How Soon is too soon?

I figure realistically before any boundaries or titles have been set in place because you've given away the prize that most men chase after and what's worth waiting for now if he really wasn't feeling you that tough yet anyway. Seems like a good mindset (just read Steve Harvey's book also btw)
Everyone has different standards...but I try 2 keep the panties on lock until we become official...and once the title has been given...I still hold on to em a lil longer just 2 make sure he did not request 2 b my man only 2 have the opportunity 2 pipe me down...

For me it feels great when I stop "talking" to a man and I know he can't say he had sex with makes me feel like I kept something on reserve.
I'm abstinent, but my "for everybody" answer would be 3 months. Do some digging. Get his bill of health. Meet other people who know the guy...
I talked to my cousin last night, she just turn 60, she told me the happy news that her bf of (she thinks 4-5 years) finally popped the question.:yay:

Anyway, she was married for 15 years and divorced her husband. He has always held out hope that they would get back together:look:. They have been divorce since 1980.:look: She has been calibate since her divorce, so that's 30 years. Yall, I was so happy.:yay: The time frame for her has been until she finds the one for her and they marry.

During my dating days 3-6 months depending on the man, how horny I was and what was going on in my life.

Now, IDK what it would be.
I think it is a very personal decision. I wouldn't put any arbitrary time frame on it. I think it depends on how well you know and trust the person and/or if you're willing to accept the consequences if things go sour.
I think it's important for women to know their power and to remember that wars have started over women.

I wouldn't have relations with anyone without a commitment and you'll meet those men who will try to whisper in your ear "why do you have all these rules? why can't you go with the flow". Don't believe that nonsense LOL! Also, don't forget men (rather good men) respect boundaries.