
Well-Known Member
....atleast, not in the shower. :lachen:

(I knew what you were thinking):lachen:

I"m finding that I am going through a full 80oz bottle of Liquid Plmr once a week trying to clear out my drain NOT from hair, bur from conditioner!!

Now I have to break my neck washing my hair in the kitchen sink where I have a garbage disposal.

Gosh darnit! Anyone else experience this same problem???
Yeah I find clumps of hair in the drain and it causes my tub to fill up quickly and leave a dirty ring around it... :rolleyes:
I also don't like flipping over my head because my hair gets tangled, especially with new growth. So I'll just stick with the tub, I guess you gotta take the good with the bad. :look:

ETA: Whooooa! NEVERMIND! I re-read and saw it was CONDITIONER causing your problem... Wow... If it's doing that to a drain what is it doing to your hair? :grin: Maybe you should just switch conditioners, it's not worth it if you're going to have to spend more time and money and not have the ease/comfort of washing your hair in your own bathroom. :perplexed
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I always clog my drain but it's with the build up of hair in the drain. I've never heard of the drain clogging up because of conditioner. What kind of conditioner is causing that?
I had the same problem. I use this plastic gadget I bought from Walmart for $2 and some change in the plumbing section. It does to the same job as the Turbo Snake. It work wonders. Maybe you should give it a try. Hope this helps.
i never heard of conditioner cloggin the drain?

but for a cheaper drain cleaner, use lye. Red Devil Lye to be exact. it's available in the cleaning product aisle. just put a tiny dab into the drain, let it work. (i do it before work) then run cold water down the drain later. (after i get home from work)

easy. cheap. works better than any drain cleaner i have ever used.

coke works too.....the soda.
I had the same problem. I use this plastic gadget I bought from Walmart for $2 and some change in the plumbing section. It does to the same job as the Turbo Snake. It work wonders. Maybe you should give it a try. Hope this helps.

And what, pray tell, is the name of this "gadget"? i NEED this in my life!
I have an apartment so I just call the office and tell fix it. when i do buy a house though.. I shudder to think of what will happen because my hair will be WL by then.
Wow that is a lot of Liquid Plmr...I never heard of this before....But I do draino treatments every couple of months or so anyway due to hair ....But I have always done this for years
I had the same problem. I use this plastic gadget I bought from Walmart for $2 and some change in the plumbing section. It does to the same job as the Turbo Snake. It work wonders. Maybe you should give it a try. Hope this helps.
IA with this. Do this first then use soda and vinegar thereafter:
Regular ol' Arm and Hammer baking Soda and distilled white Vinegar is cheap. Pour the baking soda in the drain holes (as much as it will hold); then pour the vinegar in. The 1st time you do this you'll probably get a slight eruption, so don't hold your face too close to the drain. Rinse with hot water afterwards. You may have to do this several times.

I tried a whole bottle of Draino; no luck with it.

The soda and vinegar works wonders. I use it once a week for maintenance and after every henna treatment.
I posted this in another thread. Keeps my drains clear.

There is no corrosiveness like the Drano. I think someone in another thread said they kept using Drano over and over and it corroded their pipes and flooded their bathroom and downstairs.
When it's wash day I put a little basket thingy in the drain to catch the hair. You can find them at any drugstore/grocery store, Target, Walmart, etc. Super cheap. When I'm done washing, I just take it out and it's easy to get the hair out of there (especially if you let it dry first).

Just don't let the hair go down the drain to begin with and you're good :yep:
Something like this:

Yeah but the thing is ladies she is saying CONDITIONER is clogging her drains, not hair. This intrigues me because I have tried MANY conditioners and have never had the conditioner itself clog any drains. That's why I wanted to know what she was using. I have had henna clog my drains before though.
I don't get how just conditioner could clog the drain either. Maybe she's using a lot of oils and that's what's causing it. Oil can cause a good plug with just a little shed hair.
Yeah but the thing is ladies she is saying CONDITIONER is clogging her drains, not hair. This intrigues me because I have tried MANY conditioners and have never had the conditioner itself clog any drains. That's why I wanted to know what she was using. I have had henna clog my drains before though.
If the drain has been clogging over time with other gunk (including hair and soap), conditioner can add to the mixture and produce the sludge she is experiencing.

The zipit and soda/vinegar solution can totally unclog the drain.

And by using the soda/vinegar on the regular will keep her drain clear.
OP I know what you mean. Before I discovered CW and consistently DCing my hair I didn't have to wash my tub as much as I do now. The oils, conditioners, and butters I use considerably causes my tub to get dirtier faster, and very greasy causing slippage in my tub. I have to wash my tub atleast every other day and I don't even have a shower mat because I would just cause more build up.
This thread is right on time. I just ordered the zipit thingy from Amazon.

How much vinegar and baking soda do you pour down the drain? My tub was been clogged up lately and draino isn't cutting it :nono:
I've switched to washing in the sink when I need to detangle because I'll just take too much time and waste too much water if I detangle in the shower. I think this will work for me even when I achieve and exceed waistlength due to shrinkage. What I do is I'll detangle in the sink but try to take all the shed hair off the comb and place it to the side that way most of my shed hair is in a hairball next to me:yep:
....atleast, not in the shower. :lachen:

(I knew what you were thinking):lachen:

I"m finding that I am going through a full 80oz bottle of Liquid Plmr once a week trying to clear out my drain NOT from hair, bur from conditioner!!

Now I have to break my neck washing my hair in the kitchen sink where I have a garbage disposal.

Gosh darnit! Anyone else experience this same problem???

Good and cheap trick to clear drain --make sure all water is drained (best to do after tub has not been used for a few hours), clear drain of hair (may have to unscrew drain cap if so leave off till finished) slowly pour a 1/4 cup baking soda directly into drain, then a 1/4 cup white vinegar (must be in this order - do not be alarmed by the foam). Cover (use a cup) & let stand 3-5 minutes - flush with hot water for a few minutes. Girl, my drain was so clear after I did this, I was absolutely shocked. Its been months and I haven't had to do this again. Highly recommend giving it a try.
I use one of those hair catchers someone above posted. However, I notice that this can get clogged with conditioner if there is even a little hair in there, or if soap scum/conditioner/oil dried onto the holes. I guess the same thing happens in the pipes. When I had this problem, the largest pot I had full of boiling water down the drain (I have mostly metal pipes in my house). Next I used a plunger. As second to last resort I used a chemical drain clearer. My last resort was getting a plumber to cut sections of pipe, use a snake, and replace the cut sections. This was the best option for me.

If you are using drain cleaner that much, you may want to inspect your pipes a few times a year if you don't already. It will eventually corrode metal pipes (Don't know about PVC pipes). I had leak and a clog on the same pipe in my house. . .go figure.

Also, would you be willing to switch conditioners? I do notice that some conditioners-particularly Nexxus Humectress-tends to get caught up in my hair catcher whereas my Paul Mitchell Detangle Conditioner does not.
i hate washinh my hair in the shower too but it's for different reasons. My body always itches afterwards. I think my skin is sensitive to the conditioner/shampoo when rinsing off
This is similar to the one I bought at Walmart. I forgot the name of mine but, it gets the job done. I haven't clogged in a long time.
Out of laziness and wanting to avoid drainage problems, I almost always rinse out my DC and henna in the sink. In fact, i just finished rinsing out my DC and judging from how slowly the sink was draining and what was left behind (I might upload a pic), I can see how the conditioner itself could cause issues.

I concur with the baking soda and vinegar suggestion. Since I BCd, I've been cowashing a lot more often and I've noticed that my drain was clogging, even with plunging beforehand and using hair catchers. I re-upped on my baking soda and vinegar and the drain is much better now.

I really want to get that zip it doohickey, even though I almost fell out watching that video. :barf:
I'm still perplexed at how conditioner can clog a drain.

I DO understand about the tub being more slippery. I about killed myself getting into the shower the other day. I bought a "cute' tub mat, and it is not cutting it. I need to get an industrial tub mat.
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I deep treat every week with using the 'relaxer method'. When doing this, I always use thick conditioners (various ones). That is how my drain gets clogged up. I see someone recommended that hair catcher thing a majig.....that really won't work for this issue, as I usually catch all my shed hair myself and ball it up as I go.

But I will def be trying this vinegar and baking soda/volcanic science project you all are speaking of...maybe some boiling water too.