I bought my lace front... now what?


New Member
Alright, so I bought my lace front from hisandhers.com and now I have no earthly clue what to do with it. It looks fake to me because it needs to be thinned out (I'm assuming) and it's too silky. It also doesn't help that already I have haters (my best friend, or so I thought, and my boyfriend). I don't know what to do with it and I'm hoping that I haven't wasted $200 dollars. Please give me encouragement and tips ladies.
Don't fret! :kiss:

Do you have any tight grip glue/tape and adhesive remover? If you don't then, you can get some from www.coolpiece.com If you have oily skin, be sure to get the scalp protector so the glue or tape can adhere to your skin.

See if you can find a sylist who knows how to style hair and have them cut/thin it for you. I had mine styled. I put it on and had my stylist work on it while I was wearing it. Or...you can yank some hairs out yourself....

Be sure to wear a wig cap underneath it and keep your hair moisturized.

You may want to cut the lace back so only a little is left to glue to your head.

if you pour curly perm solution on it, the cuticles will get all ruffled giving it amore "yaki" appearance
I bought the Amber natural perm one. Thank you for your advice ladies. Unfortunately I do not have a stylist up here (No VA) so I guess I may have to make a trek to Hampton where I do have a stylist that I trust. I am so scared that it will look fake especially since I have naysayers already. I guess that this is just a lesson to me that I can't share everything with everyone. What's funny is that I've worn a wig before and my boyfriend didn't even know that it wasn't my real hair, same with my friend. It was just really hurtful especially since I'd already spent money on it and am feeling self conscious.
Girl....hook up that wig and rock it!!!! LHCF style!!! And then, come back and post pics, so we can se :-)

Good luck girlie.

***Do some searches here...I know a few ladies have fixed there own lace fronts...just can't remember the names, dangerouslyshy is one of them.
I think u will find that once u straighten it out and thin out the hairline it will look much more natural. I think it looks wiggy at first b/c of the rollerset that makes the curls look a lil too perfect. I have the same wig and I am very happy w/it. I thinned out the hairline by pulling hairs out although next time I will try to use thinning shears first b/c the hand pulling took a long time and it was a lil harsh on the lace. Also what color did u get b/c the color seems to make a difference in how natural people seem to think it looks.

I have been wearing it everyday for the past 10+ weeks. I have pictures in my fotki at the 6 week point. I pretty much looks the same now, but I just added a few very subtle highlights...

pw = africa
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Thanks for the advice Carmen. The color I got was #2 since that is the color of my hair. How did you pull out hairs from the front? Also, I noticed that the lace on mine is dark brown and that it isn't super pliable as lace is. Is that normal? I am wondering if they are now using something else in the front and passing it off as lace. I guess technically it doesn't matter since you cut the lace back anyway, but it just really seemed odd. Lastly, did the wig cover your sides completely? I don't think that my head is that big that I would have needed a special size, but my new growth shows on the sides. :confused: Oh, and I have flat ironed the hair which helped a little, but right now there is way too much hair and I'm afraid to do something wrong. I'll be patient though. :look:
I just went along the first inch of the wig and randomly pulled out hairs all the way across (temple to temple). Its really just the hair line that is unnaturally thick. The rest of it is thick but believeable. The lace on this wig is not the super fine type of lace but you will find out that this is actually a good thing b/c over time the lace will shred and if you had the really fine quality lace then it would be too delicate and you would be trying to get it replaced too often b/c of tears. I also think the color of a wig contributes the wiggy factor. The lighter wigs seem to be generally more fake looking. I think this is true for all types of wigs not just lace fronts. My sides are JUST covered by the wig. But I could see where if someone had longer side burns they would show. Also is ur real hair braided? B/c this makes a significant difference in how the wig fits. When I tried it on before I braided my hair down it was much tighter and even now that I have started braided 8 braids instead of 6 it fits differently... The most important is to thin out that hairline. Once u do that it makes a big difference. I think they over compensate b/c they figure u are gonna loose hairs during glue removal/clean up ... Which is true. So in the long run it would be best to leave the "wolfman" :) hairline b/c its gonna naturally shed but no one wants to walk around looking crazy waiting for it to thin out on its own... :grin:

imani97 said:
Thanks for the advice Carmen. The color I got was #2 since that is the color of my hair. How did you pull out hairs from the front? Also, I noticed that the lace on mine is dark brown and that it isn't super pliable as lace is. Is that normal? I am wondering if they are now using something else in the front and passing it off as lace. I guess technically it doesn't matter since you cut the lace back anyway, but it just really seemed odd. Lastly, did the wig cover your sides completely? I don't think that my head is that big that I would have needed a special size, but my new growth shows on the sides. :confused: Oh, and I have flat ironed the hair which helped a little, but right now there is way too much hair and I'm afraid to do something wrong. I'll be patient though. :look:
Thanks again Carmen. I must say, I tried on my wig again today, and it wasn't as bad as I initially thought. I think that I was just shocked about seeing all of that hair on my head. I imagine that it will be a lot better once I thin it out. Of course I will post pics, but I first have to get it so that I don't look crazy. :lol: How do you wash and dry wigs? I would like to wash it to get rid of some of the silkiness. Thanks to everone's help, I'm becoming more and more excited for my lace front debut! :wave:

Oh, one last question. I was looking into buying the adhesive. Does it go pretty close to the hair line? I'm a little nervous about that because my edges are struggling.
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Oh, one last question. I was looking into buying the adhesive. Does it go pretty close to the hair line? I'm a little nervous about that because my edges are struggling.[/QUOTE]

Hey guys, I'd liek to know too, where exactly does the glue go? I've been trying to figure out my lacefront since New years and haven't gotten the hang of it yet! :ohwell:
I put the glue on my forehead right in front of the hairline. To make a more precise/small strip I use a toothpick and then kinda paint the glue onto my forehead. The sounds crazy put it works :)