How often do you think about Sex?

Too many times to count. I'm highly sexual and uninhibited when it comes to my partner. I always replay the my best sex moments in my head daily.
I think I have the libido of a hypersexual, testosterone filled man age 17-25.

I think about sex multiple times an hour. I replay scenes in my mind for fun, brightens my day. If I'm not going to be having sex that night I'll picture it as I fall asleep so I dream about it. I initiate sex w/ my husband 60% of the time, simply because he wants to beat around the bush and I just want to bust one. :look: Ya'll get the gist.
I'm good until I'm ovulating and then its off the chain!!!!!!!!!!!!! Through the roof!!!!!!!!!!! Sad part is I don't have a man nor any aspects. Dating has tore me up! I can't do the whole friends with benefits thing cause I love with my heart but I wish I had a man so bad. You ladies that have men just don't know how lucky yall are.
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A few times an hour. I think about the sex I will have. The sex I have had. The sexual things I want to try. I think I am also slightly a pervert and have a way of turning any conversation into something sexual.

This is me to a T, i haven't colored in almost 5yrs and I find myself thinking of sex too many times in a day to count.:spinning:

*currently fantasizing about her next door neighbor who is too fione for words*:look:

Don't judge me:look::lol::lol:
I'm a perv so a few times a day. Sometimes the sexual thought doesn't even include myself. :look: And the week after my period? Boy. Let's just say the inside of my head is like a porn site.
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I just realize I have the hormones of a man. I wake up thinking about sex just about every single day!!!
This is me to a T, i haven't colored in almost 5yrs and I find myself thinking of sex too many times in a day to count.:spinning:

*currently fantasizing about her next door neighbor who is too fione for words*:look:

Don't judge me:look::lol::lol:

LOL!! Girl you must be my twin. I feel so sorry for my FH (whenever he gets here) on our wedding night. It's not going to be nice.
I am like a horny toad. When I walk in the door I want to jump on it no beating around the bush. And there is nothing, and I mean nothing, like the sight of a well built, muscular man walking around butterball naked. I had the honor of seeing one in the flesh this weekend and it was a thing of beauty. :lick::lick::lick:
Everyday. Multiple times an hour.

There was one time over summer, I was thinking about colouring with my ex so much it got to a point where it felt like my body was aching. I started grunting around the house...
My coworker was telling me that women think about sex every few days and men think about it every 7 seconds.

I disagree.
I think about it at LEAST once a day.


I think I'm gonna agree, some women think of it probably every week or so. I don't think of it much either. Men on the other hand seems to have sex on the brain all the time.
I don't think about sex as it often as I used to like when I was a teenager because I had more hope about my love life. I would think about sex constantly. I had countless crushes. Anything with a cute face and a d**k. Now at 26 I barely think about sex at all because I have no prospects no one to crush on. I frankly don't care because my crushes never materialize into anything. So I don't even bother fantasizing anymore. I'm the Sahara desert lol.
Woke up thinking about it this morning. Had quite a sexual dream. Weird. I don't think about it too much and I kinda wanna blame my birth control/life.
Something must really be wrong with me then. I remember when I was younger, probably 23, I didn't have much of a sex drive. I attributed it me not being very attracted to the guy I was dating. Since I was pretty much celibate last year, I stopped thinking about it. Now that I'm in a LDR, I don't think about it at all..probably 2x a month. We see each other month, and it's good, but I don't think about it. Maybe I need to talk to my Doc about this. I'm a bit concerned.
I envy you guys' libidos. I only think about it like 2x a week. I wonder if there are any proven (preferably natural) ways to increase it.

Sent from my Super Kewl EVO... Please blame the phone for the typos
although im celibate i think about it daily. i wish i didnt but i guess since im not doing it i think about it more than people who are actually doing it. like homeless people think about having a home or people who are hungry think about food. i know silly
I think about it all the time especially when I am at work because my job is pretty boring..I get lost in my thoughts daydreaming about it and what makes it worse is that there is a guy at work that I like and he always kisses me on my forehead because he is taller. This drives me crazy. Bad part is that I am single and have no propects.
I think about it all day every day. I'm a sexual person, and any little thing can set me off. Especially since I work with my FWB.
Something must really be wrong with me then. I remember when I was younger, probably 23, I didn't have much of a sex drive. I attributed it me not being very attracted to the guy I was dating. Since I was pretty much celibate last year, I stopped thinking about it. Now that I'm in a LDR, I don't think about it at all..probably 2x a month. We see each other month, and it's good, but I don't think about it. Maybe I need to talk to my Doc about this. I'm a bit concerned.

I'm right there with you. Since I hit my mid-twenties I've had a Low desire and very seldom think about sex. Maybe once a month a week before my period hits. That is one sign I know my period is coming is that I think about sex and desire sex. However, most of the time I'm pretty high and dry. I don't think need to see a Dr., everyone can't be a Nympho or Asexual. There is a range that lies between both extremes. We may lie closer to the asexual. I also have not been attracted to a guy in a while. Except the one from this summer that didn't work out.
Hmmm......especially during that time of month.....i'm as horny a ever.

When i wanna urinate and i'm nowhere near a bathroom where i'll feel comfortable to go.....i swear i can feel him inside me when i'm contracting my muscles to hold it. Then i start muttering crazy dirty talk to myself that we do regularly while coloring

i do this regularly btw, it's good exercise to the vaginal muscles.....not too often to get an UTI.
So weird how its been like 24/7 for me lately...a constant feeling. Maybe it's the maca, green smoothies and exercising. I dunno. Im happily celibate so this is something I just have to deal with. Thank goodness for my gym membership. :-)
Multiple times an hour... Regardless of what I'm doing (home, work, running errands, etc) or when I'm doing it ("time of the month" be darned), my mind is always wondering and there's no telling what'll get me going.