I am a terrible person.

What do I do?

  • Girl, are you CRAZY? Wife that NOW!

    Votes: 12 26.1%
  • Stay with him and play it by ear.

    Votes: 14 30.4%
  • Take a break for a while. You do you.

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • I don't know either!

    Votes: 9 19.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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New Member
And it's been eating me up for the past week. :nono:

I have an amazing, amazing boyfriend. It will be our first anniversary next Saturday and I can honestly say that it has been the best year I've ever spent with someone else. He is an ideal for an entire demographic: a "good black man," a seeming rarity among these parts. He's marriage-minded, faithful, has a job (just recently got promoted, at that) and in school (we're both in school), he has a career goal he's working towards, and has recently told me he wants to strengthen himself in his walk with God.

He provides for me when he can, with humility and grace. He'll drop what he's doing in a heartbeat if he knew I needed him to. He does his best to see that I want for nothing. If I ask, he'll cook for me, clean for me, do anything for me without a word and expecting nothing in return. He loves my family and my family loves him back.

I know I've got something special on my hands. My boyfriend is one of the kindest, most patient people I've met and in this time that we've been together, I know he's changed me for the better. I'm a little bit bolder, more confident, nicer (and I was a mean ole thing too), and just being with him just gives me a sense of security in everything I do.

I could never even begin repay him for all the things he's done for me. And while I know love isn't tit-for-tat, I really feel so inadequate next to him. He's amazing and I try to get by with giving the bare minimum in return. Of course he says he loves me for what I CAN do for him, not for what I CAN'T.

But I've always been fiercely independent and I hate this deep, constant feeling of always owing him something, of always trying to measure up to be good enough for him. I hate not feeling good enough.

He plans to transfer to another university next semester, about 3-4 hours away and I've been thinking of transferring out of state (simply because I've been here my entire life). So, the issue of remaining together comes up.

Now, neither of us were looking for anything serious a year ago, but things quickly turned out that way, especially for him. I honestly think he loves me more than I love him and I don't feel that's right. I never expected to feel this way about anyone anytime soon, but it's funny how love bops you over the head when you least expect it.

He has made it clear, time and time again, that he would like to stay together through the distance and ultimately marry me. I love him, but marriage is the furthest thing from my mind. I don't want to marry him, or anyone, anytime soon. I made his clear and he said to forget marriage, then. Do I still want to stay with him?

And this is where I'm hitting a wall.

He is my first serious relationship and I don't want to hurt him (or myself in the longrun). He was a manwhore before he met me and got all his dating out. I'm in college and I want to date around and have those experiences with other guys.

But at the same time, I know what I have and I don't want to be that woman who gave up something amazing. I don't want to give him up for one of you guys to swoop down and capture him. :lol: Or worse, a Becky. :nono: I don't want anyone to have him, but I can't expect him to wait around while I get my ho-years out of my system. I can't be selfish in that way.

I don't want to think back ten-twenty years from now and be like, "Damn. I had this ninja with a job, a tight ***, and a bible and I gave that ish up and for what?" You know?

What's worse is that I have the tendency to become complacent. I don't have to be happy, so long as nothing is wrong, I will stay where I'm at. But I know he deserves more than that.

I don't know if I want to stay, but I don't want to let him go either. If I stay, how can I be sure I am with him for the right reasons? Should I "learn to love what's good for me"? Should I stay because of the security and love, or because I don't want anyone else to have him?

Maybe we should try a "break" and let each other breathe for a while? But then what is that ish? An "open" relationship? What? Man, I just don't know. :ohwell:
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I don't think you are a terrible person first of all. Your SO sounds like a great catch but it doesn't mean he is for you.

I feel like you shouldn't have to convince yourself to stay with someone but I don't want to tell you to break up.
Thank you for chiming in, Tay. Getting a chance to write it all out helps clear my mind at least for now.
Totally Off-Topic OP, but from ur posts I always thought u were older, but ur BF looks like a Baby in that pic! 15 years old max.

Very Cute pic though :yep:
He does look young in that picture. He can't help it. He looks older from the front. :lol:

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Robotxcore, did you/your SO grow up in Ohio? I went to school with someone who looked exactly like that! (He was a twin.)
Nope. He's lived in the DMV all his life.

