I did it!!!!!!! It's all gone now


New Member
OK ladies I finally did it. I could'nt take it anylonger. I was going to wait until spring 09 but decided to get it off at the spur of the moment.

I was oiling my scalp tonight and noticed how stringy the relaxed hair was compared to my new growth and could'nt take it.

So me being the impulsive person I am I just went in my kitchen grabbed the sissors and started. I feel so much better now.

The first set of pics are right after the cut, and the others are after I washed it. I did not put any products whatsoever on my hair. It is extremely short, but I like it.

Time to pull out the big earrings now!!!!!


  • Dec 16 My Big Chop.jpg
    Dec 16 My Big Chop.jpg
    54.8 KB · Views: 564
Your hair is just beautiful. I hope you enjoy every new wavy, curly inch that springs forward. I am so happy for you. I especially thank you for being my transistion buddy and am proud to be in this journey with you.
oh my goodness! Look at all that hair that you chopped! wow!

congrats---- I love your new short natural do!!! pretty!! :)
Congrats on your BC!!! I did my own too spur of the moment. I felt like wow, this is me. LOL

Enjoy your hair, you'll be in at different stage/length before you know it!
There's a lot of bc's goins on in these here parts :drunk:

Congratulations!!! Your hair looks great! That was so sweet of your honey to help. I like how you said ''before WE chopped'' and ''after WE chopped'' so CUTE! :love2:
Congratulations on your chop. Your hair is lovely!

Wow ... look at all that hair in the sink!!
Congratulations on your decision to big chop! Welcome to the natural side! Enjoy and have fun on your natural hair journey!
Your hair is just beautiful. I hope you enjoy every new wavy, curly inch that springs forward. I am so happy for you. I especially thank you for being my transistion buddy and am proud to be in this journey with you.

Thanks so much girl, I really could'nt beleive I did it. But hey it's gone now, and nappy here I come. Thanks:yep: