How often do you wash your hair?

How often do you wash your hair?

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I was wondering am I the only hair wash-a-holic out there. I love to wash my hair. I wash it every other day. Right now, but trying to wean myself down to 2 times per week or every 3 days. It's hard work for me. I don't blow dry just air dry into a ponytail on most days. If I have a special function I need to go to I will flat iron it into place.

I do find washing it often helps keep the itchies gone and my scalp can breathe easier.

How often to you guys wash your hair?
When I first discovered LHCF and began to lurk, I started washing my hair every other day.

Now, I wash it once a week...ish. Like now, I took down my twists last night so that I could wash it today. But it just hasn't happened. I took a nap instead!
I usually wash once a week. But depending on how dry my hair is or how much product build-up I have, I may wash twice or throw in a co-wash. Back when I was jumping on everbody's bandwagons I was washing twice a week and co-washing frequently in between! I'm SO glad those days are over!! I was a crazy little hair freak!! :lachen: My hair is also thanking me :) !
i wash everyday usually. i don't go any longer than one day w/o washing anymore. before joining the forum in sept, i was washing like 2x a month...ewwwww! it was because i was afraid to wash because of it supposedly making my hair dryer :ohwell:
Can i be trifiling for a moment and say that before LHCF I'd go months without washing my hair. OR I'd only wash after I relaxed :(

I wash weekly now, and for the most part - air dry with my hair pulled back into a phonybun.
KiniKakes said:
Wash and DC once per week, con-wash once per week. So a total of 2x per week.

Same here. I used to only wash (w/poo) once a week, but I feel that my hair is responding well to an extra cowash between shampoos.
I wash and condition once a week. But, I am going to try washing every 5 days with a rollerset....of course.

I have a cousin who washes everyday. Her hair is short and brittle. Reason? That curling iron!!! She loves using that HOT cutrling iron every day. I keep trying to tell her and she complains that her hair wont grow....
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Anywhere from weekly to every other week. Washing 2x a week gave me more growth than I desired. I guess that sounds a little wierd on a hairboard.:lol:
I wash 3x per week, but I don't use shampoo. I use an herbal hair wash instead, followed by a moisturizing conditioner.
I wash once a week to every 7-10 days. I try to stretch my washes out because I blow dry.

My sister washes once a month. I have shoulder length hair and she has brastrap length hair.
I started out washing or con washing 5 days out of the week. My hair thrives better with less manipulation so I now wash 2x per week, one of which includes deep conditioning with heat cap for 20-30 min.
I tried a daily washing challenge, and I really liked it, but my schedule will definitely not allow that. So I've cut down to 2-3 times a week, airdried.

I just got a Dominican blowout, and in an effort to keep the style I didn't wash at all for a week. Hated it! My hair is begging me for a good co-wash now, it's all brittle and 'dusty' looking :(, I didn't realise how much the co-washes were helping my hair until I stopped. Best believe I'll be massaging my strands with some sexy conditioner tonight! ;)
I wash twice a week for first 4 wks after a touch up, then once a week from then until the next touch up. My newgrowth doesn't respond well to anything. :(