I am soooooooooo mad that...........(PICS)

I really would like to go natural in the future. I know my hair would be much healthier. Right now, its the detangling I can't stand. If I find some miracle detangler, I would be more likely to go natural.
I feel ya Opster!! I was having the same problem with my relaxed hair. I guess my hair was tired of being relaxed. Once I became natural my hair is alot more healthier, thicker and grows VERY quickly.

I'm happy being natural. Not saying that I will never get a relaxer again. But I'm good being natural for the next few years.
:congrats: your hair is lovely!

OT, Browneze there is nothing questionable about that cinnabun. It's beautiful! :yep:
It gorgeous! As someone who has been there, TRUST that there will be tough days. Days when all you will want is to do a drive by of a BBS and pick up some chemical. When you do, come back and reread this thread and try to remember this feeling.
That's how we do it in DC! Your hair is FAB! I'm in the military so I'm not ready to do the Big Chop yet but you might have inspired me!