How to get the silky look with a flat iron?


New Member
I am much more of a lurker on here since i am still new to this forum.

I am trying to figure out how to get the silky look from my flat iron from root to ends on my own hair.

I can achieve it on others when i am styling their hair but i try to flip it and do it to mines and doesn't work.

Plus, I have thick hair.

What's your methods and what products and tips do you have? Pictures of your success would be so helpful.

I know when i am looking on here I see so many ladies with gorgeous hair. TIA:ohwell:
I have thick hair, and I've found that even though it's tempting you do bigger chunks at a time, smaller sections provide a better set. Also, I hold the iron on my roots for a few seconds before quickly gliding down the length. Don't use alot of product - it can weigh hair down or make it look dull.
I also have thick hair. I always make sure to deep condition my hair before flat ironing. I spray on a heat protectant, then I use Keracare's Creme Press. I flat iron in very small sections (about 2 inches long, 1/2 inch wide), this ensures that I get a very straight press and I only have to pass the iron over that section once.
Thanks ladies...

I think that's was one of my problems trying to bigger sections because it takes me so long to detangle - 30 minutes and blow dry is about another 30 minutes or more depending if i start air drying.

I will try this and hopefully all turns out well.
I have thick hair, and I've found that even though it's tempting you do bigger chunks at a time, smaller sections provide a better set. Also, I hold the iron on my roots for a few seconds before quickly gliding down the length. Don't use alot of product - it can weigh hair down or make it look dull.

Exactly!!!! Its mandatory that people fully understand this, especially the THICK haired sistas.
I have thick hair, and I've found that even though it's tempting you do bigger chunks at a time, smaller sections provide a better set. Also, I hold the iron on my roots for a few seconds before quickly gliding down the length. Don't use alot of product - it can weigh hair down or make it look dull.

:yep: I totally agree. Make sure you have a lot of time on your hands when pressing, don't be tempted to take big sections of hair:nono: Always a little section at a time:) And also like she said, very little product.
I have a method to ensure that I actually get tiny 1 inch or smaller sections of hair.

I do one half at one day, and the other half the next day.


Cuz otherwise...fatigue sets in and my hair just looks crazy. One side will be silky straight, the other side will be puffy straight.
Great advice given so far!

I just wanted to add:

-Go light on the amount product you use. Too much product will affect the results.
-Good heat protectant and make sure you don't use too much. Redken Heat Glide and Fantasia IC Straightening Heat protector serum are great products.
Hey! You have already received great advice :yep: Here is what I do:

  • Although it is very time consuming, I can only get silky, flat ironed hair by rollersetting it first. I apply very little leave-in to my hair before rollersetting. Then I lightly spray oil sheen all over it before putting on my residilla and sitting under the dryer.
  • When my hair is completely dry, I lightly spray oil sheen all over the hair (while the rollers are still on). Then I take them out. Do not comb out the hair.
  • I flat iron in very small sections with my ceramic iron (2 years and it's still tickin' :lol: )
  • Some people doobie it up by wrapping and sitting under the dryer but I don't, I just let my hair fly in the wind. Also some people use the blowfryer for that extra silky effect... but you don't have to. :gorgeous: Good luck!