How R U going 2 maximize your summer growth spurt?

continue with my regimen
no heat
braid outs, bantu knot set, twist outs
continuse taking my multivitimin (I slack off sometimes)
I'm doing it all for this summer and if I do not get more than 0.5"/month that I usually get----I'm going to stop trying every product that comes out( says the PJunky that just got a $200 fix

--shampoo washes 2xweek
--CO washes atleast 3xweek
--increase water intake
--Philip Kingsley Intensive Scalp Treatments 2xweek
--continue vitamins/supplements(added L-cysteine)
--shower filter
--hair in bun 90% of the time
--UV protection for hair(spray & hat)
--stick with diet
--shea butter treatment(I'm following the treatment below)




In many cases dry unmanageable hair is simply unhealthy hair. The hair shaft, often called a strand of hair, may be suffering from depletion of vital components needed to maintain its natural beauty. On the other hand, the hair follicle, often called the hair root, maybe deficient in important nutrients needed for healthy growth. Shea butter provides treatment for the hair root and the hair shaft. When applied to the scalp, shea butter provides nutrients to improved the health of hair follicles(roots). Likewise, shea butter provides body and gives a fuller head of head. Besides increased body, shea butter provides increase protection from sun, heat, cold, and environmental pollutants.This treatment is recommended for professional hair stylist or individuals. The treatment plan given below may be employed on a routinely in the hair stylist shop or individuals may employ the treatment at home. Follow the 6 month treatment plan below to softer, more manageable, and better looking hair.

Once A Month Hair And Scalp Treatment For At Least 6 Months

FOR THE SCALP: Simply part the hair and liberally apply 100% Pure Premium Shea Butter directly to the scalp. Be sure to apply the shea butter to the entire scalp, always parting the hair to expose the scalp before applying shea butter. Remember, the hair roots benefit from the healing power of the shea butter.

FOR THE HAIR: Part and separate a small portion of hair, liberally and thoroughly apply shea butter throughout the length of that portion of hair. Then repeat the application of shea butter to another small portion of hair. Continue to apply shea butter to small portions of hair until you have moistened all the hair. Be sure to include the area where broken, or split ends occur. Once the hair is thoroughly moistened with Shea Butter, you are ready for the wrap.

THE WRAP: Wet a clean towel with warm water, then wrap the hair and head, (not the face) with the warm wet towel. Be sure to cover all the hair. The warm towel helps the shea butter to deeply penetrate the hair shaft. You should allow the wrap to remain until it cools. Once cooled, remove the towel and repeat the wrap if necessary until all the shea butter has absorbed into the hair. When finished, the hair should be clear of any un-melted shea butter.

COMB: Now gently comb the hair in all directions (front, back, left, and right). Total combing time should be at least 5 minutes. Once the hair is thoroughly combed, you may style the hair as you desire.
NOTED: Do not use a hair dryer in place of the warm wrap. It is very important to have a bit of moist heat.

Twice A Month Scalp Treatment For Least 6 Months

FOR THE SCALP: Simply part the hair and liberally apply 100% Pure Premium Shea Butter directly to the scalp. Be sure to apply the shea butter to the entire scalp, always parting the hair to expose the scalp and hair roots before applying shea butter. Remember, the hair roots benefit from the healing power shea butter. After all hair roots have been fed, then thoroughly comb the hair and style as desired.

AFTER CARE: After you have completed the 6 month nourishing program, you will need to keep your new head of hair, healthy and looking good. For long term moisturizing and root nutrition, use the 100% Premium Pure Shea Butter to the scalp every 2 or 3 weeks or more frequent if desired. You may use the warm wrap at least once every two months, or more frequent if desired. The Shea Butter Scalp and Hair treatment will keep the hair moisten, nourished, and manageable over the long term

Finally, since the hair is an extension of the skin, it is quite likely that persons suffering with dry unmanageable hair, are also suffering with dry nutrient deficient skin. To treat dry nutrient deficient skin, apply 100% Pure Premium Shea Butter to the skin daily after each bath, (morning or night is OK). This skin application should include the entire body.
I think I will be doing everything I can to create a healthy environment for the best hair growth spurt.
I will
Wash every/ every few days, exercise at least 30 mintutes 4X a week (running, yoga, dance, field hockey), take vitamins, wear protective styles, and try to relax my mind
Exercising seems to be a dominant theme many of us will use. Exercising outside and getting some sun, even better
<font color="purple">Exercise, wear hat, drink plenty of H2O, CO washes 3xs a week, daily rinses, wear hair in braids, plenty of fruits and veggies, taking more supplements and finally, massage my scalp 2xs a week. My hair needs this right now. Toodles. </font>
I will try to Shampoo twice a week, and drink alot more water, also I am planning to try a few Mizani products being that Im gonna give there relaxer a try towards the end of June
1. Increase my biotin intake
2. Start doing CO's a few times a week (2 or 3)
3. Start running again

I can't wait for the summer (and the extra hair growth)
-more exercise
-be consistent with vits (msm, biotin, bcomplex. e.p.o)
-protective styles all the time (braids, cornrows and weaves)
Aerie17 said:
Increase the washes and otherwise keep up the program...

[/ QUOTE ]

Oops! I forgot to add, that in the summer, I eat tons of salads and make wonderful fruit smoothies with the green stuff mixed in. I sure hope to get great results this year what with all the other stuff I have learned here. <font color="pink"> </font>
Re: How R U going 2 maximize your summer growth sp

Well Im gonna try:
No heat (for one full year)
Only combing once a month
Instead of taking different vitamins i will just take a multi and eat healthy foods with high vitamin content (carrot juice,veggies,fruit etc)
conditoner washes
moisturize twice a day
TRY to excercise
Re: How R U going 2 maximize your summer growth sp

more water
take vitamins
get some sun
be happy!
get braid or twist extensions
Re: How R U going 2 maximize your summer growth sp

increase my water intake
double my biotin intake
concentrate on being less stressed(I'm an airport security screener, say a prayer for a sista)
continue on my vitamin regime
fast 1-2 times this spring slash summer

My hair is not nappy it is tightly coiled(extremely curly), It is in better shape now than when i first got started, I will not speak defeat. My hair is always growing, I am just trying to obtain length(my summer and year long motto)

I also need to gain 1.5 inches by June 9th.
I had recently said:

Poohbear said:
I'm going to wet/wash my hair most days out of the week with water, then leave-in conditioner, and my mixture of oils and put it in a wet bun to protect my ends, and let it airdry.

Also start back exercising (kind of slacked off because I never had time to do it), massaging my scalp more, and continue my hair regime...if u want to know it, feel free to contact me

[/ QUOTE ]

...But I'm changing the first paragraph. I'm not going to put my hair in a wet bun because I already tried it and it didnt work out for me
...had a little breakage. So, I'm going to try Lindy's airdrying technique...see the recent thread about it called Lindy's Air Dried Hair Pics posted by CaramelHonee on 4/21/04

Im also going to start taking better care of my nape hair by moisturizing it more than other parts of my hair so it will get that growing potential like my other parts

Im going to start back exercising as soon as my sophomore year in college is over with on April 30. I did not have time to exercise during school. Im also going to try braidouts as a style for when I exercise. Wish me luck.
*keep my hair wet all the time
*daily wash...I do this even in the cold winter of MONTREAL, QUEBEC!!
*more treatments
Summer is here all year round so I suppose I will be doing the same thing I always do. Wet my hair and leave the house
good thread, brooke.

outside of vitamins and hair care, i plan to:
<ul type="square">
[*]work out more (preferably during the early morning/evenings to minimize the possibility of heat stroke)
[*]spend a decent amount of time outdoors enjoying the sun (maybe take a ten minute walk after lunch or something extra like that)
[*]eat better (a better fueled body can produce more/better vitamin D and viola ! ! ! more hair growth
Keep my hair conrowed back and wear a net/cap weave
Surge on the scalp daily
No heat
My product line - multipurpose moisturizing spray, oil blend
Gentle combing/detangling
Weekly deep conditioning under dryer
Like many have already pointed out...

1. More co-washing/keeping my hair wet more often

2. Working out. It sounds crazy, but I HATE the summer/the heat, so I am actually more prone to work out hardcore in the summer than the fall.
Ok, I'm doing the braid thing( singles ), surge,workouts, increased washes! My hair does really well in the summer when I leave it absolutely alone!
Pretty much doing the same thing I am doing now:

-Daily conditioner washing &amp; protective styling
-Possibly use Sulfur8
-Consuming drinks with protein (SlimFast, Genisoy).
-Consistent vitamin intake (Multi, B-complex)