How/Where did you meet your DH/SO?

I met SO in a way that probably won't make sense for anyone who isn't a gamer... so I guess I'll say I met him on a message board for people who like to write stories. (close enough, lol.)

I met him about three months before we started dating. At the time I was in a four-year relationship and was set to move in with the guy in three months.

So I would have -never- guessed that in three months I'd be dating SO. :laugh: It always baffles me how that happened. I'd added him to MSN to talk about a story we were writing together, to collaborate it and make sure it fit specific guidelines, etc. But I never really talked to him unless it was about writing.

Then, the night of ex and I's break up I talked to pretty much -everyone- who would listen about how I felt... so of course I included him. It was funny because I was avoiding him a few days before then since I'd been procrastinating on proofreading one of his stories. :sekret: I didn't want him to ask me about it...

Well anyway he offered to come visit me and help me feel better (not how you think), we really hit it off and one month later we were dating. Woo!
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It's a funny story...I'd just moved to Houston, and had been here for about 6 months. I'd been hanging out with a young lady that was in my orientation class, and one night she called me at like 9:30 on a sunday night, and asked me if I wanted to go out. Now, I had to be at work the next day at 6:45 so I originally told her "Naw, I'm gonna call it a night." Well after about 30 min of staring at my ceiling fan while trying to fall asleep, I changed my mind, called her back, said "Girl, count me in!" and we rolled out to this spot with great live music.

Upon arrival, she saw a group of men that she knew, and introduced me to all of them except for one particular "mystery man" that was standing on his own not really paying attention to the whole scene. I knew he was part of this group of men because he would say something to one of them every now and then, but pretty much stayed quiet.

Now I was totally turned off by the some of men in this place because when they were bold enough to approach me it was like a job interview, and they felt the need to brag about their accomplishments, money, cars, qualifications, etc. One short, sweaty, greasy man even came up to me and stuck his WHOLE fist in his mouth, and said, and I quote, "Girl, this is what I want to do to yo feet!" I was too through...

What I didn't know is that the whole time this is going down, "mystery man" was watching, and was obviously quite amused when I told Mr. Foot Fetish to bug off. So shortly after this whole scene, "mystery man" approached me and said, "I know you met my friends, but I don't think we've been introduced..." And we have been inseparable every since.

I want to add that I had a mild case of "beer goggles" that night, so I vaguely remembered what "mystery man" looked like, so when he called and asked me to meet him for lunch, I was not sure what to expect. I dolled myself up, put on my cute but sexy heels, and headed to lunch. When I walked into the restaurant, I scanned the room, and did not see anyone that I remembered to be "mystery man", so I called him on his cell, and he told me to meet him outside because he was parking his car. Well 5 minutes later, I noticed a ridiculously sexy, athletic built, chiseled featured man walking towards me with the sexiest smile I have ever seen, and I was like, "I hope this is him, I hope this is him...I think this is him...GIRL IT IS HIM, and he is FOINE!

That was 3.5 years ago. We developed a plutonic friendship for about a year, both in complete denial about how we truly felt about each other. But then one day he called and told me he had to travel to New Orleans with the military for 2 months, I cried...and at that very moment, he told me he loved me, and asked me to be his girlfriend, With that, "mystery man" became MY MAN! That's all she wrote...
It's a funny story...I'd just moved to Houston, and had been here for about 6 months. I'd been hanging out with a young lady that was in my orientation class, and one night she called me at like 9:30 on a sunday night, and asked me if I wanted to go out. Now, I had to be at work the next day at 6:45 so I originally told her "Naw, I'm gonna call it a night." Well after about 30 min of staring at my ceiling fan while trying to fall asleep, I changed my mind, called her back, said "Girl, count me in!" and we rolled out to this spot with great live music.

Upon arrival, she saw a group of men that she knew, and introduced me to all of them except for one particular "mystery man" that was standing on his own not really paying attention to the whole scene. I knew he was part of this group of men because he would say something to one of them every now and then, but pretty much stayed quiet.

Now I was totally turned off by the some of men in this place because when they were bold enough to approach me it was like a job interview, and they felt the need to brag about their accomplishments, money, cars, qualifications, etc. One short, sweaty, greasy man even came up to me and stuck his WHOLE fist in his mouth, and said, and I quote, "Girl, this is what I want to do to yo feet!" I was too through...

What I didn't know is that the whole time this is going down, "mystery man" was watching, and was obviously quite amused when I told Mr. Foot Fetish to bug off. So shortly after this whole scene, "mystery man" approached me and said, "I know you met my friends, but I don't think we've been introduced..." And we have been inseparable every since.

I want to add that I had a mild case of "beer goggles" that night, so I vaguely remembered what "mystery man" looked like, so when he called and asked me to meet him for lunch, I was not sure what to expect. I dolled myself up, put on my cute but sexy heels, and headed to lunch. When I walked into the restaurant, I scanned the room, and did not see anyone that I remembered to be "mystery man", so I called him on his cell, and he told me to meet him outside because he was parking his car. Well 5 minutes later, I noticed a ridiculously sexy, athletic built, chiseled featured man walking towards me with the sexiest smile I have ever seen, and I was like, "I hope this is him, I hope this is him...I think this is him...GIRL IT IS HIM, and he is FOINE!

That was 3.5 years ago. We developed a plutonic friendship for about a year, both in complete denial about how we truly felt about each other. But then one day he called and told me he had to travel to New Orleans with the military for 2 months, I cried...and at that very moment, he told me he loved me, and asked me to be his girlfriend, With that, "mystery man" became MY MAN! That's all she wrote...

:lol: cute story.