How serious is it if he/she doesn't wear the ring?


Well-Known Member
I'm not married yet,but I asked my Fh would he wear his ring all the time when we do get married because he wears a ring on his pinky same hand.He has worn it for years and I wouldn't think nothing of it if he didn't.He said he would but he would have to get used to it.I asked one of my friends at work who just got married and she said her husband wears his band all the time and my Fh just has to get used to a new ring on a new finger.:yep:
I didn't wear rings prior to getting engaged except for special occaisions and I know I don't wear it all the time at work because I wash my hands so much.That doesn't make me feel less engaged.
I'm asking the question because of the recent threads about people wearing their the ring and the significance of it.Maybe because my grandmom never wore hers and they have been married for 50yrs that I have this nonchalant attitude about wearing a ring,but I feel like that isn't going to make me feel less married if I don't wear it everyday.My mom on the other hand,wore her band but my dad never wore one.He was a dog but I really don't think he even had one when they got married.Growing up,I didn't think men wore wedding bands.He is remarried and wears it now.:rolleyes:
So how serious is it to you?
I'm married (newlywed but still) and we don't have rings yet. Even when we were in talks of being engaged, we didn't have/wear rings. It's the commitment that's more important... (We'll wear our rings when we 'renew' our vows)
I'm married (newlywed but still) and we don't have rings yet. Even when we were in talks of being engaged, we didn't have/wear rings. It's the commitment that's more important... (We'll wear our rings when we 'renew' our vows)

I feel the same way. It's all about the commitment, and the vows, not the ring, not the piece of paper. There are plenty of ring-wearing married folks out there that are not committed to their partner, and they are wearing their ring and it means nothing. Just because you wear a ring doesn't mean that you will not be approached by someone else who is also wearing a ring, who wants to get with you. If you're committed and married to your partner, with or without a ring, you're going to make that known to others.
Not all people are "jewelry" people. Especially some men, some don't wear any jewelry at all. I wouldn't take it seriously. The important thing is the commitment and the legal aspects. :)
IMO if you know your man really well, unless he gives you reason to believe he is cheating, wearing a ring is no big deal. If he wanted to cheat he'd just take it off anyway. Not to mention some people don't mind dating obviously married men. I worry more if he doesn't tell people he is married, or doesn't bring his wife up to people. DH almost always brings me up at some point in a conversation.
My hubby did not wear a ring for the first 8 yrs of our marriage. It really bothered me but because he told me a ring on his finger was not important to him and he did not care for jewelry, I let it go. Then he turned around and got an earring, so go figure:ohwell:After we hit a rough patch and near divorced and fought our way back to normalcy, he went and gifted me with a new wedding set so I returned the favor. I told him how it really bothered me that he did not wear or care about his ring like I did mine and I wanted him to wear one in respect for my feelings and he said he understood and would wear it because it meant so much to me. He's worn it so long now that when he does take it off (he had to take it off due to swelling from a jammed finger and while doing so me work), he missed it.
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This is a good question. I would want my husband to wear one so the world knows he's married when Im not there. It would be an announcement without him actually making the announcement but I dont wear any rings on my finger now and when I do wear them I have to take all of my jewelry off at night because I can't stand it on all the time. So Im not even sure if I would want to wear mine if I ever marry.