Huffington Post: YouTube's Top 5 Natural Hair Care Vloggers

Black women really know how to turn something good into something negative. Whats the purpose of posting who you don't like and why???????

Because we can-nothing wrong with voicing an opinion:look:

I agree with others, Nap85 should have been on that list. The only one I'm subscribed to on the list is prettydimples. Oh and maybe BeautifulBrwnBabyDol. Would have been better though if they made a top 10...but I am honestly excited that naturals are finally getting some notice, positive notice at that.
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Nice!! They are all lovely ladies. I am glad prettydimples made the list... I love her videos and have learned SO much from her.
Each person on the list has VERY strong personalities. I guess that's what you need to make it. BBBD is my favorite out of the 5. Now matter what the subject she always speaks with such passion. LOVE it!

Don't mean to hijack the thread but who is everyone's favorite?

ETA: AfricanExport is second because I find her to be very comical (in a good way). I think she would be the most interesting to meet in person.

Funny, both of them kind of irritate me, whereas Kimmy who seems to irritate everyone else, doesn't bother me at all.
Black women really know how to turn something good into something negative. Whats the purpose of posting who you don't like and why???????

why does it always have to be a race thing- "black women....". it's just an opinion that someone feels the need to express. not that serious.:lol: kimmay is still popular; she hasn't fallen from grace by someone saying they don't like her. :drunk:
Exactly and if ppl want pretty / professional 1mits1 can make stuff pretty if not more so than kimmay and it'll be funny too

That's how I felt about her too until I discovered naptural85. I think n85 is now the woman to beat as far as PURE content goes. Kimmay has good content but I'm starting to see that it's pretty/professional video editing more than anything. JMO
It's weird about NikkiMae, a lot of people like her, but she doesn't seem to be as popular. It took her forever to make partner (a term I find hilarious applied to youtube since I work in the legal field). I was surprised about Taren, but maybe not as many people ID with her since she seems to be more in the 3a/3b range. I guess if they are going strictly by numbers, NikkiMae should be there but I don't know. I have to say, though, sometimes, her hair just looks kind of meh. I was traumatized by her curlformers demo. Seemed like a lot of work for the result she got.
I think they selected different vloggers because they didn't want a retread of the NY Times article? Wasn't it Kimmay, Taren, NikkiMae and Curly Nikki? I can't remember the exact grouping. But at any rate there is enough shine to go around for everyone. And if we don't like the content that's out there we can always pick up a camera and change it. I started my own channel because a lot of what I saw out there seemed geared towards women who had already transitioned or BC'ed and I wanted to learn and grow with women who are going through the same thing I'm experiencing.

The other thing that kind of irks me are the people who don't offer ANYTHING other than stroking their hair and think that's enough to get by. Geez show a product review or at least a tutorial. No one's hair is THAT amazing that I'm going to sit through 16 minutes of you stroking it and talking about it in a monotone voice.
Kimmay Is Like A Hair Care Educational Teacher (Love Her For That).
Now African Export; I Want To Like Her (She Is A Beautiful Woman And Her Skin Complexion Is Too Die For) But I Do Not. She Comes Across As A Bully To Me. All This "Keep It Real":perplexed, Rubs Me The Wrong Way.
Glad These Ladies Are Doing Their Thang Though:yep:.
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I was surprised that Taren wasn't on there, but I'm actually glad she's not. Let's be real...she does not have the hair type that the majority of black women have. Most black women follow her because her hair is pretty and she has great style, but I think when they really need haircare advice, they tend to go to people whose hair looks like theirs.
I'm really shocked HP even did a review on this. We've arrived y'all! NYT and now HP, what's next?? this is really awesome.

i think Kimmay has great content. despite her approach her videos tend to say something during the run time (except for her flat iron and blow dry videos this year... i gave deep side-eye to both :nono:).

people like African Export talk A LOT and never say anything. i've gotten to the point where i refuse to waste my time watching mostly pointless videos so whenever someone posts a YT link here i don't bother... or i watch w/ sound off.
I'm surprised that they got the list right! My favorite is BBBD, and I've watched all the other ladies too (except African Export). I wasn't aware that DPrincess was still making videos?

ETA: Autumn isn't there, or Black Onyx, and RusticBeauty.
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I believe they went by the amount of subscribers. We know there's a lot of naturals out there unmentioned. I get inspired by most of them. Some, I just give the :rolleyes: to.:lol:
I'm really shocked HP even did a review on this. We've arrived y'all! NYT and now HP, what's next?? this is really awesome.

nzeee, you took the words right outta my mouth! I'm shocked that the topic of natural hair period made HuffPost's radar! From politics to the puff! :grin:
Now African Export; I Want To Like Her (She Is A Beautiful Woman And Her Skin Complexion Is Too Die For) But I Do Not. She Comes Across As A Bully To Me. All This "Keep It Real":perplexed, Rubs Me The Wrong Way.:yep:.

I got the same vibe from her videos. And she didn't seem to "keep it real" during the Taren/Kimmay/AE clash over Taren's "Integrity" vid, retracting, recanting and deleting statements/response. I don't vibe with harsh personalities, but I can respect it if the person is that way 100% of the time. I tuned out.

She is beautiful, her hair is lovely, and her style is off the charts - kudos to her and the other ladies for doing their thing!