Forgetting your ring?

Okay first let me say, I didn't make a big deal out of it, I mentioned it...everytime it's happened. The first time DH forgot to wear his ring outside the house I laughed, because we were out with the whole family and everyone pointed it out. He was embarrassed. So in the past few months since we've been married he's left it at his job (he took it off to take a shower), he's left for work, he's gone to hang out, etc. None of these times do I make a big deal and he seems genuinely sorry. But today I told him, well maybe I should stop wearing mine ( I wasn't serious, because I don't take mine off, it's Tungsten Carbide so it's practically indestructible), so with that he got upset like I shouldn't even say anything when he doesn't wear his ring.

My question to you:

1. Do you forget your ring? Often, rarely?
2. How do you react when DH forgets his?

After 4 years, I always forget mine. It annoys DH, but he doesn't make a big deal out of it.

If we're annoying each other alot, I think he looks sideways at me when I don't wear um...."what you advertising":lachen:

I don't blame him, cause if it was a constant problem, I'd get a lil irritated too.

I honestly do forget it after a shower, or I put it in a cabinet when I'm cooking, washing dishes. It's a learned habit you have to get into.

Buy him a little tray for his watch, glasses, bracelets and ring. So when he's done dressing he remembers everything. That's what DH does. He said I should do that too...:drunk:
I haven't read the other responses to the thread, but let me say this...forget about it! Wearing a ring or not wearing a ring means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. That ring does not have magical powers! It does not or will not control actions/behavior that he wants to do. Neither does it say, he's hiding something. This is one of the small issues that you shouldn't sweat. Build your marriage on trust and communicate that to him.

Again married for nearly 32 years and I do not wear a ring...not because I want people to think that I'm's because of the type work I do. DH, does wear a ring....TO DRAW ATTENTION TO HIMSELF. He says a ring is a "chick magnet" and makes him (he thinks) desirable...he says it signals "somebody wants me, and I'm willing to commit." I think this is so hilarious. He has lost wedding bands twice--playing football on my sister's farm (needle in a hay stack) and stolen from gym locker along with everything else.

He also uses it in business to send an unspoken signal that he's stable....go figure. But him wearing or not wearing the ring means nothing to me...when he starts wearing matching briefs and T-shirts....I'll raise an eyebrow!
My question to you:

1. Do you forget your ring? Often, rarely?
I NEVER take off my band. I'll take off my engagement ring to wash my hair, clean up, wash dishes, etc. and sometimes I forget to put it back on. However, long as I have on my band, my husband has no problem with me.

2. How do you react when DH forgets his?
He's never taken his off since I put it on our wedding day.

I will admit that at first I wasn't used to wearing a ring and I forgot mine once or twice. My husband gave me the :ohwell: look but didn't say much. If it means a lot to you (like it does to me and my husband) don't apologize for that.
Neither of us ever take our rings off, except to clean them.

We both wear them everyday, and we would have issues if either of us "forgot" regularly or chose not to wear them.
I forget my ring most of the time! My husbad wears his more than me. When I'm rushing out and I get to work I realize i forgot it! When I remember, once I'm home I take it off and put it in the box. I was in a meat market and this guy behind the counter asked if I was married. Him and the guys though I was just saying I was married to blow himoff. When I told them I seriously was and forgot my ring, they said I was never supposed to take it off! I am not a jewelry wearer so that is why I'm still not used to wearing it! I have to do better!