through slowly and had to sit(sleep) there for 15 mins.

7. They rinsed it out, applied a deep conditioner on the ends and then rinsed again.

8. Blowdryed it and I was done.

I am so terribly intrigued with this :yep:.

They straightened your hair with a flat iron, then got it wet again, and it remained straight or did the blowdry restraighten your hair?

When you feel better can you tell us more? Please..
So why in the states they tell us its not good for out type of hair. While she got the service with no problem. Im thinking if you want this service the best place is go where the expericence is at. Maybe in the states they are scared of a lawsuit from lack of expericence. SO all together she paid 120, with discount, I wonder how much that would run over here.

Also your hair look really good. Please post more pics. When you feel better.
Thanks for posting! My hairdresser recommended that I do the Japanese straightening if I wanted to wear my hair straight all the time. I've been too cautious to try it since there are so few reviews from people with hair like mine.
Thanks for posting! My hairdresser recommended that I do the Japanese straightening if I wanted to wear my hair straight all the time. I've been too cautious to try it since there are so few reviews from people with hair like mine.

I had always heard that it wasn't recommended for "Black" hair, so I'm intrigued too, that yoko was able to get it done AND it looks so great. Where is she? More details please!
Your hair looks pretty and shiny.
Are there any benefits in using the Japanese straightening method v.s. a relaxer ?
It looks great! Can I give you some unsolicited advice? Stay on top of your deep conditioners. Other than that, hair care will be super easy for you. I hope you love it!
This is intriguing because on Oprah they clearly stated this wasn't for Kinky hair. However I have a friend that got this done in New York and her hair is I would say 3b/3c. I'm glad to see someone else that got it done. Was your hair natural or previously relaxed? When you wet it is it still completely straight? Does it dry straight?
Thanks for all the replies. I still feel bad, but I wanted to update you ladies.
Hair is still straight, I work down during the kiddies workout at my school, got a little sweat on but hair is still super straight.

Very interesting. Your hair came out very straight. How long until you have to retouch? Can you still apply a relaxer or must you continue to get this treatment? Were you natural before the treatment? Sorry for so many questions.

I was natural before this minus some black hair dye. (To cover up my other various colors) You wouldn't dare put another relaxer on top!!! This is technically a "relaxer"..it's supposed to last 3-6 months but my friend's always lasts about 3. Her roots come in a bit curly then she goes back for another one after about 3-4 months, depends on her hair's growth.

Sorry trying to answer all the questions...

I went with it because I wanted something to keep my hair straight with less work. The relaxers here like Affirm and Mizani that VERY FEW stylist do are about $70-100 each, and I figured why not get the straight perm for less and it supposed to last longer. Volume was a big issue with me also. I wanted to get rid of my poofyness, which this has done. Plus I saw great results from my friends hair.

It dries straight, you can run a flat iron through a few pieces for super stick straightness, but for the most part is is wash and go straight.

According to my first post here, some ladies said my hair is 3b/cish. My hair would be super curly before this, unmangable unless it was flat iron (which I hated doing) and it looked like a crazy curly bush when it dried. Don't get me wrong curly hair looks good on lots of you ladies, but I prefer my hair straight and easy to manage.

I did alot of research before I got it. Many ppl said it isn't for our hair. I dunno...like I said my hair type also I've got a crazy background of Mexican/Creole/Black, so I dunno if my hair is different from most ppls. My mom did say when I was younger my hair was so soft and wavy, but after years of dying it all the colors in the book, I ruined the texture--if that's possible.

I guess the reason why it isn't popular in the states is maybe because of the price?? I have no idea.

Anyways I'm loving this straight perm, but I wanna wait til some more time passes before I truly decide. I'm going to keep up with my ORS deep conditioning and let yall know how it looks after a month.
Please keep us posted, I'd like to know how straight your hair is three months down the line. Will your hair revert back to curly or will it still be straight and only your roots needs a touch up? Does this mean you can't have a roller set? Can you curl your hair with a curling iron.
Besides the fact that your hair looks great, this is interesting.

I've always heard that this perm was not for our type of hair. I've also heard that prices can run from $200 to $500. :eek::eek:
My older sister gets her hair straightened this way and she loves it. She says her hair is stick straight (that's the way she likes it) and that she can wash and go and have straight hair.

She plans to do a Keratin treatment when her new growth is growing but not yet long enough for a touch up to maintain her look.

I'm glad to see a review on the boards finally.