How often can you REALLY Deep Condition?


New Member
I know most ppl do it bi weekly, or even twice a week...but is there a such thing as too much?

I co wash my hair everyday (now from rinsing MT out), and I was just curious. Since I have been doing this, my hair has change tremendously, in a good way of course. But I usually only DC 2 days a week, but just wanted to know how much is too much. Too much of anything cant be good I know, but whats the limit?

Thanks ladies.
Depends on your hair. You can overmoisturize your hair or cause protein overload, so you just have to see what your hair can handle.
Depends on your hair. You can overmoisturize your hair or cause protein overload, so you just have to see what your hair can handle.
ITA, depends on your hair. I guess as long as there's a balanced between protein and moisture. But there is definitely a such thing as overconditioning/overmoisturizing. In the beginning of my hair journey i used to deep condition twice a week with no issues.
NO, I DONT THINK THAT YOU CAN dc too much . your hair always need moisture the more the better. i personally would do it more than every four days at the stylist taught me a vey simple method to check if your hair is getting enough moisture....just shake your head very lighthly...:yep: if your hair moves with no problem from side to side you are okay....if not you need to up your water intake or DC your hair.....also you can just toucj the ends of your hair..if they feel cool when you touch them then you or okay...if they feel dry and brittle you need to DC......good luckkk:yawn:
According to Dickey (who wrote Hair Rules) there's no such thing as overconditioning the hair (I can't remember if he was specifically talkin' about natural hair). I think once a week is enough.