Summer Growth Spurt Challenge!!!

Its winding down to the end of the challenge!! I have to admit that I'm not too impressed with my progress.
I've dusted and trimmed my ends 3 times. So I don't have any length to show. But I do have healthy ends :yep:

But I read somewhere that our hair may actually grow more in the winter than in the summer. If thats any help to anyone.
Ok I know we have technically 2 days left, but I'm excited. This was my 1st challenge! So, I had my hair trimmed 1 time this summer, but I still see progress. BTW - got my hair highlighted this summer.

What do you all think?


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LuvlyRain3 Thanks! I was really excited when I compared the 2 pics! I think I got the 2 inches I wanted this summer, or very close although I never actually measured :) I have still been working on my regimen, experimenting with different products. I laid off the heat some over the summer and tried to do more PSing which I think was great for retention. Ready for the next challenge!