How often do you moisturize?

I oil my scalp practically every night, but I moisturize my hair nightly with either ORS Olive Oil lotion or vitapointe (coconut oil to seal the ends).

yeah im liking the ORS olive oil too but, I think i'm going to search to see if I can find something else as since I like to rotate my products.
i moisturise daily, moisturise my ends sometimes twice a day in the morning before i leave and at night when i go to bed its really cold outside :ohwell: and i dc every day thinking bout co washing mid week...we'll see
I make sure I moisturize every single day. I usually spray my hair with distilled water, apply mango butter and then seal with castor oil. I love, love, love water for my hair. It works for me, but only if I seal with oil afterwards. If I only used water, my hair would eventually dry up like a bird's nest.

Now when I have my hair straightened, I obviously don't do this, since my hair would revert (I'm transitioning). But I still put a small amount of mango butter on my relaxed ends (very small amount) when it's straight.
I used to do it daily.

But now that I have been using Komaza's Shea Butter hair lotion as a leave in, my hair is getting OVER moisturized.

I use Qhemet's Heavy Cream and/or Burdock Root Butter Creme, topped with a little Nasabb's Kelechi oil.

I only use a TINY bit, and it is still too soft by mid week if I use it daily and only wash once a week.

I need to come up with a strategy to prevent that.
I moisturize daily, from root to tip. I am about 14 weeks post, (I'm not transitioning) but I have to keep my demarcation line strong. I won't be relaxing for another 8 weeks.
2x a day: First in the morning, and then again at night and both times I take my bag off and part my hair in sections by saturating my hair with my water moisture mix, and then placing my creme mix, and then my oil mix to seal.
I try to cowash like once every 2-3 days and airdry in a wet bun. . .so I don't moisturize other than that unless I can't cowash.