Do you have a picture or FB? I want to see my SO's twin. :lol:
I dont have any advice but I will say I understand very much how you feel. This is going to be tough for you if you split and maybe equally tough if you go... I just dont have an answer.... If only life were simpler...
Gurl....this is a tough one....hmmm...When I see the pic in your siggy..I feel like thats love...It reminds me of moments that I share with my future that make me love him most...Supporting me during my BC, kissing me w/ makeup off, and we're just laughing and having a good time...thats love...

I don't have to tell you the grass isn't greener on the other side looking through this forum will...loneliness is a *****...especially when you had true love and let it go and allowed someone else to pick it up.

Sometimes love can be lackadaisical and looking at others going out on dates/being single is great...but once the dating/partying stops I'm sure many ladies can tell you...especially the ones who are dating and dating and dating and dating...they are all trying to end up with what you have in the end...

Gurl...don't be no fool. I say enjoy what you have and quit feeling inadequate because if he wanted you to feel that way...you would have a thread telling us how he puts you down and reminds you of all that he has done for you...and you don't. I don't think you should have to force love but I feel that there is definitely something inside Robot saying that you don't deserve all the love he's giving so your feeding a distraction per se which is seeing whats on the other side...I say hold on hold on hold on....to him...

True love is just so hard to come by...Just sit back, take your time and think and I know you will come up with your answer on what to do...
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Dating around and seeing what else is out there ain't all that its cracked up to be. I've seen so many women go through relationship drama to know that a good man is worth holding on to.

I hope you are able to make a decision that makes you happy and that you can live with in the long run. I wish you the best :)
Gurl....this is a tough one....hmmm...When I see the pic in your siggy..I feel like thats love...It reminds me of moments that I share with my future that make me love him most...Supporting me during my BC, kissing me w/ makeup off, and we're just laughing and having a good time...thats love...

I don't have to tell you the grass isn't greener on the other side looking through this forum will...loneliness is a *****...especially when you had true love and let it go and allowed someone else to pick it up.

Sometimes love can be lackadaisical and looking at others going out on dates/being single is great...but once the dating/partying stops I'm sure many ladies can tell you...especially the ones who are dating and dating and dating and dating...they are all trying to end up with what you have in the end...

Gurl...don't be no fool. I say enjoy what you have and quit feeling inadequate because if he wanted you to feel that way...you would have a thread telling us how he puts you down and reminds you of all that he has done for you...and you don't. I don't think you should have to force love but I feel that there is definitely something inside Robot saying that you don't deserve all the love he's giving so your feeding a distraction per se which is seeing whats on the other side...I say hold on hold on hold on....to him...

True love is just so hard to come by...Just sit back, take your time and think and I know you will come up with your answer on what to do...
Your "reason for editing" made me laugh after your response made me tear up. Thank you, girl. :lol:

I think it's easy to see outside of what you have and think it looks like fun. If I want to date, I should just date the man I have. We always have a good time when we're out.

Thank you so much for the profound perspective. :bighug:
Dating around and seeing what else is out there ain't all that its cracked up to be. I've seen so many women go through relationship drama to know that a good man is worth holding on to.

I hope you are able to make a decision that makes you happy and that you can live with in the long run. I wish you the best :)

Dating around and seeing what else is out there ain't all that its cracked up to be. I've seen so many women go through relationship drama to know that a good man is worth holding on to.

I hope you are able to make a decision that makes you happy and that you can live with in the long run. I wish you the best :)

It wasn't a thought until my aunt started asking me about my relationship. Sometimes, it's easier to talk to her than my mother, so I take into consideration what she had to say.

She was telling me how she regretted getting married so young and she and her husband split for a year. But they've been back together and I know they genuinely love each other.

I know I shouldn't let what others say shape my relationship, but since it was coming from someone I was close to, I almost let it get to me and this was months ago.

I know that not everyone's love will be the same. People got married young just a few decades ago, and the divorce rate was a lot lower then. What works for some, doesn't work for all and it shouldn't. I need to stop trying to live a life that others are telling me I should and do what works for me. Only thing is, how do I know what works and what doesn't? :lol:

Either way, talking about this is helping me to sort out my emotions. I am the only girl out of five boys, so I never really had a girlfriend or sister I told EVERYTHING to. Getting it out and getting differing opinions is helping.
Dump him.

It's not fair to him because you're holding onto something you aren't going to put 100% in.

