I asked for a kiss, not a tonsilectomy!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!!!

So, I'm out on a date with a guy. Pretty nice date... we have good things in common. The end of the night comes and he pulls me in for a kiss...:lick:

And my mouth was invaded by an alien source. :pant:I tried to pull away, but eeek!!! He didn't even start slow, with small gentle kisses. He just LAUNCHED into my mouth. I tried to lean back - I mean I'm halfway into a backbend and he's locked onto my mouth like a dang octopus sucker with his tongue in my esophagus! I.COULD.NOT.BREATHE!!!!:hugxplode:

And then he told me I was a good kisser. Booooo.

Can you train a man to kiss differently?
Depending on how cool you two are I would just tell him. Just say "why dont you try kissing me like this" and show him. I learned not to hold my tongue when it comes to things like that...
Of course. I had kissed my ex-boyfriend after our 2nd date and he had a bad taste in his mouth. I told him that the next day and he told me that I was a sloppy kisser but experience made me better and the next time I kissed him he didn't have a nasty taste in his mouth. If you tell him he will most likely be better the next time and just work with him, he will get it.

I feel like I can laugh because I have soooo been there. It REALLY turned me off. I have no idea why some dudes think this cool. I mean, shoving your tongue down someone's throat the first time you kiss them (or any time, IMO) is really just plain gross.

It's hard to tell someone that they are a horrible kisser. I guess there is a way to approach it. But I preferred just not going out with the guy again. How do I put this? It said something not so good about the man. I could never exactly put it in words but it almost seems there is something disrespectful about it....and/or it didn't give me the best impression of what things might be like later on.
I've asked them to stay still and let me kiss them. They tend to get the point once you show them what you like. I just think it's awful for a grown man not to be able to kiss. That's so elementary to me. From my experience, if he can't kiss, he usually can't do much else. :look:
ewwwww..all I can say is I sympathize! One of my exs was a nice guy but..i swear I would want to throw up in my mouth when it was time to kiss:barf:

There is no fixing that...why are good kissers in such short suppy? lol The best kisser I dealt with was my best guy friend...but i will NEVER, EVER, NEVER , EVER, EVER,EVER, EVER..ever date him..too much drama..is it too much for a man to be a good kisser without all the drama:rolleyes:

I went through the same thing this weekend. He was so cute and funny and then he went in for the kiss. I was leanin back so far it looked like I was doing the matrix.

Ugh, I shudder just thinking of it again. Last night I was trying to think of ways to tell him he was horrible in case I see him again.
If he cant Kiss you gotta kiss him first so you can be in control. That aplies for other things as well. If he's smart he'll take your lead:lick:
OK, I have the worst kissing story EVER!!!

Years ago, I was kissing this guy... he was one of those really aggressive kissers. I can hardly even type this because it brings it all back to me, but he actually sucked my tongue so hard that the "string" under my tongue POPPED!! :eek: My mouth was bleeding and it took SO long for that dam*n thing to heal... I could barely eat for days afterwards!! :mad:

Talk about a deal breaker... I should have ended the relationship right there... that turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg; later on he proved to be the worst lover I've ever had, and to make it even worse, he was one of those guys who are all talk and telling you about how gooood it's going to be!!!! :nono:
Ohhh Lindy, thanks for bumping this one, I have to update on Slobby McFaceSucker...

Date #2 - after having a GREAT dinner with lots of convo, wine and flirty looks across the table, he's dropping me off at the door. He leans in, I pull back.:look: He plays it off, does a smooth move to check his breath (because THAT'S the problem, right:ohwell:) and leans in again...

I figured, what the heck, go for it - but only if I can take control! I start gently, hands on his chest to push him back if he tries to eat my face again... Good... good, nice and easy... now let's part the lips ever so slightly... just a little.bit.of.ton..OH.MY.GAWD.HE'S.TRYING.TO.CHOKE.ME!!!! :barf:

OK, I have the worst kissing story EVER!!!

Years ago, I was kissing this guy... he was one of those really aggressive kissers. I can hardly even type this because it brings it all back to me, but he actually sucked my tongue so hard that the "string" under my tongue POPPED!! :eek: My mouth was bleeding and it took SO long for that dam*n thing to heal... I could barely eat for days afterwards!! :mad:

Talk about a deal breaker... I should have ended the relationship right there... that turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg; later on he proved to be the worst lover I've ever had, and to make it even worse, he was one of those guys who are all talk and telling you about how gooood it's going to be!!!! :nono:

Ohhh Lindy, thanks for bumping this one, I have to update on Slobby McFaceSucker...

Date #2 - after having a GREAT dinner with lots of convo, wine and flirty looks across the table, he's dropping me off at the door. He leans in, I pull back.:look: He plays it off, does a smooth move to check his breath (because THAT'S the problem, right:ohwell:) and leans in again...

I figured, what the heck, go for it - but only if I can take control! I start gently, hands on his chest to push him back if he tries to eat my face again... Good... good, nice and easy... now let's part the lips ever so slightly... just a little.bit.of.ton..OH.MY.GAWD.HE'S.TRYING.TO.CHOKE.ME!!!! :barf:


Girl i know how you feel there's nothing worse than a man that can't kiss, :grin: girl my husband can't kiss to save his life i try my best to french kiss him i try my best to teach him but he can't seem to get it right. I tell him all the time he needs to go to remedial classes for kissing. :lachen: