I am stuck at MBL?!


New Member
Hi ladies,

I have been MBL for a while and i have noticed that my hair is growing towards WL but my tips end up looking chewed up every 3-4 and i have to trim. Any suggestions or new tricks that may help.

I relaxed and trimmed my hair last Tuesday so i am trying to keep my new inches. But in style not rageddy.

Well, I've always thought your hair was gorgeous! Maybe you should do more updo's and give your ends a rest.
Traycee is relaxed and is tailbone length....she has some tips on babying those ends....

I am on my way to Full BSL and I learned that ever so often you just have to tweak that regimen when you feel stuck. You may need to do more baggying and PS styling for a while until you get over that hump. Dry ends is a signal of lack of moisture. Make sure you get that conditioner from root to tip and I always put a little extra leave-in then additional seal with oil on my hair...Now that its longer you'll need to protect it even more....You'll get to WL.....May have to just buckle down a bit.....


Here is Traycee's blog. You may have to check out the archives for when her hair was shorter. She has this hair thing down to a SCIENCE. Even though I am natural...I follow her advice regularly....! Her hair is super healthy and she is retaining that healthy length like mad!
I am in the exact same situation, Giselle78 so I totally understand. If you have hair to trim, then you definitely aren't stuck at MBL. You probably would have been WL and beyond a long time ago without this current issue (I think we started LHCF around the same time). I also think Kami (former feature of the month) discussed a similar issue when she was MBL and striving for WL.

I only have 2 inches to WL but I keep cutting that same 2 inches over and over because the ends don't always look so hot. I'm starting to think that maybe I'm expecting perfection, when in reality, I know that hair doesn't always grow at the same speed, nor is it the same texture throughout. The texture differences don't bother me until an underprocessed section reaches the ends. This is when I start noticing less than perfect ends.

BostonMaria posted a link yesterday from a lady who has kneelength hair and she describes how she grew her hair to knee length first, THEN she started trimming to "thicken her ends up." I believe Chicora talks about this too.

I prefer to reach WL with full, healthy ends, but I might have to give this method a try. I never have because I've heard the whole "cut splits before they travel up the length" talk for years now. In my case, I don't necessarily have splits, but underprocessed hair that doesn't lay down as smooth as my fully relaxed hair. Even after a corrective, the texture is different.

After recently trimming two inches in one section, I realized that I'll be encountering the problem again in about 6 months, because further up the strand, it's underprocesed again.

I'm tired of the madness! In the meantime, I will continue bunning, rollersetting, avoidiing direct heat, moisturizing, etc. Most importantly, I'll continue to thank the Lord for what I have because it's the longest that it's ever been in my life.

You'll make your length goal, Gisselle78. Don't give up!
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Your hair is still growing. I would say if you are unhappy with your ends, then baby them like crazy. Wear your hair up, load up on the conditioner and try to change the type of PS your are doing. I would not cut. I cut at the beginning of my journey (September 09). I will not cut until I reach my goal and then start to trim. I don't use heat so there is no reason to cut.

And I think your hair is beautiful. Very full and thick from the pictures I have seen. So don't get discouraged.
I agree with the other ladies your hair is beautiful! I don't have any advice to offer as I am stuck between SL and APL right now but I am going to take these ladies advice and tweek my reggie a bit..I hope their advice helps you hun!
Chicoro talks about using the goal point method in her book. You keep the longer "thinner" ends of the lead hair and stop trying to keep even ends. Just don't let the lead hair get more than 3-4 inches longer than the majority. You even up when you're at your final goal.
BostonMaria posted a link yesterday from a lady who has kneelength hair and she describes how she grew her hair to knee length first, THEN she started trimming to "thicken her ends up." I believe Chicora talks about this too.

This was also advice I had been given though the words knee-length came no where in the equation, lol. I think folks need to remember hair grows at different rates and more importantly, something we all forget, can be at different stages of our hair life cycle.

So you even up your ends and about the time it takes for your new growth to come in your ends will end up being messed up again because some hair is getting ready to shed, other hair hasn't reached the same length as others, and some strands will always be a tad uneven, under processed, or what have you.
Traycee is relaxed and is tailbone length....she has some tips on babying those ends....

I am on my way to Full BSL and I learned that ever so often you just have to tweak that regimen when you feel stuck. You may need to do more baggying and PS styling for a while until you get over that hump. Dry ends is a signal of lack of moisture. Make sure you get that conditioner from root to tip and I always put a little extra leave-in then additional seal with oil on my hair...Now that its longer you'll need to protect it even more....You'll get to WL.....May have to just buckle down a bit.....


Here is Traycee's blog. You may have to check out the archives for when her hair was shorter. She has this hair thing down to a SCIENCE. Even though I am natural...I follow her advice regularly....! Her hair is super healthy and she is retaining that healthy length like mad!

