I am going to cut my hair.


Well-Known Member
Because I am tired!

~Tired of the different textures going on and not being able to comb my hair without having a hard time because of it.

~Tired of having to spend 15/20 minutes of combing out my hair so that I wont be unnecessarily ripping it out.

~Tired of hopping in and out of the shower 3 or 4 times to wash and condition.

~Tired of wearing it in a bun and not really able to enjoy it out without feeling guilty or terrified that I am damaging my hair in some way.

~Tired of buying 50/11 products in hopes to find that "one" that will moisturize my hair.

The list can go on and on......

I am just TIRED. Plus I feel that I am over the "long hair" thing. I see now that I CAN grow long hair if I want to. Been there done that.

Have anyone else felt the way that I do now? Has anyone here cut their hair (short) after growing it long? Is anyone TIRED! Am I the only one?:look:

To be honest...Eventhough I am tired, I am still a little scared.:perplexed Eventhough I did use to wear my hair short back in the day, I don't know if I can still pull it off at 42. I even thought about gradually cutting it off, like into a bob. But then that still defeats the purpose of not having to do a lot of work to keep it on my head still. I don't know:spinning:

And yes I know that even if I do cut it real short, I still have to keep it healthy. Trust me, I will. But I do believe it will be less work doing it.

But I would like to say thanks to all of the lovely ladies here that did help me discovery I can grow my hair long. Thank you so much!!!

So what are your thoughts on my decision? I would love your feedback.:yep:

Oh and by the way, I am thinking about cutting it something like Monica's.
Your hair is very pretty. Are you sure you want to cut it? Looks to me like you need to change your regimen instead. Or at least keep it simple.

Enjoy your hair! Don't do so much protective styling. If you feel guilty leaving your hair down then there's something wrong. I deep condition and rollerset once a week and detangling takes 3 seconds in the morning.
HOLD ON NOW. Lol. I think you might just be in need of a change. Remember once it's off, you can't glew it back on your head. How about getting braids, weave or a short wig for a month or two? Take a break from your hair and figure out it if you'll miss it when it's gone or not. If in the end, you don't miss it, cut it off. It'll grow back eventually, I guess.
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Thats a big decision.....You have a lot of hair....When you say different textures is it because you are transitioning to Natural? I think it is a personal decision...everyone knows what's best for them overall...I went back and forth too...and I am very impatient so I cut mine off and haven't regretted one moment...But short hair is not for everyone...I would just take my time and think about it and not make a quick decision on something that will not be a quick transition....But either way short or long I am sure you will look beautiful.
The way that I am struggling to grow long hair, I wouldn't dare tell you to cut it off like that but I will say that monica's cut will look good on you
It sounds like she already thought this through and made up her mind.

So i'll just say, do what's good for you. I'm not going to try to talk you out of your decision. Not everybody wants long hair. I'm sure your cut will look fabulous on you!!
Girl...dont't make me come through this screen. Okay Luvme....breath..Think before you act, that's all I'm saying. Your hair is midback, I would let my hair swang, at least half the time. IA w/ Boston Maria, it looks like you could benefit from simplifying your regimen. If you don't like shower hopping, try a pre poo before or DC before. If after you have weighed the advantages/disadvantages and you still want a cut- then go for it. Whatever you decide your hair will still be beautiful.
get a short weave and report back to us if u get sick of it after 2 days :) pls dont ct unless you are 100% sure. btw your hair is gorgeous!!!u
Because I am tired!

~Tired of the different textures going on and not being able to comb my hair without having a hard time because of it.

~Tired of having to spend 15/20 minutes of combing out my hair so that I wont be unnecessarily ripping it out.

~Tired of hopping in and out of the shower 3 or 4 times to wash and condition.

~Tired of wearing it in a bun and not really able to enjoy it out without feeling guilty or terrified that I am damaging my hair in some way.

~Tired of buying 50/11 products in hopes to find that "one" that will moisturize my hair.

