I dealt w/ my natural hair for the first time w/o heat & feeling insecure.PICS.

Your hair looks awesome!:yep: If I could get my hair to look like that when I was natural, I would never have relaxed!:nono:
To be honest, the style really suits you. I'm very impressed that this is your first attempt at a "natural hairstyle," because it turned out great. And the more you do it, the more you'll learn about your hair and better results you'll get. So, stick to it and it'll only get better with time.
I think the style looks adorable! I like it! I also have funny family and sisters who wouldn't dream of going natural in this lifetime, yet have probs with breakage, dryness, and thinning. Anywho, you did a good job. I haven't tried the Cassia yet, but I have used Brahmi (supposedly a potent hair and scalp revitalizer). You use it in the same manner you did your Cassia, and boy is it like putting a mixture of wet mud mixed with sand in your hair! I looked like someone dumped a bucket of it over my head. It is quite messy, but my hair was stronger and shinier when I rinsed and conditioned. Thanks for your post, OP!
Not bad at all!

I've been saying for six-some-odd years I was going try some cassia/henna. :perplexed
Looks beautiful!

BTW I don't use shampoo after my cassia or amla treatments either. When I do an amla treatment I always do a wash n go because my hair usually looks so moisturized. I'm definitely due for an amla treatment.
Thought you hair looked cute, I would have definitely would have taken a double look just to admire it. Mine is 365 days in a bun..and would love to have it free and flowing..getting there.
I can't thank you guys enough!Your posts have are so encouraging I've decided to wear this style to a Christmas brunch tom. morning!I'm still nervous but your comments have def. brightened my spirits!