I was thinking about juicing while air drying. I think is my daily moisturizing that's out of wack. She does have hair to die for.
I am in the exact same situation, Giselle78 so I totally understand. If you have hair to trim, then you definitely aren't stuck at MBL. You probably would have been WL and beyond a long time ago without this current issue (I think we started LHCF around the same time). I also think Kami (former feature of the month) discussed a similar issue when she was MBL and striving for WL.

I only have 2 inches to WL but I keep cutting that same 2 inches over and over because the ends don't always look so hot. I'm starting to think that maybe I'm expecting perfection, when in reality, I know that hair doesn't always grow at the same speed, nor is it the same texture throughout. The texture differences don't bother me until an underprocessed section reaches the ends. This is when I start noticing less than perfect ends.

BostonMaria posted a link yesterday from a lady who has kneelength hair and she describes how she grew her hair to knee length first, THEN she started trimming to "thicken her ends up." I believe Chicora talks about this too.

I prefer to reach WL with full, healthy ends, but I might have to give this method a try. I never have because I've heard the whole "cut splits before they travel up the length" talk for years now. In my case, I don't necessarily have splits, but underprocessed hair that doesn't lay down as smooth as my fully relaxed hair. Even after a corrective, the texture is different.

After recently trimming two inches in one section, I realized that I'll be encountering the problem again in about 6 months, because further up the strand, it's underprocesed again.

I'm tired of the madness! In the meantime, I will continue bunning, rollersetting, avoidiing direct heat, moisturizing, etc. Most importantly, I'll continue to thank the Lord for what I have because it's the longest that it's ever been in my life.

You'll make your length goal, Gisselle78. Don't give up!

You are totally right. My husband keeps telling i am not there because i keep cutting it off but they just look so crappy. But I am going to up my moisture level and not trim until December and then trim to see if i keep 2" of maybe 4".

I am definately happy at MBL but i want to see if i can make it.
More moisture will definitely help. Also, wear protective styles and use a little oil...Jojoba or your favorite light oil, on your ends. When I'm at home, I usually keep my hair wrapped in a silk or satin scarf.
More moisture will definitely help. Also, wear protective styles and use a little oil...Jojoba or your favorite light oil, on your ends. When I'm at home, I usually keep my hair wrapped in a silk or satin scarf.

omg your hair is beautifulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
I'm kinda sorta in the same boat except with me I'm not trimming yet I don't feel like I'm retaining length. I'm going to stay away from the flatiron for 6 months (just rollersetting) to see if that helps me. How much heat are you using?
You are totally right. My husband keeps telling i am not there because i keep cutting it off but they just look so crappy. But I am going to up my moisture level and not trim until December and then trim to see if i keep 2" of maybe 4".

I am definately happy at MBL but i want to see if i can make it.

LOL, this is what my fiance keeps telling me too. I don't know if it helps, but I'll be on a similar journey as you. Here's to reaching WL by Dec. :yep:
OMG I totally forgot!

I thought my ends were all raggedy until I attempted to do a S & D! I was shocked...I had a handful (like maybe 5-10) of SSK and very very few split ends....The ends were different lengths and just bent up for some reason! (It took 2 days of checking...S & D is time consuming but educational)........WHAT I LEARNED took away from that lesson is that I probably was trimming HEALTHY ends in an attempt to get the splits....

Yes the hairs were uneven and with some of them being all bent-up from rubbing my back and shoulders, thats one of the reasons they were looking frayed.....SOOO...I moisturized sealed my ends often...I baggyed more...I bought some Joico Split end mender (just as a precaution) on some days, then put some HE LTR Leave in for longer hair with Jojoba oil on top... I noticed a difference within a month......So cut down on trimming (as well as tweaking that regimen as needed to include some serious baggying and focus on moisturizing and end sealing), and work with those ends...You'll retain more and be WL by the end of the year! When you get past WL, then consider cutting to WL, but I suspect you may not have too!
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Yeah I have been going through the same except stuck at BSL. I have decided no more trims til MBL-Then no more trims til WL because I should have been there by now....
I'm kinda sorta in the same boat except with me I'm not trimming yet I don't feel like I'm retaining length. I'm going to stay away from the flatiron for 6 months (just rollersetting) to see if that helps me. How much heat are you using?

Actually not a lot. maybe once a month. I have been airdrying a lot
I was stuck at BSL for the longest so I understand. Now I'm stuck around whatever length that is in my avi. I keep trimming it because my ends look raggedy to me. I'm going to lay off the scissors for a while.
Yeah I have been going through the same except stuck at BSL. I have decided no more trims til MBL-Then no more trims til WL because I should have been there by now....

Bunning helped me get past BSL, but I'm going to try to lay off the major trims too.