How often Do you Wear Your Hair Down??

How often do you wear your hair down or loose?

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Well-Known Member
Just a quick poll, you can elaborate only if you want to... I wear my hair down most days. Just checking to see how many ladies do the same.

By Down or loose, I mean not braided or twisted or under a weave/fall or in a protective style, etc...

I also mean in a week's time...
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Well...I hardly wear it down anymore due to wearing twists, braids, coWashes, etc. I will only wear it down at the end of every month...just to check growth. This time I am trying to see if I can wait until Jun/July to use heat and wear it down. I use a maxiGlide to straigten it out now..instead of a regular flat iron.
Rarely. Only if I have taken the time to do a style.

I'm wearing it down today for the first time in about 4 months! :eek: Probably going right back up tomorrow.:lachen:
I voted "1-2 days," usually on the weekend. I don't really think of my updos as protective styling though; I just like my hair up and out of my way when I'm at work.
I voted 4-5 days. Most days its down, then I'll usually pin it up once I get to work or while I'm lounging around the house. I hardly ever bun.
I voted 1-2 days as well. And those days are usually the day after I rollerset and the day after that. My hair stays up most of the time, in a loose or braid bun. Hopefully not for much longer as I hope to get to BSL soon with nice healthy ends :yep:
lol. As apparently, I'm not the only person who rarely wear my hair down but when I do, it's special.:grin:
I voted 1-2 days. I wear my hair down on Sat, after I wash/set and sometimes on Sunday. I feel like, why grow all this hair if I cant enjoy the benefits of it!
I wear my hair down most days. I don't count how many days, but it certainly depends on if it needs to be shampooed or if I'm having a bad hair day.

I did the bunning thing to get from SL to APL and I HATED it! So, if it means my hair will not show progress as fast as bunning, then that's what I have to live with. So far though, I have okay progress... not super speed growth, but hey...

I primarily wear it straight, but once or twice a month I wear rollersets. I only use direct about 2x a month now that I'm transitioning and have to straighten my hair.
I usually keep it in a bun, and only wear it down once or twice during the week. But I'm trying to enjoy my hair more, so I might change that this summer and go for 3-4 times per week wearing it down.
I voted 1-2 days. I wil wear it down for church. I'm trying to get to APL so it's usually up in a clip or a pony tail.
I wear my hair down everyday. But I'm natural and wear wash and gos. I have a lot of shrinkage too. I'm APL but it shrinks to above my shoulders. :ohwell: It doesn't really feel like I'm wearing it "down" unless I flat iron it.
I wear my hair down nearly everyday. I've been a member of the board a while and I'm soooo past the whole bunning thing. There was a time when that was the only way I wore my hair for a long time. I also can't stand to wear hair pins anymore, my scalp would be sooo sore.
I wear my hair down about 3-4 times a year. I'm pretty much keeping my hair protected till I get to BSL, then I'll relax on the protective styles and wear my hair out more :yep:
I usually wear my hair down on Sunday and Monday. That's after Sat night wash and set. It goes up until the Wed night wash. I may wear it down on Thurs sometimes. So I would say 3 days.
i ususally only wear my hair down on saturdays when i go to church.. but now that the weather is starting to get warm im gonna wear it down more often... im really getting sick of buns:look:
I voted rarely wear my hair down because I'm trying to get to the next level mid-back, so I keep my hair in braids. My hair is down maybe 2X a year.

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I voted 3 - 4 days. I know I should do more protective styles and half of the week I usually roll it in a modified roll/bun with a clip. My hair has never been the length it is now. I have always had really short, ear-length hair since forever and when I got to shoulder length, wanted to enjoy it. However, I do realize I can't wear it out all the time as my ends do suffer.
I voted 1-2 times/week. I tend to wash on Sundays, then wear it down for a day or two. I don't do any more days, because I'm soo close to shoulder length, I can literally feel and sometimes hear my hair rubbing across my sweaters. Plus I work in a super dry office building in super dry windy Chicago and it makes my hair soooo dry in the winter to wear it out too long.
I wear my hair down 6-7 days a week. My hair is a layered thick shoulder length and doesn't bun/pony well. I hate falls and weaves so those are out but usually my hair is in a curly roller/rod set so it doesn't rub my shoulders

Slight OT... You're my inspiration! Well you and women like you :) :yep: I see beautiful heads of long hair like yours daily and most of the ladies wear their hair down and it's beautiful and healthy. I think when I first saw your hair, for the first time, I realized I could really have long hair and wear it down and look fabulous while doing it :)

You're hair is my goal! :yep:
Almost daily. I used to bun but my edges were not happy even if I made it a loose pinup or braid scalp has gotten very tender, can't take any tension at all it gets sooo sore and that makes me shed alot more, so I mainly wash 'n' go.
I wear my hair down 1-2 times a week. It's usually in a Bear Claw Clip, bun, or pony. No real reason, I'm just lazy and it's easy to accomplish those styles with little manipulation.
Since I cut it almost everyday.
It is soooo nice to NOT have a ponytail or a bun.
I'm even thinking bout keeping this short or shorter if only to be able to wear it out everyday.
I loovve it!
I very rarely wear my hair down. Last year I wore my hair down about 10 times the entire year (I would say about half of the times it was pressed, and the other half it was from a twistout).

I like to wear buns, so my hair is up the majority of the time.