I BC'd after 18 months of transitioning

congrats! i love the way you accessorize.
- aww thank you, im into the big hair flowers rigt now.:lick:

Beautiful! and great pics!!!!
Welcome to the Natural realm..
- thank you! ive always loved your hair!!!!

@ZkittyKurls Congratulation to you...!!! My stalking you is now over.
-lol!! i will be checking in on you, i cant wait until you've reached your goal!!:yep:

congrats! your hair is gorgeous. ♥
- thank you, you are pretty much apl in your siggy, so awesome!

Congratulations!! Loving your hair
- aww thanks. i will say it again, you were the deciding factor on transitioning for at least 15 months. :yep:

WOW. Nice. It's been 18 months for me and I BC'd at the 6 month period then protected for a year. We have the same length hair. (my head is bigger tho!)
- thanks. that must mean we were doing something right. lol. i definetely wore weaves n braids for about 14 months throughout my transition.

those twists are luscious :] (seriously wth i wish mine looked like that.) congrats

-aww so sweet. it took me two hrs though. so not ow id like to spend my two hrs. but i will continue to practice and get into the swing of things.:yep::yawn:

Congrats on your BC!! Your twist-outs are absolutely AMAZING!!! :lick::lick:

-thank you, they are actually starting become my fave.

Congrats! You hair is beautiful!
- Thank you very much!!

Thank you to all of you lovely, supporting ladies. HHG!
GAWJUS! FABULOUS! 4 STARS!! (out of 4)

so is your hair naturally jet black? because between your beautiful texture, crazy thickness and that deep black you've got me seriously drooling over here!

congrats on the bc :)
GAWJUS! FABULOUS! 4 STARS!! (out of 4)

so is your hair naturally jet black? because between your beautiful texture, crazy thickness and that deep black you've got me seriously drooling over here!

congrats on the bc :)

- thank you!!!!!!! my hair seems much darker than when i was relaxed, the ends are a little red from when i henna'ed...i dont think thats a verb but oh well. but its naturally black, with some tints of brown every so often. lol
sheesh!! this thickness stresses me out!!! it took me 15 minutes to get it into a ponypuff this morning. if i had an xtra set of hands id be able to gather it all but i cant. i cant just gather the hair and put on the holder, i cant get all my hair into both of my hands, well i can but then i'd need another hand to put the holder on!! i have to do some magic tricks and stretch the crap out of a headband, pull and stretch, and gather and slick all at the same time. o_O