The list can go on and on......

I am just TIRED. Plus I feel that I am over the "long hair" thing. I see now that I CAN grow long hair if I want to. Been there done that.

Have anyone else felt the way that I do now? Has anyone here cut their hair (short) after growing it long? Is anyone TIRED! Am I the only one?:look:

To be honest...Eventhough I am tired, I am still a little scared.:perplexed Eventhough I did use to wear my hair short back in the day, I don't know if I can still pull it off at 42. I even thought about gradually cutting it off, like into a bob. But then that still defeats the purpose of not having to do a lot of work to keep it on my head still. I don't know:spinning:

And yes I know that even if I do cut it real short, I still have to keep it healthy. Trust me, I will. But I do believe it will be less work doing it.

But I would like to say thanks to all of the lovely ladies here that did help me discovery I can grow my hair long. Thank you so much!!!

So what are your thoughts on my decision? I would love your feedback.:yep:

Oh and by the way, I am thinking about cutting it something like Monica's.

dont do it :violin::alcoholic:fishslap::spank: ok think really really hard first :_(
LOL Ladies. Thank you. But I am serious. I guess it was a challenge for me to see if I could grow it long as a black woman. And I see that I can.

When I get ready, I will grow it back. It won't be a problem. Especially since I learned a whole lot of stuff from this board. I was even thinking about donating my hair to Locks of Love. I will see. Who knows, I may sit in his chair and be like...Just give me a touch up and cut me a bang. LOL

Re my reggie, trust me. It is simple. This is why my hair grew so long. Just from being lazy!
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Good luck, but at times I think short hair is harder to work with b/c it always has to look 'done'. ya know. But I feel ya on the different textures, it is a nightmare!
I was just about to say I'm open for donations.lol...I'll take it when you cut.j/k

But seriously you're working that hair(it looks good)...but ITA w/ the others "Think" over it more (maybe get a full head sew-in cut like Monicas.
You have to do what's best for you, however to address the jumping in and out of the shower issue, how about DC'ing on dry hair and then you'll only have to get in the shower once. You can rinse, shampoo and condtion that one time while you're in the shower. That's what I do.

Also, I agree Keshieshimmer, if you cut it short, you'll always have to look done and I think it will require more maintenance. That's one of the reasons why I started growing my short pixie cut out. I had to go to the salon every week so keep it looking fresh, which equated to too much time and too much money.

Try getting a short weave first, that way your hair will be "put away" for awhile and you can see if you'll like having short hair without the commitment of a cut. When I get sick of my hair and I get tempted to cut, I slap a weave in with a quickness until the cutting urge goes away. I hope this helps. :)
I can relate with your feeling of "tiredness" when it comes to maintaining your hair and change is a good thing so if you feel you can handle short hair at this stage without looking back, then by all means go for it BUT I would suggest that you try other styles, say you're just tired of doing daily maintenance, then braid it, you are tired of combing and putting it in a bun then (a lot of ppl are going to jump on my head for this one) perm it?... ahahah... anyway, at one point when i was natural and my hair started to grow longer and fuller and thicker I got to a point where i'd spend 3 hours detangling ... ok maybe not 3... but i never spent less than 2 hours anytime i was ready to detangle, and by the time i was done I didnt even wanna style myhair anymore, and oh... let me NOT get into the agony of drying.. the hours got longer as my hair got longer, so i went ahead and took the plunge. I am and will forever be obsessed with long hair, so however i got there was fine by me... some people dont care... but I've done the uber short hair thing... all I have to say about that is never again.
cut if it's what you want to do. i can definitely relate to feeling tired of it and needing a change. hair grows back. i just cut mine into a bob last month. :yep:
question: why don't you wear it out more?? your hair is really lovely.
If you've weighed out all your options, then I say go for it. Plus summer is around the corner and you can enjoy the short length.

As for my and my hair, we rebuke scissors LOL
cut if it's what you want to do. i can definitely relate to feeling tired of it and needing a change. hair grows back. i just cut mine into a bob last month. :yep:
question: why don't you wear it out more?? your hair is really lovely.
Cause I feel like I am damaging my ends, drying out my hair, etc...:spinning: I know, CRAZY right? :lachen:
I can relate with your feeling of "tiredness" when it comes to maintaining your hair and change is a good thing so if you feel you can handle short hair at this stage without looking back, then by all means go for it BUT I would suggest that you try other styles, say you're just tired of doing daily maintenance, then braid it, you are tired of combing and putting it in a bun then (a lot of ppl are going to jump on my head for this one) perm it?... ahahah... anyway, at one point when i was natural and my hair started to grow longer and fuller and thicker I got to a point where i'd spend 3 hours detangling ... ok maybe not 3... but i never spent less than 2 hours anytime i was ready to detangle, and by the time i was done I didnt even wanna style myhair anymore, and oh... let me NOT get into the agony of drying.. the hours got longer as my hair got longer, so i went ahead and took the plunge. I am and will forever be obsessed with long hair, so however i got there was fine by me... some people dont care... but I've done the uber short hair thing... all I have to say about that is never again.
My hair is permed.
You have to do what's best for you, however to address the jumping in and out of the shower issue, how about DC'ing on dry hair and then you'll only have to get in the shower once. You can rinse, shampoo and condtion that one time while you're in the shower. That's what I do.

Also, I agree Keshieshimmer, if you cut it short, you'll always have to look done and I think it will require more maintenance. That's one of the reasons why I started growing my short pixie cut out. I had to go to the salon every week so keep it looking fresh, which equated to too much time and too much money.

Try getting a short weave first, that way your hair will be "put away" for awhile and you can see if you'll like having short hair without the commitment of a cut. When I get sick of my hair and I get tempted to cut, I slap a weave in with a quickness until the cutting urge goes away. I hope this helps. :)
Lately sometimes it feels coated for some reason. I don't know why. Then I would have to shampoo to get that coated feeling off.
Don't some of you ladies think that it is a waste of time to dc before washing? Like the shampoo will take the conditioner off the hair? Just curious.
I understand how you feel. I was BSL and cut about 3 inches 2 weeks ago and I feel a little better. If you feel you need to cut do a little cut first and see how it feels.
I personally think your hair in your siggy is beautiful. Have you tried other styles? Flexirods, braidouts, twistouts? Out of sheer laziness I will not cut my hair. As a previous poster said it always has to be done. On longer hair a bun or ponytail is quick and doesnt require much. What about long term styles? Braids or a weave? Everyone needs a break :-) Hair can be quite overwhelming sometimes.
Don't some of you ladies think that it is a waste of time to dc before washing? Like the shampoo will take the conditioner off the hair? Just curious.

I feel like this..it works for some women, but I feel like it completely negates the effects of DC'ing....

If I DC on dry hair I have to follow it up with co-washing
Dear God,

some of us are working very, very, very hard to achieve what you have!

You have such beautiful hair; I, however, TA with BostonMaria; when I do reach my goals: I rebuke scissors forever:)
i think what you need is to find a simpler regimen not cut your hair. why not try that first? you don't have to jump in and out of the shower more than once if you don't want to. trust me, your hair wont be able to tell the difference
i think what you need is to find a simpler regimen not cut your hair. why not try that first? you don't have to jump in and out of the shower more than once if you don't want to. trust me, your hair wont be able to tell the difference
Tada1, what do you mean by this?
I recently got the urge to cut and had my stylist put a few layers in it. I was a little past APL and now I'm right at APL so it was a baby cut. I feel better, and my urge to cut is gone. I say try a baby cut first, and if you still have the desire after that, I say go for it. You have beautiful hair, and have learned how to care for it so I KNOW you will have no problem growing back.

About pre-pooing...I only do it if I am using a sulfate-free shampoo so that all the benifits are not stripped away. When I clarify, I do not pre-poo.