I am very much thinking about relaxing


Stay at home Mommy
My last relaxer was the Nov of 2002. I have enjoyed being natural and have learned alot about my hair. But It is so long now and such a chore to try and detangle. I only wear my hair in twists except for the 2 or three times a year I flatiron. It takes me basically an entire day to detangle wash and re-twist my hair. I am now an aerobics instructor. I sweat all the time and now am rinsing my twists more, which makes them tangle faster, which makes me have to redo them more often. I am really unable to do any other style without way too much manipulation. My hair is very kinky so with my length I can not do any type of wash and go's. I am just tired. I would love to be able to much more easily comb through my hair like I did when I was relaxed.

I used to use any old no-lye relaxer before. Now since I am starting from scratch I am thinking about trying a lye relaxer. Are there any good lye relaxer recommendations that I can purchase from Sally's?

I have not made up my mind yet but boy am I close =(
I don't have any advice since I'm natural. I just wanted to say you have BEAUTIFUL hair.
All of that beautiful natural hair! Don't do it.....:nono:

Sorry I can't provide any suggestions. I've been relaxed for a long time, but I use no-lye.
Wow, you have such beautiful hair, it's thick and healthy. I'm natural myself, so I don't have any advice about lye relaxers. Good luck to you no matter what you decide to do:up:
Your hair is beautiful!!!

Well my advice to you would be to do what works best for you and your lifestyle, no one can tell you whats best for you. I have pondered the samething myself my hair is more tighly kinky than yours, but being natural does not fit everybody all the time the same, and since I joined this board I see you can have healthy relaxed hair just as you can natural, there are plenty of ladies on this board who achieve it everyday.

I know that some people are using Silk Elements form Sally's, it seems to get good reviews here. I have it on my possible list of relaxers if and when I change my tune.

I hope this helps
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I have no suggestions, since I don't know what type of relaxer is used on my hair or whether or not it's lye, (I know, I need to find out,) but I hope you don't do it. Your hair is beautiful!
Silk Elements here...thought about texlaxing?

That is just keeping the relaxer on for a shorter period of time right? Do people texlax that don't really have a curl pattern to elongate? My hair is kinky not coily. If I could find a way to manage my hair I wouldn't want to relax at all.
That is just keeping the relaxer on for a shorter period of time right? Do people texlax that don't really have a curl pattern to elongate? My hair is kinky not coily. If I could find a way to manage my hair I wouldn't want to relax at all.

You just keep the relaxer on for a short time to where your hair isn't bone straight. It just loosens up your curl pattern just enough without making your hair really really straight.

I'm 70% textlaxed. My hair type is 4b so I'm kinky as well. I like it because it just loosens my normally kinky hair making it curlier but not bone straight.
You just keep the relaxer on for a short time to where your hair isn't bone straight. It just loosens up your curl pattern just enough without making your hair really really straight.

I'm 70% textlaxed. My hair type is 4b so I'm kinky as well. I like it because it just loosens my normally kinky hair making it curlier but not bone straight.

I agree with this strategy...your hair is so pretty...my hair is similiar to yours in it's natural state, it is more kinky and coarse and doesn't have coils...

I was natural for 2 years after i had my oldest child and then went to a texlax type of relaxer application. i wore that for 2 years until i decided to cut and go for a spiky pixie and then got a full relaxer to make it lay down.

I loved the texlax while i wore it as it gave me a lot of texture, but with a little less work than being fully natural...i was able to wear WnGs effectively after doing that when i couldn't quite master it before when I was completely natural...

if you still want to relax completely straight, you can always relax more in increments...you just can't do the reverse...once it's completely straight, your only option is to transition it back out or BC if you decide the full relaxer is not for you...

anyways, just want to wish you luck on whatever you decide and let you know your hair is LOVELY!!!:yep:
Oh no please don't do it. I have your album saved as one of my fav naturals. My hair is actually very course. I used to get tangles all of the time. I am not sure what your reggie is but what helped me at first was completely cutting out the shampoo. Shampoo just stripped it so much tangles were inevitable. Try using baking soda mixed w/ water it melts my tangles right out. Also ayurvedic rinses and cowashing.

As far as styling, I would say press it more often to give yourself a fresh take. However, since you work out alot I don't know what to suggest. BUT...(I hope these ladies don't mind) whenever I need a little natural inspiration I look at fotkis: virtuousjewel and brownsugar07

Also, Wonderstar who texlaxed recently and Bublnbrnsuga who relaxed last year but I think is transitioning again.

All of these ladies are wsl too. HTH
If you must relax and want to go to Sally's the consensus is that Silk Elements Lye is excellent...I use the Mizani Butter Blend Lye, but if I could not get it - I would definitely buy the Silk Elements
Though it is very long & may take you a few days to get through, I would tell you to read Pinkskates' thread on being a straight-haired natural. She works out often & is very active & maintains straightened, natural hair. I got a professional press for the 1st time on Thursday. So far it has survived the cold, snow & rain & my edges are only reverting a little. I simply put serum or something like that on them & tie them down for a few & they smooth right out.

Pinkskates' thread is what saved me from relaxing. Hope it helps you, too...
Thank you all for replying. I am so terrified to put chemicals in my hair so maybe I will hold off. I am just so tired =( I see some of these naturals that are able to comb through their hair and I am so envious. I might try the pinkskates method for a month to see if it is even plausible.
I know how you feel. Basically if you going to do it it will happen. When I went back to relaxers I did the lye thing. my hair didn't seem relaxed though. I did some research on the ladies who had long relaxed waistlength hair and 90% of them use no lye. So needless to say I went back to my old school precise no lye and haven't turned back.
I know how you feel. Basically if you going to do it it will happen. When I went back to relaxers I did the lye thing. my hair didn't seem relaxed though. I did some research on the ladies who had long relaxed waistlength hair and 90% of them use no lye. So needless to say I went back to my old school precise no lye and haven't turned back.

Thank you so much for this info!
I chemically treated my hair for the first time in August 08. I did a touch up earlier this month. I have no regrets, none whatsoever.
Wow! your hair is very pretty and with great length.
Have you tried adding baking soda to your conditioner? I do that all the time now and I find that it helps make my 4B hair much easier to detangle and it is sooo soft too.
Also, have you tried Silicon Mix conditioner?
Maybe you just need to switch products and find something that helps with the tangles.

I also find that it is easier for me to detangle in sections, slathered with conditioner and submerged in water.

Have you ever tried Henna, I hear that can help too.

It sounds like you reallly do not want to go back to chemicals but, whatever you decide good luck and HHG
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Girl do not do it. I recently got a texturizer and all of my hair fell out. you can have a looksie at myu Fotki and see howi much hair came out after every single time I put the comb through my hair.
Your hair is pretty and I have to say it, I will feel very sad if you relax, but do what you feel is best.

Have you thought instead of relaxing maybe you could cut it a couple of inches if it's too much to deal with at its current length?
My last relaxer was the Nov of 2002. I have enjoyed being natural and have learned alot about my hair. But It is so long now and such a chore to try and detangle. I only wear my hair in twists except for the 2 or three times a year I flatiron. It takes me basically an entire day to detangle wash and re-twist my hair. I am now an aerobics instructor. I sweat all the time and now am rinsing my twists more, which makes them tangle faster, which makes me have to redo them more often. I am really unable to do any other style without way too much manipulation. My hair is very kinky so with my length I can not do any type of wash and go's. I am just tired. I would love to be able to much more easily comb through my hair like I did when I was relaxed.

I used to use any old no-lye relaxer before. Now since I am starting from scratch I am thinking about trying a lye relaxer. Are there any good lye relaxer recommendations that I can purchase from Sally's?

I have not made up my mind yet but boy am I close =(

Before you make your decision, maybe you can PM Sera252 and/or Kemi21 (via their fotki)? They both have very long, natural type 4 hair and may have very good advice for you.

Sera252 - http://www.fotki.com/Sera252
Kemi21 - http://www.fotki.com/Kemi21