The same exact thing happened to my friend except her guy was bout 3 years older and didn't go to our college but lived about 3 hours away. He was the perrfect guy but that was her first serious relationship and they had been together for about 5 years prior. She never broke up with him but she cheated on him because she desperately wanted to know what the world without him was like.

I would honestly say that if you were independent once, you can do it again. Get rid of him before you do soemthign you regret
Dump him.

It's not fair to him because you're holding onto something you aren't going to put 100% in.

The same exact thing happened to my friend except her guy was bout 3 years older and didn't go to our college but lived about 3 hours away. He was the perrfect guy but that was her first serious relationship and they had been together for about 5 years prior. She never broke up with him but she cheated on him because she desperately wanted to know what the world without him was like.

I would honestly say that if you were independent once, you can do it again. Get rid of him before you do soemthign you regret

Like cheat? That is one thing I know I would never do. Karma is a ***** and is more than enough to keep me from doing anything bad. I try to do right by others.

My father cheated on my mother more than once and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I would break up before I ever cheated. I'm not worried about that.

But I can definitely see where you're coming from. It's not right to him.
Your "reason for editing" made me laugh after your response made me tear up. Thank you, girl. :lol:

I think it's easy to see outside of what you have and think it looks like fun. If I want to date, I should just date the man I have. We always have a good time when we're out.

Thank you so much for the profound perspective. :bighug:

Your welcome! You deserve it! and you know what I do...I know its gonna sound corny but when my future least expects it I give him a huge bear hug...or rather he bear hugs me and I tell him thanks and that I adore and appreciate everything that he does for me, for us, for our future. Gurl, and that has him walking around on airs like the king that he is to me...all day...That to him is worth more than I can ever do for him materialistically. I'm sure that's what you have in yours!

Now gurl boom...get back to the OT forum and go talk crazy to them like you always do!
I personally think you are putting too much pressure on yourself to make a big decision right now. I think you should just let whatever happens happen. People break up, they get back together. Sometimes they never talk again and sometimes they get married.

You can't predict it. Every couple is different. It sounds like you want a break. You shouldn't be afraid of that. My advice to you is to keep praying. Go to the school that you want to go to. Date other people if you want to but tell him your feelings and keep in touch with him. You may find that he isn't what you wanted or you may find that he is all you ever wanted and needed. None of us can tell you that.

He may be the right guy, he may not. But for you, it sounds like this isn't the right timing for you right now. Marriage is forever and not something to be rushed into. There is no rush honey. You are young and blessed with time.

But I think that if he really cares for you, he isn't going to just drop you like that. Even if you both decide to remain friends for a while. You could stay friends or it could be more.

I say, just take the pressure off of the relationship and stop trying to make it be something. It is what it is. You're in college and in a growth period of your life. Just see what happens.
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As like anyone else reading your post you cant help but say awww how sweet :rolleyes: Cuteness aside I can understand your feeling of inadequacy; I myself am going through something similiar right now and though we may not see the "amazing :grin:" qualities they see in us we have to believe at some point that they are there and that we provide/give alot more then we give ourselves credit for; for that reason we should appreciate that we have a person in our life that loves us for all we are. With even that aside if you are questioning your relationship with him its obvious that you are not ready for that major step of marriage right now. You both appear to be young but you should never think that because of your age that you do not know what love is, at the same time you should never jump into anything or hold tight to someone when you are unsure or do so for selfish reasons. You indicated that the both of you may be at different schools soon so this may be the break that the two of you need. You have to acknowledge your feelings and concerns and if the love he has for you is real then trust that love will always be there as well as the feeling of wanting to spend the rest of his life with you. If you try to hold on to the relationship feeling the way that you do if he finds out that you are seeing someone else that will hurt worse than it being clear that the two of you are taking a break and seeing other people. If the two of you end up back together forever then great if not then just be thankful that you got to experience what it means to be treated good by a good man. You may have regrets and then again you may not but unfortunately it happens and its life. Basically the two of you need to sit down and have a conversation concerning your feelings.

I wish the two of you the best and hope true love prevails :look:
Wow. This is pretty deep. And it's pretty difficult to give advice on, these matters of the heart. But I will just say if you're not feeling that "can't/won't do without you love" right now it doesn't mean doom and gloom for you. You know what you have and you sound really appreciative of it so maybe considering the LD dating route might help you decide if the relationship is something you want to hold on to or not. Distance is supposed to make the heart fonder of loved ones.

