Huffington Post: YouTube's Top 5 Natural Hair Care Vloggers


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Huffington Post: YouTube's Top 5 Natural Hair Care Vloggers

Who's in the count down?


"The 34-year-old vlogger has more than 2 million channel views and is approaching 70,000 subscribers since joining the site in 2009."


"This 25-year-old Southern hairstylist has more than 50,000 subscribers to her YouTube channel and is as adorable as her screen name suggests."


"The 27-year-old St. Louis, Mo., vlogger ... has made 176 YouTube videos for her 43,000 subscribers.


"28- year-old Oakland, Calif., native has more than 30,000 subscribers who frequent her page."


DPrincess 28
"For concrete tips to help you prepare to transition your natural hair or to get ready for your "big chop," visit her channel and join her entourage of 27,000 subscribers."

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This is a good list.... however, where's Nikki Mae or Lexiwiththecurls???

I guess everyone couldn't fit in the top five...
Each person on the list has VERY strong personalities. I guess that's what you need to make it. BBBD is my favorite out of the 5. Now matter what the subject she always speaks with such passion. LOVE it!

Don't mean to hijack the thread but who is everyone's favorite?

ETA: AfricanExport is second because I find her to be very comical (in a good way). I think she would be the most interesting to meet in person.
Each person on the list has VERY strong personalities. I guess that's what you need to make it. BBBD is my favorite out of the 5. Now matter what the subject she always speaks with such passion. LOVE it!

Don't mean to hijack the thread but who is everyone's favorite?

My top two: Kimmay for content & AE for personality. I like to watch pretty dimples probably cause she's cute, and BBBD's weight loss videos are my favorite of hers.
:yep: I'm surprised Nikki Mae and Naptural85 aren't on there. I haven't even heard of the last girl until now. Congrats to them all though. :)
Naptural85 should be on there! She has 43,000 subscribers!! Her channel has really been growing.

That's what I was thinking too. I absolutey LOVVEEEEEEE her videos. Her personality is great too. I'm actually surprised she doesn't have more subscribers making her #1.
i love africanexport ad bbbd. they are both amazing and i love their hair and personalities and i think they are both beautiful and deserving of being on this list.
That's a good look for everyone who made the list. I'm subscribed to Kimmy and AfricanEx; luv AfricanExport
but wat happened to NikkiMae? Total snub lol
I love BeautifulBrwnBabyDol. I swear I do. I am proud of her accomplishments. I adore her style and the good things she has to say. But I can not.... and I regret this... but I can NOT sit through her almost 2 minute intro for EVERY video. I sometimes try to skip ahead and find where her new video starts, but sometimes it's not worth the trouble. That child is 99.4256 percent perfect, but that intro is like a busted o-ring on the space shuttle to me.
I watch Kimmay, but I don't like her personality. DPrincess is probably my favorite of the bunch. I too am surprised Taren and Mlle CafeAuLait aren't on there, in fact no one on that list i(well, maybe DPrincess) s really repping for the 3c girls.
I've watched all of them at one point or another. but I am only subscribed to Kim, AE and BBBD more so because they closer in texture to me.

Yeah Nap 85 should be on there.
:yay: to the black women doing their thang! :D

I'm not subbed to any of these ladies. I've seen some of KT, BBBD, and AA's videos. And yes, they do have very strong personalities.

Naptural85 is my fav. She's such a sweetheart! :D I can really relate to her.
I watch Kimmay, but I don't like her personality. DPrincess is probably my favorite of the bunch. I too am surprised Taren and Mlle CafeAuLait aren't on there, in fact no one on that list i(well, maybe DPrincess) s really repping for the 3c girls.

I love her videos & personality!
I love Seximami101 her videos are great and inspiring, humorous and simple to follow. I also follow Brittanynic16, Amarige25 and Meekajael, I've learnt something positive from all of these ladies.
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I agree.... She has a nice channel and no cockiness unlike many on the list
Ellepixxie should be on there too Idk how many subs she has
but she gives good tips and very thorough

Naptural85 should be on there! She has 43,000 subscribers!! Her channel has really been growing.
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I despise Kimmay...there is something about her that just rubs me the wrong way. I dont know if its her over-enunciation, her fake smiles, the fact that she talks like she is talking to a toddler.....that #$%^ just grinds my gears.
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^^ Yea I'm not too fond of her either. But her growth and retention is NOOOOO JOKE! That's the main reason why people watch.
I despise Kimmay...there is something about her that just rubs me the wrong way. I dont know if its her over-enunciation, he fake smiles, the fact that she talks like she is talking to a toddler.....that #$%^ just grinds my gears.

I don't care for Kimmay either, but the bolded is such a strong word. Maybe you meant that she irritates you?:perplexed
It's huge for any of them that made the list, congrats! Love bbbd. Love naptural85 would've loved to have seen her on the list. Suprised charyjay of 160days2lose2 didn't make it.

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Kimmay stan here :look: No one beats her content one. Attitude or not.

That's how I felt about her too until I discovered naptural85. I think n85 is now the woman to beat as far as PURE content goes. Kimmay has good content but I'm starting to see that it's pretty/professional video editing more than anything. JMO
im surprised at prettydimples and dprincess...they have nice hair (esp dprincess :drool:), i just didn't know they had so many subscribers...
Black women really know how to turn something good into something negative. Whats the purpose of posting who you don't like and why???????