I am going to cut my hair.

I recently got the urge to cut and had my stylist put a few layers in it. I was a little past APL and now I'm right at APL so it was a baby cut. I feel better, and my urge to cut is gone. I say try a baby cut first, and if you still have the desire after that, I say go for it. You have beautiful hair, and have learned how to care for it so I KNOW you will have no problem growing back.

About pre-pooing...I only do it if I am using a sulfate-free shampoo so that all the benifits are not stripped away. When I clarify, I do not pre-poo.
Ok. Gotcha :yep:
Don't some of you ladies think that it is a waste of time to dc before washing? Like the shampoo will take the conditioner off the hair? Just curious.

I don't because from my understanding the purpose of a DC is to condition the inside of the hair shaft. Shampooing (unless you use a chelating shampoo) only cleanses the outside shaft of the hair, not the inside. That's why after I DC - rinse - shampoo, I use an instant conditioner to condition the outside of the hair shaft as well.
Because I am tired!

~Tired of the different textures going on and not being able to comb my hair without having a hard time because of it.

~Tired of having to spend 15/20 minutes of combing out my hair so that I wont be unnecessarily ripping it out.

~Tired of hopping in and out of the shower 3 or 4 times to wash and condition.

~Tired of wearing it in a bun and not really able to enjoy it out without feeling guilty or terrified that I am damaging my hair in some way.

~Tired of buying 50/11 products in hopes to find that "one" that will moisturize my hair.

The list can go on and on......

I am just TIRED. Plus I feel that I am over the "long hair" thing. I see now that I CAN grow long hair if I want to. Been there done that.

Have anyone else felt the way that I do now? Has anyone here cut their hair (short) after growing it long? Is anyone TIRED! Am I the only one?:look:

To be honest...Eventhough I am tired, I am still a little scared.:perplexed Eventhough I did use to wear my hair short back in the day, I don't know if I can still pull it off at 42. I even thought about gradually cutting it off, like into a bob. But then that still defeats the purpose of not having to do a lot of work to keep it on my head still. I don't know:spinning:

And yes I know that even if I do cut it real short, I still have to keep it healthy. Trust me, I will. But I do believe it will be less work doing it.

But I would like to say thanks to all of the lovely ladies here that did help me discovery I can grow my hair long. Thank you so much!!!

So what are your thoughts on my decision? I would love your feedback.:yep:

Oh and by the way, I am thinking about cutting it something like Monica's.

I know that i am a newbie/lurker here, but i have done what you are considering several times before... And what i can definitely say is that a precision cut of Monica's style will be just as hard to maintain, if not more difficult. If you are serious about looking polished and put together before you leave the house, a short cut can EXPONENTIALLY increase your morning styling time, imo...

My hair has been cut short several times, and I get tons of compliments from friends and family. I actually think it may be the most complimentary style for my face type/shape. But i ALWAYS end up back in wigs, weaves or braids because i just cant stand the maintenance of all the tapering, touchups, bumping with those tiny curling irons. After chopping my hair off in exhaustion and desperation about 3 times in the past several years, I only end up hiding it away until it grows back in, so now i am quick to gently advise others against it :nono:

Everyone needs a change once in while, I switch hairstyles like underwear :grin::grin::grin: But you have worked so hard just to hack it off and give up... Try to really weigh the pros and cons of short-style maintenance before you take this step, and maybe get some input on other ways to take a break from your mane? Good luck to you! : )

P.S- If you watch Monica's show, her hair is usually on point, but there are some shots in the show where its just slicked down on her head. Short hair cuts still have bad hair days, and there are STILL times when it just wont act right...
I will co-sign on shorter hair being harder to maintain. The longest my hair has ever been is full APL and I was planning to continue. Then I had a huge setback 4 years ago and had to get a CL bob with a lot of layers...I mean some of the layers were eye length. And every single day I cursed all the women who said short hair is easier. ***'N LIARS!!!!!!!!!!! :pinocchio:censored::wallbash: I had no bun, no ponytail, no options other than having it out. And wrapping it didn't give enough shape and body. As it got longer, styling became easier.

Now that I am back at APL...I rarely wear it the same way everyday. I feel the styling options are endless. Up, down, doesn't matter. So I will caution you about cutting if you haven't had a short cut in a long time. The grass is always greener...however you seem to really want to go for it, but just make sure you aren't under the illusion that all will be roses once you do it.
Ok ladies. Ya'll are making me have second thoughts. I will sleep on it and get back to you tomorrow. thanks so much for your imput. I really appreciate it.
I'm sure you'll regret that. :perplexed Women who can pull of the short look AND look better than they did in long hair tend to be the minority.
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I know exactly how you feel. I cut my BSL hair to a shoulder length bob a few weeks ago and I love it. Like you I've been there done that and know I can grow long healthy hair. But I was tired of the tangles and different textures so I cut in prep for my transition. I love it, it's so much easier to manage plus it's all healthy and all one length. I will continue to cut every 3 months maybe and 1-2 inches.
I'm 43 and around 2004 decided I wanted to grow old with long hair :yep: it's elegant and stylish etc etc....I ended up getting very bored with it and cut it, colored it etc.....I regretted it, now I'm SL after having cut my hair AGAIN (layered) in 2009 plus dealing with thinning!.....I still want to grow old with long hair :drunk: soooooo I say really THINK about it. I'm not saying 42 is old! But it does take a few years to get our hair to a certain length sooooo....

