How PHYSICALLY attracted r u to your SO ?


New Member
so, I've never had a boyfriend... and I'm 18 :perplexed

I've been asked out/hit on/ "holla" ed at :rolleyes: by many guys in my life time but I have so many high standards and I've turned them all down for one thing or another... well the spiritual/moral values of my future hubby are extremely important to me, but I'll be honest, I wouldn't mind marrying one who's a total hottie of course! I want to be really reeaaly physically attracted to him as well, because if Im gonna be laying next to him every night for the rest of my life, I better be pretty darn attracted to him :grin:
but I also wnat to be the most physically attractive to him that I can be but a convo I had with my mom made me kind of feel guilty about this, and she told me that everyone girl can't marry a cute guy and sometimes you have to go by what's on the inside ONLY.

Sorry but... I ain't marryin and "doin" nothin' with someone I ain't attracted to... bottom line... lol

what do you all think? I would like to learn from your experiences ... are you hysically attracted to your bf/ fiance/ dh?
I'm physically attracted to my SO. He's sexy, tall, dark and handsome, literally but he is also a very nice, dependable, supportive and hard working person. Sometimes you do get the whole package. That said, the type of person he is matters most. That's the truth!
I'm physically attracted to my SO. He is very good looking - typically good looking. But my boyfriend before him was not as good looking as my current one and I liked him just as much. You definitely need to have an attraction to your mate but what some find attractive others don't necessarily.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and even if you're not with someone typically good looking... what is inside is what matters the most. And the guy you find "gorgeous" everyone else may think is "eh...okay"
That's the beauty of differences of opinion and "overall" attraction (inside and out) :drunk:
I agree with Chichibean. For me I am very attracted to him. He is VERY tall, In shape, and has gorgeous dark features. My favorite feature about him is his eyes. He has these deep mysterious yet caring eyes that I love. He also has a heart of Gold and is very respectful, and is all around a wonderful man and that is what attracts me to him the most, thus making him that much more physically attracted to him.
My SO is ok. When I first saw him I didn't think OMG he is soooo hot. I just thought he was ok and I'm fine with that. I think he has a nice body, not too thin, not too big. I love the fact that he doesn't have any hair on his chest and he doesn't have a lot of hair elsewhere (don't like hairy men). I'm not complaining.
That man turns me on. From the first moment I laid eyes on him, I was like WOW, are you serious? Beautiful brown skin, sexiest brown eyes, chisel muscles from head to calves:grin:, big "feet", big "hands", professional, athletic, and this confidence I never felt from any man before. Just fine...

I was very intimidated by him in everyway for a long time. Until, I came into my own. Now he better know he got the baddest on the block. And he knows.
very very very

hes one of the best looking guys ive been with

he has these beautiful hazel eyes

and his hair is neally as long as mine!!!!!