How to grow long healthy hair In a nutshell


Well-Known Member
In a short description how would you describe how you can achevie LONG HEALTHY HAIR. I know not everything work's for everybody but just from your Point Of View. How would you explain to someone how you would achevie Long healthy hair ?
Just leave your hair alone and avoid everything that will more than likely cause damage or breakage to your hair.
In a nutshell I would say this:

1. First evaluate your health. Find out if there is a medical reason why your hair is not growing. Find out what nutritional deficiencies you have if any and correct them. Healthy hair starts from inside. Take care of your physical needs.
2. Clarify your hair with a clarifying shampoo no more than once per week to remove product build-up. Start with a clean slate.
3. Use a protein treatment such as a reconstructor to stop any breakage.
4. Use a moisturizing conditioner to infuse it with moisture and regain elasticity.
5. Cut off all damaged ends.
6. Avoid chemicals, heat and harsh hair appliances and accesories. If they are used, use with extreme care.
7. Let a competent trained professional do chemical services when at all possible.
8. Use high quality products when at all possible.
9. Stimulate the scalp with gentle massages.
10. Be diligent about your hair maintenance. We do a lot of unecessary damage by improper maitenance (ex: not sleeping on satin pillows, combing roughly through tangled hair etc.,)
Poohbear said:
Just leave your hair alone and avoid everything that will more than likely cause damage or breakage to your hair.

That's it in a nutshell.
Don't use heat
Stretch relaxer (if you are using chemicals)
Drink plenty of water
Take vitamins

And you are on your way
Stretch relaxers
Use protein treatments as needed
Moisturize daily
Wear protective styles to prevent breakage as it grows out
Take a multi-vitamin and a hair vitamin
Deep condition weekly
Use a topical growth product regularly (optional)
Find a good shampoo and conditioner
Wash hair at least once a week-keep your scalp clean
Stretch your relaxers
Try to avoid direct heat
Take a good multivitamin
Drink alot of water
Exercise a few times a week to increase circulation overall
KiniKakes said:
Stretch relaxers
Use protein treatments as needed
Moisturize daily
Wear protective styles to prevent breakage as it grows out
Take a multi-vitamin and a hair vitamin
Deep condition weekly
Use a topical growth product regularly (optional)

Boom Bam thank you ma'am! Ditto.

I want to add, read, read ingredients, read labels, and read lhcf.:lol:
*Be gentle with your hair
*Low to no heat
*Avoid scissor happy stylists, but trim moderately as needed
I think the two themes for long hair care are: prevent damage and retain moisture, since as your hair gets longer, it also gets older, and like anything that ages, will need special care.

I prevent damage by avoiding heat and chemicals, sleeping on a satin pillowcase, using seamless combs, and just basically treating my hair gently.

I retain moisture by conditioner washing most of the time, using diluted shampoo only once a week, deep conditioning at least weekly and using leave-in conditioner and oils.

I also think you need a large amount a patience, since if you treat your hair well, it WILL get long, you just have to wait for it :) That's about it :)
Here is my 2 cents:

* Air Dry Hair

* Throw Away Heat Appliances

* Don't use any products with drying Alcohol (hair spray, spritz, etc)

* Moisturize your ends EVERY day

* Don't relax sooner than Eight Weeks

* Aphogee / DRC 28 (Heavy Protein) Every six-eight weeks

* Deep Condition w/ Moisturiser conditioner w/ heat every 2 week at a

* Wear Protective Styles 50% of the time until hair passes shoulders

* Dust Ends -Dont begin serious trims unil you reach desired lenght (You will
not see any progress with constant chops)

* Avoid double processing (Relaxer & Color) It's too much on your hair and
requires a world of maintenance to pull off.

****Be patient - setbacks happen- learn from them and keep on truckin. Don't get discouraged and stop caring for your hair. Time will continue to pass by anyway and your hair will continue to grow. Do everything you can to maintain growth. ****
A lil acronym that I've created & followed since day 1

M= moisturize
O= oil
P= protect (& be patient)
S= stimulate the scalp
in a nutshell:
-wash hair more often (at least twice a week)
-deep condition everytime (for at least 15 minutes using heat)
-always use leave-in conditioners before drying your hair
-use wide tooth combs and take your time to detangle
-only flatiron/hot curl freshly washed hair
-wait at least 8 weeks between relaxers
I think all of the above are excellent suggestions..just keep in mind that your hair will grow..maybe a little faster or slower than the average, but the main thing you want to do is whatever it takes to maintain your ends..this is how you will obtain length..if your hair practices cause alot of breakage your hair progress will go very slow or remain at a stand-still.
Cut down on combing
do hairstyles with minimal manipulation
Low heat so put away the daily flat irons/curling irons
Air dry when u wash for most part, save heat for important occasions.
Conditioner wash, dont use shampoo too often
Protect the ends
Basically all of us are saying the same thing :D
2buttonsnow3 said:
In a short description how would you describe how you can achevie LONG HEALTHY HAIR. I know not everything work's for everybody but just from your Point Of View. How would you explain to someone how you would achevie Long healthy hair ?

Hey 2buttonsnow3 ok in a nutshell to get MAXIMAL GROWTH and long healthy hair = pro sulfur +PRO protein+ pro moisture and low to no manipulation(protective styles and baggie method)+ no heat+no/low poo ;) :p :D
All of the above...

Good old fashioned cold pressed "Castor Oil" (abt. $4.50 at Whole Foods)

With my busy schedule I needed something very simple. I read on this forum how some of the ladies mixed Castor Oil with their conditioner and also massaged their scalps with it.

My hair thickened up like crazy in just a few weeks.

3x's a week, I (gently) massage my scalp with a mixture of about 2 tablespoons of Castor oil and a pinch of Cayenne Red Pepper.

I then coat my hair and ends with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of conditioner (Jasons or Nioxin) and a tablespoon of Castor Oil.

Cover with a plastic cap for at least an hour (sometimes overnight).

Wash with Creme of Nature; air dry; apply Castor Oil to end and place hair in a loose bun or the "Pooh Bear Twist" style. :lol:

No heat, no combing or brushing. I've learned to carefully part my hair with my finger tips. It takes practice, but it works. ;)

Only when necessary, I will use a super wide tooth comb and very carefully.
Get a water softerner, your hair will thank you. I purchase a portable water softerner a week ago and the amount of hair that I lost when washing has decrease alot from 100 to 30 strands. I first notice the massive amount of hair loss when I moved out of my previous apt and to another state. INVEST in a water softner devise. I purchase the portable one foe 300 dollars.
In a nutshell, keep your hair strong and moisturized and don't break it off :lol: Figuring out how to do that is what makes this such a journey for a lot of people, since you have to work out the peculiarities of your hair and find products that fit the bill.
But for me:
  • Daily use of mild, balanced products is simpler and easier than working out a schedule for an assortment of more specialized products. Furthermore (and perhaps more importantly), it yields more consistent results as far as how your hair feels and behaves on a day-to-day basis.
  • The core of my regimen really is just shampoo, conditioner, and oil. Extra products come into play for achieving particular styles (i.e. straightening) or focusing on growth (topical treatments).
  • Consistency is key for both external and internal (vitamins, special diet) regimens.
  • Always be gentle.
10. Be diligent about your hair maintenance. We do a lot of unecessary damage by improper maitenance (ex: not sleeping on satin pillows, combing roughly through tangled hair etc.,)

I agree with this wholeheartedly. In fact I think that quote sums it up in a nutshell. Whatever you decide to do you should be diligent about it. If you decide that your hair does better when you do nothing to it (i.e. let it be) then be consistent and don't decide to add anything to your regimen. If you relax, color or do both and realize that you need a protein treatment every "x" amount of weeks, then be diligent about it. Too many times we find something that really works for our hair ( talking to my self) we don't stick with it.
To be honest the best thing anyone could;ve told me would be:

1. leave thehair alone - no heat - and basically..take the hair down in the morning to moisturize and then put it back up in a CLIPPED (bobby) under BUN.

2. Comb but once per week with a wide tooth

3. wash ONCE per week (the standard shampoo and conditioner

4. use coconut oil on less-than-damp hair EVERYDAY (ENDS - *GoDsEnD*)

5. Once every 8 week doyourself (esp. if relaxed) an Avocado Pre-Poo mask and shampoo out as normal (no clarifying)..and deep con afterwards

6. Take BIOTIN-B50-MULTI and FLAXSEED OIL to havehair grow an inch per month...specifically those vitaminsand JUST those.

with those, i can gaurentee the hair will grow long thick and healthy...i think everyone else has covered the stuff we know off the top of our heads so thats my lot..not v- different but v. important