How long do you give a guy to call before writing him off?

What an a**....:ohwell:
Who just stores someone's number like that and DOESN'T call besides an a**?
Here's to hoping he'll see you in there SOON :)grin:) looking your beautiful self with a gorgeous, sexy, intelligent man and he'll quickly recount all of his actions and kick himself! :yep: I live for those moments....

Aww, thanks!!!!! ! :kiss:

I hope so too!
Sometimes I think of men as such confusing creatures but then I realize all I have to do is let his actions speak for themselves and sooner rather than later they'll prove that he just wasn't all that into me.

True story. This guy and I were flirting all summer in summer session during college. He finally asks to take me out to the movies. The night of, he calls me and says he's still coming to pick me up but because he has family in town, he'd be running late. I told him that since he had family in town, I wold understand if he wanted to postpone for another day. He says "Heck no! We all had family time earlier." I say OK. He picks me at 7:30pm, and on the ride to the movie theater we're talking and getting to know each other. He asked me if I was from a different city because I wasn't like the females he was used to meeting. We pull up into the theater parking lot when he circles around then says, ya know what let's go to a coffee shop...I want to get to know you better. In my head I'm like ":confused: :scratchch" but I say OK. Tell me why next thing I know we're pulling up into my driveway. I say to him "I thought you suggested going to a coffee shop". His response, "Oh well I wanted to but it's gotten late and I'm thinking how early I have to get up for work in the morning." I look at the clock, it was all of 8:02pm.:perplexed I roll my eyes and tell him later! :rolleyes:.

So errrm yeah, he was just not all that into me. At first I was trying to figure out what that was about but my the next day I was over it. I'm just mad I put all that effort into getting dressed from head to toe only to be dropped back off at home 30 minutes later :lachen::lachen:

Wow.......what a clown. :nono:
Sometimes men just want to see if they can get you to give them your number. I've had it done to me once.

All this BS is possible. My thing is why sit around and wonder? Why not just take control and have their number then you will really know. The same behavior by two different men??? You don't really know what it means. All these silly arse rules are just comical. Ain't no price charming sitting around waiting to call you through his busy day of life, especially if you two haven't even connected yet? Men deserve to be shown some sort of interest too. I'm not saying stalk this man you don't even know him, but if you’re going to wait around for him to call or sit around and wonder why...just step up a make a move, if he's still non responsive then you'll have your true answer...not interested or bad timing???
All this BS is possible. My thing is why sit around and wonder? Why not just take control and have their number then you will really know. The same behavior by two different men??? You don't really know what it means. All these silly arse rules are just comical. Ain't no price charming sitting around waiting to call you through his busy day of life, especially if you two haven't even connected yet? Men deserve to be shown some sort of interest too. I'm not saying stalk this man you don't even know him, but if you’re going to wait around for him to call or sit around and wonder why...just step up a make a move, if he's still non responsive then you'll have your true answer...not interested or bad timing???

Right.....cause giving them your number in the first place isn't showing interest.
Ok, then if you're "not really that into me" then keep it movin'! Why waste my time and your breath talking about "yeah, I'm gonna call you"? :wallbash:

It's really not that difficult.

Girl preach! This makes me angry because I feel like he doesn't even deserve to have my numer if he isn't going to call.
48 hours....anytime after that I start forgetting names and faces. So no point in trying to play "Dude Match" i.e. Is that the guy from the car wash or the bank?
You ladies are nice! He has 24 hours to call or else don't bother! I'm stubborn and spoiled. :grin:

I asked my husband how long should it take before a man calls, and he said rule of thumb, 48 hours.

MzLady...don't worry about it...his loss. (((HUGS))))
I find if a guy likes me he'll call within 48 hours.

I have to be really feeling a guy to give him my number, and I never take numbers, let them do the work...
You ladies are nice! He has 24 hours to call or else don't bother! I'm stubborn and spoiled. :grin:

I asked my husband how long should it take before a man calls, and he said rule of thumb, 48 hours.

MzLady...don't worry about it...his loss. (((HUGS))))

Thanks lady! You are absolutely right!!! :grin:
I find if a guy likes me he'll call within 48 hours.

I have to be really feeling a guy to give him my number, and I never take numbers, let them do the work...

Exactly. I rarely give out my number these days so I was really hoping he'd call.

But it's cool.
Exactly. I rarely give out my number these days so I was really hoping he'd call.

But it's cool.

Girl, don't worry about it.

From now on, when you have conversations w/ people in the bar/club, just take it as fun. I know we all have expectations, especially when we meet someone we might be interested in, I know I do. But, the thing is, expectations may lead to disappointments so, just see it as fun.
Girl, don't worry about it.

From now on, when you have conversations w/ people in the bar/club, just take it as fun. I know we all have expectations, especially when we meet someone we might be interested in, I know I do. But, the thing is, expectations may lead to disappointments so, just see it as fun.

You're probably right. :yep: