
Well-Known Member
I did it!! i chopped off all my relaxed hair!! could you ladies please tell me how i can get my curls to pop? i have a TWA but my curls are very lose :rolleyes:
once i figure out how my curls pop i will post so many pics you guys will get sick of me :drunk:
Do I smell a dance off part II? LOL!

Seriously, congratulations. I BCed on Friday. Ya gotta get pictures doh. You know we are big fans of hair porn. Don't be a BC-tease!!!!!!! LOL!
da pitchas?

Yes! Wur da pitchas?!

@ that with the prince siggy!
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I think your hair is very pretty. It will onlt get prettier as it grows and you learned all about it. I am not natural yet, but I know DCing will help your curls "pop" after a BC.
Probably like a loose 4a/3C type business.

Congrats :D Being natural is fantaaaaaaaastic. Even on my 'bad hair days' I love my hair. I'm sure you will too.
Congratulations!! It looks so soft and fluffy! It looks 4a, maybe look at some 4a fotkis and youtubes
thanks you guys! i cant wait until it grows out! i was gonna transition longer but i couldnt deal with the matting of my relaxed hair any longer
Congrats...ur hair looks similar to mine...try paul mitchell leave in conditioner (i use the knockoff from Dollar Tree) or u can try ecostyler gel (i use the olive oil green kind with a moisturizer layered underneath)...Both make my curly whirlies pop....p.s. It pops a lot more than my siggy (that was my 1st braidout)
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congrats.. can't wait to BC myself.. tryingg.... to .. hold.. out til april
Don't think i can make it.
At your stage I would be all about water conditioner and sealing with shea butter keep it simple and enjoy this low maintenence stage!:yep:

You seem to be 3c with a little 4a mixed in.

i was excited until i showed one of my guy friends and he started laughing and saying i was crazy for doing it.

ps. does anyone know how my hairs gonna turn out once it grows out? any estimations??
Your natural hair texture is gorgeous! Thanks for showing us the pictures! Congrats on your decision to go natural! Have fun! :)
Congratulations! Your hair is pretty. Looks like you will be a 4a/3c when you start to condition your hair.
To make your curls pop try conditioning and a light gel.
I brought some KCCC as a present to myself for my upcoming BC lol and it worked so much better than the ecostyler for me. I love that stuff. I used it on the parts of my hair that are natural already. Softer hold and lasted for about 2 or 3 days with just spritzing with water after the initial application(minimal product). I would have gotten more use out of it but I have to wet my hair every 2 to 3 days or I start to go crazy. LOL

Please show more pics after you start experimenting.