I asked my co-worker if she was Niko's cousin


New Member
She looked at me like :look: She was like "Miller?" She had no clue who I was talking about. Then I told her about LHCF. I told her the reason I thought she was on the boards was because I've never seen her hair not in a bun until yesterday. She has mid back length natural hair! she keeps it straight so I thought it was relaxed but when I looked close I could see it had texture. She follows the KISS method without trying or knowing what it is. She goes to a trusted stylist every two wks then buns it everyday. She said her hair has always been long she gets it from her dad's side.
She looked at me like :look: She was like "Miller?" She had no clue who I was talking about. Then I told her about LHCF. I told her the reason I thought she was on the boards was because I've never seen her hair not in a bun until yesterday. She has mid back length natural hair! she keeps it straight so I thought it was relaxed but when I looked close I could see it had texture. She follows the KISS method without trying or knowing what it is. She goes to a trusted stylist every two wks then buns it everyday. She said her hair has always been long she gets it from her dad's side.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I LOLed at the bold! That's too cute.
Lol, I was soooo tempted to ask a girl last summer.
She works at Farm Fresh in Norfolk, right by the beach.
She had the biggest natural bun I have ever seen. Her hair was gorgeous.
but I never dared to ask, I told my SO and he said "Just go up to her and ask if she is Nikos' cousin" (yeah, he knows all bout LHCF).
But I couldn't bring myself to do it.
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sorry but what in God's name is Niko's cousin? ??? I've tried googling it but I am still clueless!

Ma'am you need to spend more time in here, you have been a member for 2 years, just kidding.

LOL, Nikos is the guy who administers the Forum, and we, the members, are all his "cousins".
So when you see someone in real life and think they might be a LHCF member, you ask "Are you Nikos' cousin?" that is the code for "Are you a LHCF member" :grin:
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Lol, I was soooo tempted to ask a girl last summer.
She works at Farm Fresh in Norfolk, right by the beach.
She had the biggest natural bun I have ever seen. Her hair was gorgeous.
but I never dared to ask, I told my SO and he said "Just go up to her and ask if she is Niko's cousin" (yeah, he knows all bout LHCF).
But I couldn't bring myself to do it.
Norfolk? VA? That girl wasn't me cause I couldn't make a bun last summer :look: but I would love to have been there!
I think one of my former co-workers was a "cousin." But I didn't dare ask. This girl went from shoulder length to BSL. I was like "What have you been doing to your hair to get it to grow like that?" And she was like, "Oh, just "stretching" relaxers." She was very hestitant so I left it alone.
I saw this woman several times after work who wasn't quite arm pit length but barely shoulder length, but her hair looked healthy. I think she is a member of LHCF, because an avatar photo looks just like her--but I didn't ask.
I finally worked up the nerve to ask someone a few weeks ago if she was Niko's cousin and I got a similar response. I was disappointed. I just knew she was and asked her if she was on any online hair forums. She wasn't, but had the most awesome mid-back length relaxed hair. Very thick and shiny.
Come to think of it I saw someone who looked like a cousin in Whole Foods in NY last week but I was afraid to ask. She looked alot like someone on here in an avatar pic. She was natural and her hair looked very healthy. I wonder if she really is a cousin.

ETA: Kayte was it you?
Ok so spill the regimines of these co workers!!!! I asked a lady last week who had full bra strap length hair, and she said she used tcb products.. she didnt elaborate so I didnt ask, kinda snotty.. so I dont ask anymore....
It took me two years to work up the nerve to ask my co-worker. When i saw her ponytail i had to ask.

She doesn't do anything special to her hair. She didn't get into detail but she goes to the salon every 2 weeks to get it washed and straightened. In between she doesn't mess with it. She said she puts it in a bun everyday because it is too long to do anything with it and she doesn't like it on her neck.

I've noticed a good amount of people with long hair barely touch their hair. I need to leave my hair alone and maybe I'll get out of this 2 yr rut and start gaining some length.
I finally worked up the nerve to ask someone a few weeks ago if she was Niko's cousin and I got a similar response. I was disappointed. I just knew she was and asked her if she was on any online hair forums. She wasn't, but had the most awesome mid-back length relaxed hair. Very thick and shiny.

OT: SEMO I <3 your hair!
Im still cofused about what you guys mean by "niko's cousin" . Is that suppose to be like a code or something to state that you are a member of lhcf?