So I've been hearing about OCT and how awesome it was for quite awhile now. I've BEEN wanted to get it but I never had the money for it. So my student loans came in recently and I finally bought it. It was supposed to come in today and i was SUPER excited. I read up on all the threads for it and trying to figure out how to use it for maximum results, was looking at pictures, the whole 9. Just getting myself hyped up for when it comes right?
So today's the day. I was sleep and my bf woke me up and told me he just checked the mail and my OCT wasn't in there. (I've been talking about it for awhile and he knew how excited i was about it, and how much I was looking forward for it to get here.)
I told him though that it wouldn't be in the mail cause it was a FEDex. He said ok, but then paused for a minute and said.."well the FEDex guy already came and the girl next door got her delivery." So now I'm like
. oookay. I go online to check up on the tracking number and see where it was. I then saw I got an email already saying it's been delivered. there was no one home and they left it outside.
I check outside nothing's there. meanwhile the girl next door has a FedEx sticker on her door. it was one of those "no one was home but we left the package on your doorstep cause no one was home." type stickers. but there was nothing on her doorstep. So I wasn't sure what to think. My bf suggested we check the front office. We went but..surprise, surprise, nothing was there for me.
I called the FEDex customer service and they told me that they delivered it and no one was home and they left it on the doorstep. I inform them I in fact WAS home and I didn't get anything. The customer service lady said she will forward the message and i should get a phone call an hr. (an hr just passed, no call yet)
I thought maybe the girl got my package and just didn't know who it was for. My bf mentioned he had heard knocking on her door and later saw that she went outside and got a package from her doorstep and went back inside her house. So I decide to just go ask her. She says that she didn't get anything but if she does she'll let me know. She promises.
Meanwhile I'm looking at the big FEDex sticker on her door. But what can I say? The chick said she didn't have it. I can't rush into her house and check myself.
So now i don't know what to do. I'm so ANGRY. I don't know whether to laugh or cry or who to call. I mean I've wanted this for so long. And of course I didn't check the option that for $2 extra if my mail gets lost or anything I can get another free one from ovation. I figured that never happens anyway. Now I'm screwed.
And another thing I just saw. The sticker is no longer on this girls door. Which really leads me to believe she took it. She probably opened it saw what it said about growing your hair down to your *** and decided she wanted to keep it.
Idk what to do ladies. I'm so upset. Any advice will be good advice. Any consolation is welcome. TIA