How Often Do You Talk?

How often do you and your SO chat?

  • 2+ times daily

    Votes: 33 45.2%
  • Daily

    Votes: 26 35.6%
  • 2-3x a week

    Votes: 8 11.0%
  • Weekly

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Other (Explain)

    Votes: 4 5.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
used to be many times per day... its slowing down now.. honeymoon phase ending?? getting busy with work.. idk.. but i miss my morning chats!
I'm in a foreign country right now, so weekly.

But when I'm home - we talk a couple of times a week. I'm not the girl who can spend hours on the phone, or talks to her girlfriends/mother daily, so its consistent.
Actually speak to each other? On the weekends when I see him. We both hate the phone, it causes the same anxiety in both of us. We text through out the day - it is our preferred method of communication when not together.
Everyday, but usually not until night time before bed.

It used to bother me b/c I wanted to talk to him 2+ times a day, but now I like it b/c that time apart gives us more to talk about.
Everyday several times a day. This may be naivete on my part but how do you only speak to your spouse/significant other weekly? I hope we never get to that point. The first 2 years of my relationship was long distance and we spoke for at least 3 hours every day.
Me and SO live in different countries (I'm away studying)...
But we keep in touch from Morning til Night I mean like how do you not :s
Everyday several times a day. This may be naivete on my part but how do you only speak to your spouse/significant other weekly? I hope we never get to that point. The first 2 years of my relationship was long distance and we spoke for at least 3 hours every day.

my current/ex don't really talk that much bc of the time difference (i live in sK and he lives in USA) and i really don't have a cell phone. also he is very busy at work. i try to call him in the morning before i go to work, but if he is still a work or in a meeting its a no go. also there maybe times where i will send a text to his phone by email and we may talk then again if he is not still busy at work or he is up.

We may talk once-twice a week IF that. there are times we go weeks without speaking, my schedule and his schedule don't really match up. it gets frustrating, but it bes that way sometime. it's the life of being in the military and dating military
Everyday several times a day. This may be naivete on my part but how do you only speak to your spouse/significant other weekly? I hope we never get to that point. The first 2 years of my relationship was long distance and we spoke for at least 3 hours every day.

We text all day. Some people enjoy a call first thing and at the end of the day, I like waking up and looking at my phone and seeing a text from him saying good morning, beautiful day/watch out for ice/it will probably snow up your way what ever. Or going to bed and he has sent (several hours before) a 'sleep well' text. We keep different hours. He is up at the arse crack of dawn - and is at work while I am still sleeping. And because of this, he is in bed sometimes before I get home. Also, we don't do well on the phone.

It works for us. I know that some of my friends get upset when they find out, like he should be calling more or I should, but really...just thinking about it right now makes my heart race.

I rarely get the urge to talk to him on the phone. I do get the urge to talk to him in person and see him though. When I do see him sleep patterns are thrown off because we usually talk and stuff most of the night..
Me and DH chat in the morning when he's getting ready for work (I like asking him about what he anticipates going on at work, as well as fill him in on what me and my son may do) and then when he gets home from work over dinner and while watching TV (discussing our days, anything new, etc.). I love our chats. :dinner:
My relationship has turned into a long distance one so we chat multiple times a day and right before we go to bed.
We talk everyday. We text everyday. He likes to, "just checking up on you."

We see each other often but it depends. I usually see him about 3 times a week for dinner, lunch or other activities.