And totally OT, I love reading your posts. You seem like an awesome person. :)
Wow. This is pretty deep. And it's pretty difficult to give advice on, these matters of the heart. But I will just say if you're not feeling that "can't/won't do without you love" right now it doesn't mean doom and gloom for you. You know what you have and you sound really appreciative of it so maybe considering the LD dating route might help you decide if the relationship is something you want to hold on to or not. Distance is supposed to make the heart fonder of loved ones.

And totally OT, I love reading your posts. You seem like an awesome person. :)

Thank you for the input. I do think the distance will allow us a bit of clarity for a bit. We can try being apart without actually separating.

And thank you. Even though I never really see you around, you seem like a very level-headed person. :yep:
As like anyone else reading your post you cant help but say awww how sweet :rolleyes: Cuteness aside I can understand your feeling of inadequacy; I myself am going through something similiar right now and though we may not see the "amazing :grin:" qualities they see in us we have to believe at some point that they are there and that we provide/give alot more then we give ourselves credit for; for that reason we should appreciate that we have a person in our life that loves us for all we are. With even that aside if you are questioning your relationship with him its obvious that you are not ready for that major step of marriage right now. You both appear to be young but you should never think that because of your age that you do not know what love is, at the same time you should never jump into anything or hold tight to someone when you are unsure or do so for selfish reasons. You indicated that the both of you may be at different schools soon so this may be the break that the two of you need. You have to acknowledge your feelings and concerns and if the love he has for you is real then trust that love will always be there as well as the feeling of wanting to spend the rest of his life with you. If you try to hold on to the relationship feeling the way that you do if he finds out that you are seeing someone else that will hurt worse than it being clear that the two of you are taking a break and seeing other people. If the two of you end up back together forever then great if not then just be thankful that you got to experience what it means to be treated good by a good man. You may have regrets and then again you may not but unfortunately it happens and its life. Basically the two of you need to sit down and have a conversation concerning your feelings.

I wish the two of you the best and hope true love prevails :look:

I agree with everything you said. Part of me is saying not to make so much of this because I'm scared to regret anything later in life. But I can't let that get in the way of making a decision NOW. I can't let this drag on without a purpose, or maybe I can. Like you said, I will have to talk to him about it.

I have told him ifm years down the road, we end up together, great. I know I'll be happy with my lot in life. :)
I personally think you are putting too much pressure on yourself to make a big decision right now. I think you should just let whatever happens happen. People break up, they get back together. Sometimes they never talk again and sometimes they get married.

You can't predict it. Every couple is different. It sounds like you want a break. You shouldn't be afraid of that. My advice to you is to keep praying. Go to the school that you want to go to. Date other people if you want to but tell him your feelings and keep in touch with him. You may find that he isn't what you wanted or you may find that he is all you ever wanted and needed. None of us can tell you that.

He may be the right guy, he may not. But for you, it sounds like this isn't the right timing for you right now. Marriage is forever and not something to be rushed into. There is no rush honey. You are young and blessed with time.

But I think that if he really cares for you, he isn't going to just drop you like that. Even if you both decide to remain friends for a while. You could stay friends or it could be more.

I say, just take the pressure off of the relationship and stop trying to make it be something. It is what it is. You're in college and in a growth period of your life. Just see what happens.

Thank you a hundred times over for this. It really helped me to calm down a bit. :yep:

You make a lot of sense. It's the end of the year and semester, so it seems like everything has this finality to it and it's making me a little more nervous than I usually am. But after this year is another one, so I should take it easy.
Your bf is cute, and you all look very happy together. I guess sometimes it's tough to know whether you're holding onto something only because of fear or whether you're holding on because it's really important to you. I like what you said about "learning to love what is good for me." It says a lot, because in the end, which path do you think is going to make you ultimately happy?

It could be one of those things in life that we can't control. Sometimes things don't operate on our timetable or as we'd ideally envision it...but when the train comes we need to get on board anyway, 'cause it's going where we want to end up. Only you can tell if this one is what you ultimately want.
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Dump him.

It's not fair to him because you're holding onto something you aren't going to put 100% in.

