I about to splurge and buy a hair steamer, those who have one please come and

Think of the products you could buy for $120
! Lol.
I know this a joke, a funny one at that -- but that's how I used to be, until I realized I should worry more about quality instead of quantity. If a steamer can take my hair to the next level, then I think it'd be a better investment than spending $120 on a bunch of a hair products that may or may not work and will only sit around collecting dust. So I bit the bullet and purchased one this weekend. I'm broke so I'm feeling that $140 hit, but I want luscious healthy, moisturized hair so it's worth it to me. I would've just ended up spending $140 overtime on products that didn't wow me anyway. At least now I have something to show for it.
Just got my steamer from lcl it seems to be used. I took pictures and repacked the box. Since others have said good things about the steamers from this company I'm not going to assume I was sent a used one on purpose (yet). I'm just annoyed since it took a week to get here would have to wait at least another full week to get another. I left them a message as they are closed.