"How to Approach Women" video series for men


Well-Known Member
What do you all think of this video series on YouTube on How to Approach Women by David Wygant?

YouTube - Approach Women: How To Appear Confident To Women Every Time

He gives tips on how to appear confident, how to approach without looking needy, etc.

The related videos are interesting, too. Like, I think this guy ("thesocialengineer") is a jerk: :lachen:
YouTube - How to Meet Women (hidden cam)
Do you think his game would work on you? I wonder if . . . certain women :look: are not used to dealing with aggressive men.

Anyway, just thought this thread might be an interesting change of pace from our focus on what women have to do to get men.
I can't watch the video bc I'm at work. But I do know that true confidence cannot be faked. That is something that has to be developed internally through self acceptance and self love.

There are actually a lot of men who do not feel comfortable or confident approaching women. I have one male friend who never approaches females. Ever. All of his girlfriends have been people he met through mutual friends or the women approach him.