The same exact thing happened to my friend except her guy was bout 3 years older and didn't go to our college but lived about 3 hours away. He was the perrfect guy but that was her first serious relationship and they had been together for about 5 years prior. She never broke up with him but she cheated on him because she desperately wanted to know what the world without him was like.

I would honestly say that if you were independent once, you can do it again. Get rid of him before you do soemthign you regret

I know a girl who was with someone for five years, and broke it off with him because he was her only serious relationship and she wanted to explore.

The guy tried to get her back for six months, then when he finally let go and started seeing someone else she realized she really wanted to be with him.

She spent six months trying to get him back, went through this whole ordeal but long story short, she lost him for good. (At least for now, who knows what the future holds.)

She was hurt for awhile, then started dating around. Each subsequent guy she dated she thought was "the one", but none of it has worked out.

Not saying this to scare you or anything, because it's just one scenario out of a thousand possible outcomes. But the thing of it is, had she stayed with the guy chances are she'd still be feeling restless. She would still have the "what if" when it came to dating around, just like now she has the "what if" she hadn't left him.

I don't think there are any right or wrong decisions when it comes to this, just different paths that you can take. You have to decide which path is right for you in the now, and try not to worry too much about the future because either way you could end up dissatisfied.
It wasn't a thought until my aunt started asking me about my relationship. Sometimes, it's easier to talk to her than my mother, so I take into consideration what she had to say.

She was telling me how she regretted getting married so young and she and her husband split for a year. But they've been back together and I know they genuinely love each other.

I know I shouldn't let what others say shape my relationship, but since it was coming from someone I was close to, I almost let it get to me and this was months ago.

I know that not everyone's love will be the same. People got married young just a few decades ago, and the divorce rate was a lot lower then. What works for some, doesn't work for all and it shouldn't. I need to stop trying to live a life that others are telling me I should and do what works for me. Only thing is, how do I know what works and what doesn't? :lol:

Either way, talking about this is helping me to sort out my emotions. I am the only girl out of five boys, so I never really had a girlfriend or sister I told EVERYTHING to. Getting it out and getting differing opinions is helping.

I know how you feel. It almost feels as if you're missing something. If you have a curious disposition, that feeling can drive you crazy. I've only been in 2 serious relationships. I thought the first one with my crazy ex was going to be forever. On the outside, all things about him seemed perfect. He just wasn't the right guy for me. I stayed single for 3 years by choice. I had the urge to date, and test the waters, but hesitated. Watching my single friends jump from bed to bed, date to date didn't seem fulfilling. When I finally found my DH, he almost seemed too good to be true. Sometimes its hard to accept that someone so good wants to be part of your life. Accepts you for who you are no matter what. I just thank God I had enough sense to hold on tight to him. I'm so glad that I did.

Don't let fear, curiosity about the unknown, or misplaced complacency scare you away from your current SO. Follow your heart. Trust your own judgement. Most importantly don't filter your own relationship through the eyes of others.

I'ma get off my soapbox now. Just know that you ARE worthy of his love. Bask in it girl.
matters of the heart....you can only follow your heart

I was in a similar situation, my first real love...greatest guy ever and even though I knew I didn't want to get married and go the route he wanted to go in life....I loved him and even though to this day I don't feel he was the "one" for me, I definitely handled the situation all wrong....I lied to him and broke his trust and wouldn't tell him the truth if my life depended on it...I did it all for selfish reasons to keep him at bay while i did what i wanted to do and that wasn't fair to him...I would of loved to at least have him in my life some sort of way, but he didn't even utter a word to me until 7 years later when he told me he still wasn't over it and then the next year he finally said he forgave me...it caused problems in his marriage not being able to let go of the hurt....

I would only advise that if you love him be honest with him....it is selfish to not want anybody else to have him if you are not completely sure you don't want him or want what he wants, or keeping him on the burner just in case...because if you meet somebody else who you feel is the "one" while you are experiencing life, you won't be upset if he moves on...you will only be upset if you get ran all over and dogged out and then be feeling all regretful and remorseful...don't let fear dictate your decisions, whereas you only stay because you may lose him to somebody else...you never know where you may end up in the long run and it could be with him, but honesty and trust are important no matter what to keep whatever relationship you have with him, and if you want to be free to roam you also have to be willing to let him be free

faith in love is

if its meant to be nothing will stop it from happening, if its not you will only find something better

whatever you decide to do , do it from love not from fear
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