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I don't know how to properly moisturize my hair. It seems my hair just breaks off while I'm doing it :( I need help!!! can somebody tell me how to properly moisurize and seal. It seems to just go over my head. Also, I keep seeing breakage. is that normal?? its usually while I'm braiding my hair at night.... Gracias in Advance...Kyna
Maybe you could try moisturizing your hair right in the shower (after washing your hair) while your hair is still very wet. After you put on your moisturizer (make sure to section your hair some so that all your hair gets moisturized), and squeeze out the excess water, you could then seal with an oil.

Sealing is just adding oil to your hair while it's still wet, sealing in the current moisture. I would just pour a little oil in my hands and go over my hair, focusing on the ends of my hair especially.

Also, breakage is not a good sign. It could mean that your hair is perpetually under moisturized and is too dry.
I know... I am super sad about the breakage... what can I do to stop that. I have neen cowashing and it still breaking... should I deep condition for the next week or something?? I don't get it. I just started wearing my real hair out again... HELP!!!
Deep conditioning couldn't hurt. I'm not sure if you're natural or not, but you could try only combing or styling your hair when it's wet and well conditioned. This is very important if you are natural. Manipulating dry hair (if natural) can lead to breakage. If you are relaxed, maybe you comb or manipulate your hair too much overall.

You could start protective styling your hair (a hairstyle that requires minimum maintenance for a few days and keeps your ends covered and protected). A bun would be an example of a protective style.

Also, relaxed or natural, you should limit the amount of heat (i.e. from a blow dryer or flat-iron) that you put on your hair. Excess heat could lead to breakage also.
Whatever you do just make sure to seal the moisture in, that will help the moisure from leaving out. Also lead to less breakage.
I know... I am super sad about the breakage... what can I do to stop that. I have neen cowashing and it still breaking... should I deep condition for the next week or something?? I don't get it. I just started wearing my real hair out again... HELP!!!
I think you might need some protein. Try a mild protein conditioner once a week like Joico k-pak.
This is what I do to prevent breakage when moisturizing and braiding my hair at night...

I divide my hair into four sections... I apply African Royale BRX Spray to one section at a time... I apply a little bit of Aussie Moist Conditioner to the section... Then I gently stretch and smooth it out with my fingers (NO COMBING)...Then I braid that section. I do this for all four sections. It takes me about 5 minutes to do this. Hope that helps!
Thanks Ladies,

This was very helpful. If anyone else has tips please feel free to tell. I need as many as possible.

Mane 'n Tail is a good moisture/protein balanced conditioner, and it can be used as a leave-in.

After washing your hair, keep it wrapped in the towel for about 15 minutes, then remove towel and saturate hair with a liquid moisturizer then seal after about a 1/2 hour with the oil or butter or cream of your choice.
I put my moisturizer and deep conditioners on with a brush applicator. You know like what the professionals use to put your color on. I use the "rat tail" part of the brush to part my hair and I use the brush to evenly apply my moisturiser, conditioners. I feel when I do this I am evenly distributing my products, less breakage, and product build up on my scalp.
I don't know how to properly moisturize my hair. It seems my hair just breaks off while I'm doing it :( I need help!!! can somebody tell me how to properly moisurize and seal. It seems to just go over my head. Also, I keep seeing breakage. is that normal?? its usually while I'm braiding my hair at night.... Gracias in Advance...Kyna

I don't think that I will ever completely avoid breakage and my hair NEVER truly feels moisturized but here are a few things that I have discovered:

Excessively dry hair: I have a REALLY big problem with my hair retaining moisture and when it is excessively dry it will surely start breaking

Not using the right moisturizer for my hair: I still haven't found that holy grail moisturizer that will keep my course, dry 4b relaxed hair moisturized. I believe that once I do find it, my breakage will decrease significantly.

Stretching relaxers too long: I am one of those people who either can not or have not figured out a way to stretch relaxers past 7 weeks without breakage. It never fails, my hair will be doing fine for the first 4-5 weeks but after that I start getting breakage that continues to get worse until I relax.

Wrong type of relaxer: I am not sure but I think that I may seriously consider switching to lye relaxers. My mom who has hair similar in texture to mine, has started getting a lye relaxer and she has noticed a BIG improvement in her hairs ability to retain moisture. Hair with the proper level of moisture is less likely to break. If you are relaxed, it may not be the moisturizer you are using but rather other things such as the relaxer, that may be drying out your hair to the point that no moisturizer will really combat it.

Shampoo: I am slowly discovering that my hair does NOT respond well to most shampoos. Shampoo really dries out my hair but conditioner washing doesn't seem to get my hair clean enough. I am seriously considering trying Wen products.

Not properly removing shed hairs: I am not one of those people that can go for days or weeks without combing my hair :nono:. I tried it and my shedded hairs started getting caught in my intact hair and when I would finally comb it I would get lots of breakage.

Iron deficiency: I finally discovered that one of the contributors to my excess shedding and breakage was due to low levels of iron caused by several large fibroids that have now been removed. Even before my surgery I started taking iron supplements and saw an immediate difference.

Diet: A balanced diet that includes lots of water can only improve the condition of the hair.

Good Luck!
I moisturize my dry hair by using Mizani H20 "Nightime" Moisturizer and sealing with pure Castor Oil.

I'm natural and just made the bottom of the arm pit length from shoulder length in six months. I switched to mild shampoos like Aveda or Jane Carter and use Aubrey Organics (Honeysuckle) Giovanni leavein conditioners. My newest rave is Giovanni protein conditioner Nutrafix described below. This stuff detangles my hair like nothing has in the past. Just purchased the last three bottles in my local Whole Foods! Of course they were out of the Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle, I guess LHCF ladies beat me to it!

Protein-rich conditioner enriched with Certified Organic Botanicals.
Re-energizes tired, damaged hair.
Encourages thickness and volume.
Fills in porous hair with rich proteins

You’ve colored your hair for years. In the summer, you bleach it. And let’s not forget about perms, chemical relaxers and blow dryers, curling irons and straightening irons. Your hair needs a health fix. Nutrafix Hair Reconstructor rebuilds hair from the cuticle layer, replacing missing nutrients and adding proteins for strength. If your hair is chemically dependent, this is the fix you need. Health is on the way.

Ingredients: Aqua (purified water) with *rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) oil, *nettle (Uritica dioica) oil, *thyme (Thymus vulagris) oil, birch leaf (Butela alba) oil, *chamomile (Anthemis nobilus flower) oil, *clary (Salvia sclarea), *lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), *coltsfoot leaf (Tussilago farfara), *yarrow (Achillea millefolium) oil, *mallow (Malva sylvestris), *horsetail (Equistetum arvense) oil, *soybean protein (Glycine soja), cetyl alcohol (plant derived), stearalkonium chloride, tocopherol (vitamin E), trace minerals, citric acid (corn), sodium hydroxymethyglycinate, grapefruit seed (citrus derived).

Certified organic in accordance with California Organic Foods Act of 1990.
Free Of
No animal by-products. Cruelty free.
Massage into wet hair. Leave on for as long as 10 minutes before rinsing. For deep reconstructing, cover hair with plastic cap. Apply heat for 10 minutes, or sleep on it before rinsing. Style as desired.
I put moisturizer on when my hair is damp but not soaking wet. I tend to pull on my hair a little to hard ( i am working on that problem) so when it is almost dry, I can handle it better. I think my hair is more delicate when wet andstronger when it is dry.

BTW- I loooove your avitar pic kyna323. He is so:lick::lick::lick:.