Personally, I hope you don't cut it, your hair is beautiful!
Well, as someone who transitioned for a big fat 2.5 weeks, I think you want to cut it you should go ahead and cut it. You don't like, you grow it back. But, I'm rather nonchalant about anything that has to do with beauty so I may be oversimplifying.
I say do what makes you happy. At the young age of 42, you have nothing to prove to anyone. Like you said, "been there done that". Halle isn't the one that can still pull it off after 40:yep:
Well, as someone who transitioned for a big fat 2.5 weeks, I think you want to cut it you should go ahead and cut it. You don't like, you grow it back. But, I'm rather nonchalant about anything that has to do with beauty so I may be oversimplifying.

I say do what makes you happy. At the young age of 42, you have nothing to prove to anyone. Like you said, "been there done that". Halle isn't the one that can still pull it off after 40

ITA with these ladies posts. Do what you feel is right for you, your hair will always grow back.
If you decide to cut I wouldnt go super short, because at that point you are only limited to one style option, plus you will be forever living in the shop to keep it up unless you know how to DIY taper, shape, and use the tiny curling irons to get that precision.

I would get a generous cut but still long enough to pull back into a pony if need be. As far as your ends are concerned, if you plan to cut it and maintain it at that length, you will be getting about 4-6 trims a year so being extremley anal about your ends will be a waste of time since you are cutting them often anyway to maintain the length. That way wearing your hair out more often should be more pleasant for you.
I felt like that too...plus I had 2 extra heads of hair to care for. The other day I just wen in & chop chopped...my hair is shorter than it's been in my life & I feel relieved...I kinda wish I hadn't cut it as short, but I am relieved...& feel I have a fresh start
I have had long hair all my life and 2 years ago decided to stop listening to everyone else's opinions about my hair and cut my hair. I LOVED IT! I mean every single moment of it. I knew I could grow it back anytime I wanted so it wasn't a big deal. I loved the freedom of washing my hair in 5 - 10 minutes tops and the freedom of getting up, just wetting it and hitting the door in under 10 minutes. So if you want to cut your hair I say go for it. It's only hair & it WILL GROW BACK contrary to popular belief.

Take a look at my profile and look at my albums (the old me & the new me). My pics are my hair at it's shortest when it was long and everyone would tell me not to cut it any shorter than that and I would listen. In the end, I'm glad I finally did it for me. Now I'm growing back and it has only taken me 6-7 months to go from pixie length to SL.

Hope this helps in some way and good luck on your decision whatever it is!!!!
All I have to say, and ladies please don't impale me for this, is that long hair isn't everything. To me, hair is an accessory that is for added beauty and enjoyment. Part of the enjoyment of having hair is being able to achieve the styles that you want. Sometimes we change our minds, and we're entitled to do that. Although I agree that your hair is very beautiful, if you aren't willing to deal with it anymore then it will be like you are putting all that effort into your hair for nothing. Do what makes you happy to your hair. And since you know you can grow your hair long, if you decide to you can do so in the future.

But, to answer you question, no I've never felt like cutting off my hair. Been there before and I never want to go back. But that's just me :look:.
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Again thank you ladies.

Well, my decision is....I chickened out. I had time to think about it and you all made a lot of good points.

I did not remember how much work it took to keep it looking well groomed. And a lot of money, because I would have to keep going to the salon. Imma chill. I may just get a weave in a short cut that I see so many ladies on youtube get. Those look soooo fly!

Again, thank you all for helping me make my decision.
Glad you changed your mind. I have actually contemplated cutting as well as I am so tired of detangling and wearing buns. I decided that I am going to get my hair cut in layers and get some bangs and that should help a lot I think. I have decided that next time I get pregnant I will cut it to about APL or BSL for two reasons 1. I hated dealing with my hair when I was pregnant last time 2. It grows so nicely during that time so cutting it won't be so risky
Again thank you ladies.

Well, my decision is....I chickened out. I had time to think about it and you all made a lot of good points.

I did not remember how much work it took to keep it looking well groomed. And a lot of money, because I would have to keep going to the salon. Imma chill. I may just get a weave in a short cut that I see so many ladies on youtube get. Those look soooo fly!

Again, thank you all for helping me make my decision.

I agree. Those short styles look cute when you first get them, but they require a lot of maintenance and up keep. Long hair may require a little more TLC, but for me it's the lesser of the two evils. I'm glad your beautiful head of hair will be sticking around for a while :).