I did it .. I did it... my very own Tree Braids


New Member
Well I gave up on finding a braider and just went for it and did it myself. I broke up my braiding sessions over a 3 day period 4-5 hrs each day. Thank goodness I did not have anywhere to go during that time or I would have looked like a hot mess, LOL

I used human hair and gel and so far no of them slipped out even after I did my first wash and dc with them on. Yippee!!!

Here's a link to my tree braids pic:

great job...any tips on doing yor own braids? Im doing individuals starting tomorrow

This may be different for others but for me I made sure my hair was prepped. I washed, dc'd, flat ironed, lightly oiled, and made sure my gray strands that I have had since I was a kid were covered. I picked out human braiding hair purely based on how it felt and used the C & G method of soaking the hair in vinegar and water to remove any residue. I let the hair dry naturally and the next day I was ready to start braiding.
I think its great that you do your own braids... I don't have the patience for it. I found someone who does great kinky twists!! and luckily they are easy to remove.... I just do it at my own pace!

congrats to your tree braids they look good!
I think its great that you do your own braids... I don't have the patience for it. I found someone who does great kinky twists!! and luckily they are easy to remove.... I just do it at my own pace!

congrats to your tree braids they look good!

Thanks InnerSoul - once I my tree braids a few more times I think I will try doing some twists on my hair. See how confident I am Yipppee I think I can do anything now, :lachen: