How to Get (And Keep) a Man 101


Well-Known Member
The last time we did a thread like this, it seriously blew up. I get emails all the time of the list we did and folks claim its from some of everybody.

Its clear to me from reading these posts that we have some young ladies here who need some pointers in the fine art of mating and dating. I feel that its incumbent upon those of us who have mastered these skills to pass them on to others. To those who don't like 'games,' please pass this thread on by. All others, come on in.


A woman looking to mate should always be at her best. I know this is a pain, but you never know where a cutie-pie will show up. You don't want to be freaking out because you're in schlumpy sweats when you could be flirting your southern ass off. Save the crappy clothes for at home where no one can see you, outside, put on your best.


Flirting is a crucial, but all too underused skill in today's mating world. Lets say you're at an event, and you spy a hottie across the room. You've got to make eye contact, hold that contact for 20 seconds, then smile your most enchanting come hither smile (Yes, practice in the mirror and with friends, real friends, not haters). At first this seems really difficult. Look at your watch, 20 seconds is a long time, but it typically takes a man that long to get a clue. Practice with guys you're not really interested in so you can be relaxed. Then move up to the big league.

Men are led by their egos. If you do this a couple of times, he will come over, and when he does its time for step 2. Look up at him from underneath your eyelashes. This is called 'eye candy' and men fall for it with a quickness. You don't have to talk insipid or say anything silly, but that look communicates everything you need to know. Touch your hair, this sends a primitive signal that you're grooming yourself to be attractive to him. Smile, laugh at his jokes, and crucial, touch him. Not intimately. Just on the arm, hand or shoulder. A brief, casual pat. Remember, men are on an ego trip and this signals your interest in him.

Wait for him to ask for your phone number. Do not offer it, and don't take his if he offers it. (This is controversial, but I truly believe that most men like the pursuit. If being the pursuer works for you, fine, but this is my experience).

The Telephone

Oh, how many wonderful beginnings have been destroyed by this horrible little device. It is, without a doubt, the best weapon in a man's arsenal. You are best served by using it as little as possible. Think of it as a tool for making dates, period, not for communication. Why is this so?

Think about it. We as women are intuitive creatures. We gather information from the whole of a person. Eye contact, posture, demeanour, all are crucial sources of information we lose when get on the telephone. The telephone is great for men because they know they can woo a woman with words, and don't have to worry about her picking up any clues. Don't spend more than 15 minutes on a telephone with a man and thats only a few times a week. If he wants more of your time he has to take you out, and this is where a woman shines.

A woman's seductiveness lies in her physical presence. Our hair, our skin, our scent, even our laugh are weapons in our arsenal, and we can't weave our witchy ways over the phone. And don't call him at all if you can help it.

Sofa Sitting

Yet another hazard. You should never indulge in 'just kicking it' with a guy you're interested in. Why? Well first, its a waste of your time. Time you could be spending with a man who will actually take you on a date. But more importantly, it leads to too great an opportunity for intimacy, too soon. In those first weeks the two of you should be going out. If money is an issue, fine, but there are plenty of things you can do together that are cheap or free. Pursue those. But hanging out at your place or his? Heck no.


Practice, practice, practice kissing. Being a good kisser will get you far. I was a virgin until I was 25, but I could kiss like nobody's business. I had to. I knew I wasn't doing anything else! When he walks you to the door at the end of a date, you want to put a kiss on him that will take the top of his head off. Remember, just one kiss and believe me, he'll come back for more.


Okay, from the get go, dude has to think you're still seeing other people. Obviously its best to actually still be seeing other people, but if you don't have anyone, that's fine, just don't tell him that! At some point during the courtship he's going to ask for sex. You will reply that you don't feel comfortable having sex outside an exclusive relationship. Now, if you're hot and heavy in a make-out session at this point, he'll probably ask for exclusivity off the bat. You, immediately end the make-out session and tell him that y'all need to talk about that at some other time. Send him on his merry way. Never, ever, ever, have a serious discussion about anything with a man who has an erection. He'll say anything to get in the panties and then accuse you of manipulation. Okay, you don't bring up the exclusivity issue. Believe me, he'll bring it up again. Then you say you'll think about it. Give it a few days and then respond.

Now, I don't have a hard and fast rule about the amount of time before sex, but most certainly you want to wait long enough to really know a person. You cannot know a person in a matter of weeks.
Solid advice, Roz.

Um, OT, but: WHEN is your book going to be availbe at bookstores? I'm not a big Amazon person, so...:)
UGH... i hate the idea of stroking a guy's ego. Why can't we just chat about real things without me having to make googly eyes and him falling for me this way??? maybe that's why all the great guys i know end up turning up as friends, lol.

anyway though, valuable life lesson in this thread! i'm taking notes!
rozlips said:

Flirting is a crucial, but all too underused skill in today's mating world. Lets say you're at an event, and you spy a hottie across the room. You've got to make eye contact, hold that contact for 20 seconds, then smile your most enchanting come hither smile (Yes, practice in the mirror and with friends, real friends, not haters). At first this seems really difficult. Look at your watch, 20 seconds is a long time, but it typically takes a man that long to get a clue. Practice with guys you're not really interested in so you can be relaxed. Then move up to the big league.

Men are led by their egos. If you do this a couple of times, he will come over, and when he does its time for step 2. Look up at him from underneath your eyelashes. This is called 'eye candy' and men fall for it with a quickness. You don't have to talk insipid or say anything silly, but that look communicates everything you need to know. Touch your hair, this sends a primitive signal that you're grooming yourself to be attractive to him. Smile, laugh at his jokes, and crucial, touch him. Not intimately. Just on the arm, hand or shoulder. A brief, casual pat. Remember, men are on an ego trip and this signals your interest in him.

Wait for him to ask for your phone number. Do not offer it, and don't take his if he offers it. (This is controversial, but I truly believe that most men like the pursuit. If being the pursuer works for you, fine, but this is my experience).

The Telephone

Oh, how many wonderful beginnings have been destroyed by this horrible little device. It is, without a doubt, the best weapon in a man's arsenal. You are best served by using it as little as possible. Think of it as a tool for making dates, period, not for communication. Why is this so?

Think about it. We as women are intuitive creatures. We gather information from the whole of a person. Eye contact, posture, demeanour, all are crucial sources of information we lose when get on the telephone. The telephone is great for men because they know they can woo a woman with words, and don't have to worry about her picking up any clues. Don't spend more than 15 minutes on a telephone with a man and thats only a few times a week. If he wants more of your time he has to take you out, and this is where a woman shines.

A woman's seductiveness lies in her physical presence. Our hair, our skin, our scent, even our laugh are weapons in our arsenal, and we can't weave our witchy ways over the phone. And don't call him at all if you can help it.

Sofa Sitting

Yet another hazard. You should never indulge in 'just kicking it' with a guy you're interested in. Why? Well first, its a waste of your time. Time you could be spending with a man who will actually take you on a date. But more importantly, it leads to too great an opportunity for intimacy, too soon. In those first weeks the two of you should be going out. If money is an issue, fine, but there are plenty of things you can do together that are cheap or free. Pursue those. But hanging out at your place or his? Heck no.

Hmm. I'm going to have to improve things in these three areas. I hang out way too much.
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CarLiTa said:
UGH... i hate the idea of stroking a guy's ego. Why can't we just chat about real things without me having to make googly eyes and him falling for me this way??? maybe that's why all the great guys i know end up turning up as friends, lol.

anyway though, valuable life lesson in this thread! i'm taking notes!

Flirting and real conversation are not mutually exclusive. On dates with guys I've talked about everything from economic policy to how phone bills are printed (Surprisingly fascinating).

Be yourself!

People can give you all the rules in the world but it does not mean it will work.

Did I suggest otherwise. And for proving that it does or does not work, I can point out that my mama had three husbands and buried them all except for my daddy who she stayed married to for 40+ years. I've been married for seven years, and have three ex-fiancees, that I decided not to marry. My sister has been married to her dh for 25+ years as have several of my girlfriends. I haven't suggested anything fake or unreal, simply warning folks of the pitfalls to avoid.
PrettyHaitian said:
Be yourself!

People can give you all the rules in the world but it does not mean it will work.

I agree to a certain extent. But these days being up on game is critical.
aileenadq said:
Solid advice, Roz.

Um, OT, but: WHEN is your book going to be availbe at bookstores? I'm not a big Amazon person, so...:)

Thanks for your interest. It should be in the bookstores September 6. I'll keep everyone posted. If you want email notification just send me an email at [email protected]
yes being up on game is critical... for i have no game, lol. And if i was totally myself, i'd be opening up windows for people to walk all over me. I am too nice and too... available. I need to get mean.

People dont always want what's best for you, even when you're all that or whatever, some people may still want to manipulate you. I need to weed these sucka's out.
kisz4tj said:
I think these are great pointers, but to me they focus more on how to get the man. Which ones apply on how to keep him, besides appearances?

Sorry, I'm going to address that when I have a little more time. The little guy is getting up from his nap.

So Roz, you have details about that kiss in your book?

:lachen: Actually, yeah I do. But I'll be more than happy to give step-by-step instructions.
rozlips said:
Sorry, I'm going to address that when I have a little more time. The little guy is getting up from his nap.

:lachen: Actually, yeah I do. But I'll be more than happy to give step-by-step instructions.
GURL I WAS GON ASK U TO POST THEM STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS :lachen: PM a chick if ya need tah! :lol:
If you're a dud like me and need more Roz's tips are on point nonetheless but I learned these through a series of books. Check below to see what tickles your fancy. And they do work.

1. Why Men Love *****es: From Doormat to Dreamgirl-A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship.
Don't be intimadated by the word b.i.t.c.h it means Babe In Total Control of Herself.

2. What Southern Women Know (That Every Woman Should) : Timeless Secrets to Get Everything you Want in Love, Life, and Work
This info is very helpful it is almost unreal I got results automatically. It also helps you to learn to be a genuine caring person.

3. What Southern Women Know About Flirting : The Fine Art of Social, Courtship, and Seductive Flirting to Get the Best Thing
The verdict is out on this all I learned is to smile it is an ok read but it left me open for another flirting book.

4. Body Language Secrets: A Guide During Courtship & Dating
Good tips on body language and some of what Roz was saying about the 20 second rule and body language.
rozlips said:
Flirting and real conversation are not mutually exclusive. On dates with guys I've talked about everything from economic policy to how phone bills are printed (Surprisingly fascinating).

Did I suggest otherwise. And for proving that it does or does not work, I can point out that my mama had three husbands and buried them all except for my daddy who she stayed married to for 40+ years. I've been married for seven years, and have three ex-fiancees, that I decided not to marry. My sister has been married to her dh for 25+ years as have several of my girlfriends. I haven't suggested anything fake or unreal, simply warning folks of the pitfalls to avoid.

I don't recall typing anything about the information you provided as being "fake" or "real." My point is that above all, you have to be yourself. All of the tips you provided are helpful but there is no science on what will work. Also, you can do all the above mentioned and not be succesful. Of course making yourself approachable, looking nice, going to nice places are all fine and dandy but what makes a man want to know more about you is determined by what comes out of your mouth. Your personality is what makes/breaks the deal. Everything that glitters is not gold.

I agree that you cannot know anyone well for weeks BUT there are people that defy those odds every day. Are they the majority? No but anything is possible. Don't get me wrong, I am not giving out a carte blanche to be with any old shmo off the streets after a few days either :ohwell:

Sitting on a sofa can be non productive but it can be the best thing to happen. The day I met my husband we spent the entire day talking (his parents were home) on his couch. We hung out so much, spoke on the phone for 12-14 hours :eek: We got to know so much about each other. Our likes, our dislikes, et cetera.

I am not trying to act like some relationship guru acting like I know everything about love. There are times when my husband takes me for granted, as do I. BUT, we always make it work. I will be 27 (God-willing) next week and I have already been happily married for almost 7 years.

Also, I don't believe anyone can set out to "get" a man. Getting a man sounds like so much work. I guess men are like car keys. You never find them when you are looking but when you have totally focused your attention on something else, that's when you find him/them/both :lol:
CarLiTa said:
UGH... i hate the idea of stroking a guy's ego. Why can't we just chat about real things without me having to make googly eyes and him falling for me this way??? maybe that's why all the great guys i know end up turning up as friends, lol.

anyway though, valuable life lesson in this thread! i'm taking notes!

I used to feel that way too. Then one day my dad said something that made me realize how important it is.

Just to give you some parents have been married for 38 years and have a very good relationship.

So, my dad and I have having a conversation about I don't remember what. Then he says " I'm at work all day and these women are like 'ooooh you're a six figure n***a' and 'you really keep yourself in good shape' and then I come home and your mama just rolls her eyes at me"

The way he said it, you could tell his feelings were hurt. That made me realize that men realllllly need to know that they're doing a good job, that they're appreciated, and that they're making you happy. I've been making sure to give my husband more compliments since then, and he just eats it up. It makes him happy and it lets him know that I recognize all the great things he does so it's a small price to pay.
PrettyHaitian said:

I don't recall typing anything about the information you provided as being "fake" or "real." My point is that above all, you have to be yourself. All of the tips you provided are helpful but there is no science on what will work. Also, you can do all the above mentioned and not be succesful. Of course making yourself approachable, looking nice, going to nice places are all fine and dandy but what makes a man want to know more about you is determined by what comes out of your mouth. Your personality is what makes/breaks the deal. Everything that glitters is not gold.

I agree that you cannot know anyone well for weeks BUT there are people that defy those odds every day. Are they the majority? No but anything is possible. Don't get me wrong, I am not giving out a carte blanche to be with any old shmo off the streets after a few days either :ohwell:

Sitting on a sofa can be non productive but it can be the best thing to happen. The day I met my husband we spent the entire day talking (his parents were home) on his couch. We hung out so much, spoke on the phone for 12-14 hours :eek: We got to know so much about each other. Our likes, our dislikes, et cetera.

I am not trying to act like some relationship guru acting like I know everything about love. There are times when my husband takes me for granted, as do I. BUT, we always make it work. I will be 27 (God-willing) next week and I have already been happily married for almost 7 years.

Also, I don't believe anyone can set out to "get" a man. Getting a man sounds like so much work. I guess men are like car keys. You never find them when you are looking but when you have totally focused your attention on something else, that's when you find him/them/both :lol:

I couldn't agree more:)
I understand your point PH, but how many threads on this board have you seen from women who have done those things and it ended disastrously? It worked for you, great. But most women I know who spent hours sofa sitting with a man have not ended up in a good situation. My main point about sofa sitting wasn't that it would be non-productive, but that it created too great an opportunity for intimacy too early in the relationship. Clearly this wasn't an issue for you as you had parents in the home.


For a kiss to be great you have to really like kissing. I mean, really like it. Remember, when you kiss a man, you're kissing his whole mouth, that includes his lips. Treat his mouth as if you're delicately licking an ice cream cone. This can be incredibly sensuous. Don't forget the roof of his mouth either, if your tongue is long enough, stroke it too. I guarantee this will make him shiver. Men's necks can also be extraordinarily sensitive. A soft kiss, stroke of the tongue or a gentle nip there as you end the kiss will send him into the stratosphere.

Keeping A Man

Never Become a Doormat

What do I mean by this? All too often we as women lose our entire personality when we get a man. We discard our lives and friends in favor of him and his friends. This is deadly. Remember that wonderful vivacious person he fell in love with? Don't let her go now. A man should be a part of your life, not your entire life.

Always have an opinion, and don't hesitate to express it. Remember you have to engage him with your mind as well as your witchy ways.

Never Fight With a Man

Yep, I know it seems like I'm contradicting myself, but really I'm not. When a man is challenged he sees you as an adversary, not as his partner. This is not something you want. You don't want to get into a logic debate with a man. Emotions are a woman's realm, and we need to use them to our advantage. Men will use 'logic' to talk us into all manner of things that are not in our best interest. Like having sex too soon or moving in together because its 'cheaper.' Remember stay with the emotions and simply say that doing those things don't make you feel 'safe.' Now, he'll probably come back with all these 'logical' reasons why his way makes more sense, but you stick with your feelings. Agree that it probably is more logical, but it doesn't make you feel good or safe. Men want to make us happy, and they'll back off if they feel they're making you unhappy.

You Cannot Change a Man

Whatever flaws he has when you enter the relationship he will continue to have. You have to decide whether you can live with them or not. Men marry women expecting that she'll never change. Women marry men expecting them to change and both are sadly mistaken.

Yes, You DO Marry the Family

Its unfortunate, and frequently a major pitfall to believe otherwise. You must put forth your best effort to accomodate them, especially the mother. Remember, she gave birth to him, make an effort to ensure that you don't intervene in their relationship.

Marriage First, Children Second

All too often we become mothers and forget we're wives. Make sure you make time for the two of you. I have a SIL whose children often don't go to bed until midnight. When do she and her dh have time together? They don't. That intimacy of adult time is a crucial part of marriage and must be maintained. It doesn't have to be sex, just lying together cuddling will remind you that you're still a couple.
I don't think Roz is saying that this is a science. Nor is she saying being yourself is not enough. It's true, you could do all of the stuff she mentioned and still not find someone...or not. Just pointing out some relationship advice....

PrettyHaitian said:

I don't recall typing anything about the information you provided as being "fake" or "real." My point is that above all, you have to be yourself. All of the tips you provided are helpful but there is no science on what will work. Also, you can do all the above mentioned and not be succesful. Of course making yourself approachable, looking nice, going to nice places are all fine and dandy but what makes a man want to know more about you is determined by what comes out of your mouth. Your personality is what makes/breaks the deal. Everything that glitters is not gold.

I agree that you cannot know anyone well for weeks BUT there are people that defy those odds every day. Are they the majority? No but anything is possible. Don't get me wrong, I am not giving out a carte blanche to be with any old shmo off the streets after a few days either :ohwell:

Sitting on a sofa can be non productive but it can be the best thing to happen. The day I met my husband we spent the entire day talking (his parents were home) on his couch. We hung out so much, spoke on the phone for 12-14 hours :eek: We got to know so much about each other. Our likes, our dislikes, et cetera.

I am not trying to act like some relationship guru acting like I know everything about love. There are times when my husband takes me for granted, as do I. BUT, we always make it work. I will be 27 (God-willing) next week and I have already been happily married for almost 7 years.

Also, I don't believe anyone can set out to "get" a man. Getting a man sounds like so much work. I guess men are like car keys. You never find them when you are looking but when you have totally focused your attention on something else, that's when you find him/them/both :lol:
Phoenix said:
That made me realize that men realllllly need to know that they're doing a good job, that they're appreciated, and that they're making you happy. I've been making sure to give my husband more compliments since then, and he just eats it up. It makes him happy and it lets him know that I recognize all the great things he does so it's a small price to pay.

You are so smart and this is so important. Men who love us want to make us happy. If they feel that they can't do that they'll move on to someone who they can make happy. You have to make sure they know they're appreciated and that their efforts are important. My dh eats that stuff up too, especially when I tell his mama what an awesome husband he is.
This is going to be an interesting thread. I can't stress enough the art of flirting. I did a paper on flirting when I was a junior in high school - a how to. Used a guy in class to demonstrate it. (Yes, my fuddy-duddy, old-fashioned English teacher allowed me to do this). Had the girls MAD at me because guys flocked to me but I never gave up the goods and the guys absolutely adored me. What can I say? I taught them how to do what I did.

Laughing at his jokes; smiling at him; looking at him like he was all important. I didn't consider it a game. It was just so doggone fun.

Have fun!

ETA: Funny thing is that I never had a boyfriend. I just loved to flirt. I had no intention of settling down with anybody from my small town who really weren't going anywhere. LOL!!
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rozlips said:
The last time we did a thread like this, it seriously blew up. I get emails all the time of the list we did and folks claim its from some of everybody.

Its clear to me from reading these posts that we have some young ladies here who need some pointers in the fine art of mating and dating. I feel that its incumbent upon those of us who have mastered these skills to pass them on to others. To those who don't like 'games,' please pass this thread on by. All others, come on in.


A woman looking to mate should always be at her best. I know this is a pain, but you never know where a cutie-pie will show up. You don't want to be freaking out because you're in schlumpy sweats when you could be flirting your southern ass off. Save the crappy clothes for at home where no one can see you, outside, put on your best.


Flirting is a crucial, but all too underused skill in today's mating world. Lets say you're at an event, and you spy a hottie across the room. You've got to make eye contact, hold that contact for 20 seconds, then smile your most enchanting come hither smile (Yes, practice in the mirror and with friends, real friends, not haters). At first this seems really difficult. Look at your watch, 20 seconds is a long time, but it typically takes a man that long to get a clue. Practice with guys you're not really interested in so you can be relaxed. Then move up to the big league.

Men are led by their egos. If you do this a couple of times, he will come over, and when he does its time for step 2. Look up at him from underneath your eyelashes. This is called 'eye candy' and men fall for it with a quickness. You don't have to talk insipid or say anything silly, but that look communicates everything you need to know. Touch your hair, this sends a primitive signal that you're grooming yourself to be attractive to him. Smile, laugh at his jokes, and crucial, touch him. Not intimately. Just on the arm, hand or shoulder. A brief, casual pat. Remember, men are on an ego trip and this signals your interest in him.

Wait for him to ask for your phone number. Do not offer it, and don't take his if he offers it. (This is controversial, but I truly believe that most men like the pursuit. If being the pursuer works for you, fine, but this is my experience).

The Telephone

Oh, how many wonderful beginnings have been destroyed by this horrible little device. It is, without a doubt, the best weapon in a man's arsenal. You are best served by using it as little as possible. Think of it as a tool for making dates, period, not for communication. Why is this so?

Think about it. We as women are intuitive creatures. We gather information from the whole of a person. Eye contact, posture, demeanour, all are crucial sources of information we lose when get on the telephone. The telephone is great for men because they know they can woo a woman with words, and don't have to worry about her picking up any clues. Don't spend more than 15 minutes on a telephone with a man and thats only a few times a week. If he wants more of your time he has to take you out, and this is where a woman shines.

A woman's seductiveness lies in her physical presence. Our hair, our skin, our scent, even our laugh are weapons in our arsenal, and we can't weave our witchy ways over the phone. And don't call him at all if you can help it.

Sofa Sitting

Yet another hazard. You should never indulge in 'just kicking it' with a guy you're interested in. Why? Well first, its a waste of your time. Time you could be spending with a man who will actually take you on a date. But more importantly, it leads to too great an opportunity for intimacy, too soon. In those first weeks the two of you should be going out. If money is an issue, fine, but there are plenty of things you can do together that are cheap or free. Pursue those. But hanging out at your place or his? Heck no.


Practice, practice, practice kissing. Being a good kisser will get you far. I was a virgin until I was 25, but I could kiss like nobody's business. I had to. I knew I wasn't doing anything else! When he walks you to the door at the end of a date, you want to put a kiss on him that will take the top of his head off. Remember, just one kiss and believe me, he'll come back for more.


Okay, from the get go, dude has to think you're still seeing other people. Obviously its best to actually still be seeing other people, but if you don't have anyone, that's fine, just don't tell him that! At some point during the courtship he's going to ask for sex. You will reply that you don't feel comfortable having sex outside an exclusive relationship. Now, if you're hot and heavy in a make-out session at this point, he'll probably ask for exclusivity off the bat. You, immediately end the make-out session and tell him that y'all need to talk about that at some other time. Send him on his merry way. Never, ever, ever, have a serious discussion about anything with a man who has an erection. He'll say anything to get in the panties and then accuse you of manipulation. Okay, you don't bring up the exclusivity issue. Believe me, he'll bring it up again. Then you say you'll think about it. Give it a few days and then respond.

Now, I don't have a hard and fast rule about the amount of time before sex, but most certainly you want to wait long enough to really know a person. You cannot know a person in a matter of weeks.
For me, it's always been easy to get a man and keep him (if I want him) but I am always myself. Men can tell the difference and have told me they appreciated I was myself. It makes them feel at ease.

I haven't consciously done the above steps with the exception of Appearances. I make sure I always look good wherever I go, which I do for me.

Also, Exclusivity - I also would not have sex outside of an exclusive relationship and have not done so in life. It isn't a game though. I believe we need to know one another very well first to see whether or not we are compatible or love one another. He would have to wait a few months (I have a lot of discipline) and if he can't, then it won't happen.
GodMadeMePretty said:
Laughing at his jokes; smiling at him; looking at him like he was all important. I didn't consider it a game. It was just so doggone fun.

Have fun!

See, its fun to me too. Men aren't stupid, they know its a game. But they love it. I mean when you look at it from a biological standpoint, we are programmed to fight for our mate. All the other primates do it. Obviously its not socially acceptable in our culture to do so. But we still have rituals and tools we use to attract our mate, and its fun and a challenge to do so. I really get a kick out of it.
rozlips said:
You are so smart and this is so important. Men who love us want to make us happy. If they feel that they can't do that they'll move on to someone who they can make happy. You have to make sure they know they're appreciated and that their efforts are important. My dh eats that stuff up too, especially when I tell his mama what an awesome husband he is.

I like your tips Roz, but I have a question...

What about letting a man know YOUR needs. My fiance' is great, and I have done all of the above you have mentioned during our relationship.
But, he, like most men, feel the need to be "respected" at all times. But they leave you out of it in the process. How can I tell him my feelings/ego/emotions are not being attended to without being hurtful to him? He means well, but he never ever gets it right. I had to learn how to TALK to him about it, and he tries and I still feel abandoned, and he feels abandoned, so it is a cycle.

I was looking at the other young lady post about her parents and their 38 year relationship. Sometimes men take for granted a woman because not only do we work, we have families and homes to take care of. That is a job in itself. It is not that some women do not WANT to respect their man and rub their ego, but how can they if they feel like they are being neglected and not appreciated?