I am so so glad...


Well-Known Member
that I did not sleep with this guy when he came over. He was trying soo hard to put the moves on me and he even whipped his package out as if I would not be able to resist.:blush: I told him I would not be having sex with him and that I wanted to wait. I met him on Match .com and I barely know this man. We've had great conversations but I know that having sex too soon doesn't mean a relationship is going to last. He was telling me how he wanted to be with me and that sex was an act that would bring us closer (He was really trying to convince me *NEWSFLASH* I'm 28 yrs old. I've heard the lines men use to get a woman in bed)

So 2 days later he wants me to come to his place (2-hours away) He says he wants to spend the entire day with me but he had plans with some friends in the evening so he wants me to come over at night and spend the next day together. Well, ofcourse I said NO. He says that he will sleep on the couch and I can have his bed but I told him I would not be sleeping over because its too soon for that. He said he was not going to pressure me for sex and that he respects me :rolleyes: ( hmmm thats why you whipped out your thang in front of me the day before...right!) Also, I have never been to his place before and I'm not trying to become too familiar with guys I date. So the next day I talk to him on the phone and he tells me that he has met someone else. He tries to explain himself but I said no need for that and I wished him well.

(All the phone conversations we had, the late night talks, the "I miss you", the I want you to be my lady forever, all the talks of marriage were just a bunch of stuff he said thinking he was gonna get some. This dude called me several times a day, and claimed I was the most beautiful woman he ever talked too. lol All the while just gassing my head up for some bootay)

In the past I would've wondered if it was something I did wrong or about me. Like, did I move too soon? Am I not cute enough? But I realize that this incident was not about me at all. And the person he met was just someone who put out when I would not.

Again...I'm so so glad I did not go there with him.
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But its crazy how manipulative men can be. You Read him very Well.
I know people who have ignored men being disrespectful or overally sexually aggressive when first meeting them and been assaulted.
I have always believed that you should See actions rather than listen to words, and to question men who come on too fast or too strong.
:yep::yep: Grandma always said: don't listen to what a man says, watch what he does. His actions always,always speak louder than his words.

Glad you didn't have to learn the hard way. Congrats on not being one of his victims. He sounds like an idiot.
Thanks for everyone's comments.

Its just so funny how it all went down. Upon meeting me for the first time this dude was asking me to be his girlfriend and telling me I better not be talking to anyone else.

I told him I'm not being anyone's girlfriend- he can court me and continue to get to know me and if we decided to go to the next level then we could discuss it when he comes correct.

Lately I've discovered that so many men out here are serial daters. They know women want to be in relationships and they figure thats how they can get some. As soon as they get what they want they tell you "the relationship" is not working out.

I'm also thinking that match .com may be the new myspace. Cause dudes are just not coming correct. They are just trying to hook up. One other guy wanted to see me and asked for my house address! WTH! ON TO THE NEXT!!!!
Good job girfriend. See this is why I never do dates at my place nor his place while in the beginning of the dating phase. That way there's no opportunity for him to try to pounce and less likely he would whip it out in a public place.
Thanks for everyone's comments.

Its just so funny how it all went down. Upon meeting me for the first time this dude was asking me to be his girlfriend and telling me I better not be talking to anyone else.

I told him I'm not being anyone's girlfriend- he can court me and continue to get to know me and if we decided to go to the next level then we could discuss it when he comes correct.

Lately I've discovered that so many men out here are serial daters. They know women want to be in relationships and they figure thats how they can get some. As soon as they get what they want they tell you "the relationship" is not working out.

I'm also thinking that match .com may be the new myspace. Cause dudes are just not coming correct. They are just trying to hook up. One other guy wanted to see me and asked for my house address! WTH! ON TO THE NEXT!!!!

Girl, I had something very similar happen to me. It's as if these men have no conscience. I can't stand people like that.