How/ When Did you know you DH was the one?


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I just thought I'd fish for some inspirational stories ( and look for a pattern!!!!) about finding your DH.

When did you realize your DH was the one?
Did you have any inkling before?
Was it something different from the get go or was it something that just clicked one day?
How did you feel?
How did you know?

Many thanks in advance for what I know will be sweet tidbits and anecdotes. :yep:
I met dh online, so we traded short messages back and forth before we met. His profile was pretty skimpy and the pic wasn't very flattering. So I wasn't expecting much from our first date, but when I saw him walk up to the restaurant where we were meeting...BAM...instant attraction. He had come straight from work. He was very clean cut and was wearing a suit. He looked soooo good to me.

Then when we went inside for our first date, I was entertained by his company and happy to find that he was sane and responsible, but not boring. He was a little guarded though and he was screening me like I was screening him. I had been on a lot of dates, but I found myself getting really nervous. After the date was over, I was giddy and hoping that there'd be a second.

He called me the next day and we set up our second date. On this date, we were both so loose and free. I felt so comfortable with him and had the time of my life. And the rest is happily ever after...:grin:

I don't want to call it love at first sight, but I guess that is what it was! :)
I find this funny because I have had "the One" feelings with men that were not the One and with Dh I did not know he was the One and he ended up being the One. If that makes any sense,LOL.

Dh knew I was the One and I just followed through:look:.
I find this funny because I have had "the One" feelings with men that were not the One and with Dh I did not know he was the One and he ended up being the One. If that makes any sense,LOL.

Dh knew I was the One and I just followed through:look:.

Girl I have had "the one' feeling with NEARLY ALL OF EM!:lachen::lachen:
My feelings for DH were effortless. In the past, I found myself wanting to feel a connection with the men I was with, but with DH, it was just there. I also didn't have to struggle to find topics of conversation or things to do; everything just "fit". :yep:
I knew from our first date. We worked together and we were always talking to each other.

When I broke up with my ex we began talking more and exchanged numbers. Less than a week later we went on our first date. We had such a great time that night...the chemistry was amazing yet I felt totally at ease with awkward pauses etc.

That summer following our first date just reinforced my feeling the he was THE one (this coming from someone who never wanted to get married). I was dealing with a lot of drama etc from my abusive ex - stalking etc... I was so sure DH would run the other way but he didn't. I was really guarded and I didn't want to end up hurt or ith a psycho again.

A year after dating we moved in together and a year after that we were married!

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I just knew, shortly after meeting him. We had lots of phone/email conversations prior to meeting. (We were long distance)
I find this funny because I have had "the One" feelings with men that were not the One and with Dh I did not know he was the One and he ended up being the One. If that makes any sense,LOL.

Dh knew I was the One and I just followed through:look:.

Can you try to elaborate? lol
I definitely want to hear more! Did anyone actually say to herself "I'm going to marry this man" before you even really got into a relationship?
I didn't really like him at first, I was set on being the independent, single woman and felt he was trying to ruin that since I was so young when we met (19) and he was already in his late 20s. He made it very clear that he was ready to settle down soon and I hated that so I ignored him 24/7. But then I began missing him. :look: We would have these long conversations about everything/nothing and he just understood me perfectly as I did him. We would just talk, there really wasn't anything physical for the first 3 months or so mostly because I was busy with school and he would be out of the country most of the time, but when he would come back he would do the sweetest things to make up for the time loss. We took the time to get to know each other and he became the tiny little missing piece that I needed. Our lives merged with ease and our families and friends never had any issues. He's not perfect but he's perfect for me even though he can be difficult sometimes.

All this was nice and all then he hit it. :look: I was sold and there was no turning back for me at that point. Just being honest. :lol:
Your 9th grade mind was sharp. If I had have listened to mine, I'd be a quain:lachen:


There was this guy in my freshman year of college that I was SET on marrying. Ooo he broke my heart. :sad: I was 16 going on 17. :look: We would have been the kang and quain that ya'll talk about all the time on here.

When I look back all I can do is laugh at myself. :lol:
Can you try to elaborate? lol


Without going into too much detail, like lesedi said, I have felt more often than not a tingly feeling that said some of the men I have dated were "the One" and they turne out not to be:look:.
I worked with Dh before we dated and he was one of my bosses. He tells the story that as soon as he saw me, he knew I was the one. But he tucked his feelings away. Anyway we were pretty comfortable with one another and I would usually talk to him about relationship woes, etc, never really realizing what he felt about me or that I would date let alone marry him or . Fast forward, we dated, married two years later and the rest is history.:lol:
I knew he was the one because we were so similar, he's very protective of me, and allows me to be myself.

He's very chivalrous. One day we were at the mall and we ran into some guys that he went to hs with and they were with girls I went to hs with. One guy said to one of the girls about me 'she went from one homeboy to the next'. This was something that happened before I knew dh. Anyway, they left and as we were walking out I told him what was said. We got to the car, drove around the parking lot, dh found them and got out. He went up to dude and said something. They both came back over to the car and dude apologized. That had never happened to me with anyone else. Thats just an example of what he's done/is like.

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I kept putting off being introduced to my now hubby, because he was a Pastor. I finally said "yes" to the friend who kept asking me to meet him because we worked together and I got tired of listening to her. Our first date was to see "The Rock", he was very nice, had a wonderful smile, but a bit bigger than I liked and he was still a Pastor. I took his number, but wouldn't give him mine. I didn't see or talk with him for about 6 months after that. I went bowling one night and there he was :blush:, busted. He made me promise to call him that night when I got home, which I did. We talked from 1am to 5am and he asked me to drive to a city about 3 hours away, he had to preach there. I didn't go, but we started talking more and he was sending me flowers 2-3 x per week at work.

A couple of week later I met him for lunch and I was late arriving; when I walked up to the table, he stood up and with my dingy self, I thought he was leaving because I was late :lol:. I'd never had a man stand up when I approached anything.

I knew he was more serious than I when he took me to meet his family. I was very attracted to his gentleness, kindness, his Spirit and I then fell totally in love with him.

He wanted to get married after 2 years of dating and I kept saying no. One night, (on a Tuesday) we were out shopping and I heard the Lord say as clear as could be "You said you wanted a good man, well here he is. You need to marry him or you won't ever get married". I then turned and and told him I was ready to get married. We've been married going on 13 years, and he's the best and most wonderful man I could have asked me.

Yes, he's still a Pastor, but I've been able to handle that now. He's still sending me flowers, opens car doors, spoils me rotten, and treats me like a queen :yep:.
No lie, the first time I saw him, everything slowed down and a faint light shone down on him-- just like a movie! It was amazing and I'll never forget it.

I knew from that moment on that he was the one I would be with because no other negros had time slowing down and lights shining on their heads. :lachen: I would always show my friends his picture and say he was my husband. I knew he was the one that I would marry.

We were friends for years because neither one of us wanted to mess up the friendship, in case feelings weren't mutual. But one day, he finally spoke up and admitted how he felt and I practically mauled him on the spot. :look: And I'm still mauling him almost 10 years later. :grin:
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Coffee Aw, what an awesome story! Made me smile. Your husband sounds like a wonderful man. :cloud9:
I knew he was the one cause when I first met him, I told him I was going to cut ALL of my hair off, down to an inch. And he didn't give a DAMB. He didn't even flinch. I was like, "You know what? Let me keep him."
I find this funny because I have had "the One" feelings with men that were not the One and with Dh I did not know he was the One and he ended up being the One. If that makes any sense,LOL.

Dh knew I was the One and I just followed through:look:.

Thank you for this!
all the men that i've dated that I thought were the ONE... weren't.