How much more hair do you want ?


Well-Known Member
Since being on the board I have been changing my hair goals; 1st I wanted APL, I got there then I wanted BSL, got there now I want to see if I can get to WSL. And guess what, now that I see that it is possible for me to achieve WSL I've been wondering if I can get to TLBN. Ok ladies I know I'm not the only one who keep upping the anty, I keep wanting more hair--will it ever be enough for some of us? :lol: And how long is long enough IYO?
I'd be fine with BSL, definitely not looking at Waist Length. My hair healthy, thick and strong at BSl would be a blessing indeed.
First I wanted BSL...and I'm almost there, and I think now I'll go on to more than 6 more inches though. That's enough for me and I'm honestly not even sure if I can commit to another year of hair growth. I just want healthy hair.
My original goal was armpit and now I want to go for bra-strap when stretched. If I go past bra-strap great, if not whatever. Hopefully, I won't get hair anorexia.
When I first visited I wanted it to stop breaking and to grow (it was growing but the breakage from the split ends made me think it wasn't). Never really had an end lenght in mind. Stopped the breakage and started retaining lenght.

I decided to aim for BSL end of this year or beginning of next year, and I'll just keep on growing from there.
I want one length, superthick, waistlength with very little stretching naturally wavy, HEALTHY, bair with the V in the back that goes to tail length. If I did not keep a vision or long term goal, I would not be motivated to do the things I do daily, weekly and monthly to maintain it. It could never get too thick, I might add. Bonjour
I just want my hair to grow!! I swear that it seems like my hair is going to be stuck at shoulder length for the rest of my life!

:wallbash: I JUST WANT A FEW MORE INCHES!!!!! :whyme:

Can you tell I'm a little discouraged? That's why I'm keeping my hair braided up for the next 6 months so that it can grow and I won't focus on length anymore. No more presses, no more length checking! :nono: All I'm going to do is wash, condition, braid, curl, condition again and wear until it's time to repeat the process all over again!
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Lucia, I am like you. I came here looking for a couple of inches above brastrap and now it's brastrap that I want. But sometimes I think I want waistlength. :sekret: I really feel like the sky is the limit now. :grin:
I didn't know what I wanted when i got here so i said armpit length, now I want APL unstretched, that would probably be well past my waist stretched.
Four more inches is all I need for my ultimate goal of mid back. When I look at 4 inches on a ruler it looks so little but its so much in terms of hair growth. I need about 1.5 inches for bsl and another 3 or 4 inches to mid back. Not looking for waist length at all. My hair is super thick and heavy and I think that would be too much for me to handle. Once I reach my goal I'll trim to maintain.
Hi Lucia :wave: ,

Good question. My goal when I first came aboard LHCF was BS. Now it is waistlength...but ultimately/hopefully my goal is waistlength natural hair(stretched). Since I'll probably keep relaxing for a couple year, I don't think I will reach my natural goal until I am close to 40!..haha...(i'm 32 now)

edit: I need about 12 inches for my current waistlength goal:)
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I basically have a shoulder length layered cut, with the longest layer reaching collarbone (uncurled). I am pretty happy with my hair length now, but I would not mind about 2 more inches. I originally wanted brastrap length hair and I had achieved 2 inches above brastrap, then I got the layered cut. It was just to much hair for me. I have a petite frame and I think I look better with shoulder or collarbone length hair, especially since I am getting older.
I'm aiming for tailbone, but only because this will allow me to wash, put my hair in a ponytail, and go and still look like I have some hair (shrinkage issue). That, and it will allow me to rollerset and not have to blow the roots out as much: I'll just wrap it and go to sleep. Right now it too short (not to mention the sides are much shorter than the back) to do this.

I also want thicker hair (so I am stretching my re;

Funny, it seems as if it's easier to grow and maintain long hair when the hair is already somewhat long....

What in the hell would I do with waistlength hair. :p :confused: :grin: I have enough trouble with my below Bra Strap length. OH HELL TO THE NAW Y'ALL. :grin: :grin: :grin: I wish the best of luck to those of you who want waistlength hair, but for me I just want it to be thick and healthy.
When I first joined the board, I really wanted BSL hair. But then I got some braids that were that length and decided that it was really too long for me. I would be thrilled with even APL hair especially since I am older.
mid-back and then waist length!

I started off just wanting APL. Now, APL just seems like a medium length to have. I want MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE!!

My first and only goal was bra strap and now it's changed. I said I wanted waistlength but more specifically, I want my hair to rest comfortably on my breasts :lol:. So which ever comes first waistlength or resting on my boobs.
When I first got here I wanted to reach BSL and keep it. I've been at least BSL so many times but was never able to keep it. Now that I know what I need to keep BSL--I want mid back (unstrecthed natural) hair. So I'm thinking I need at least waistlength (stretched) to attain this goal. If my hair goes beyond that I'll LOVE it!:grin:
My ultimate goal is bra strap length when straightened, nothing more. I've never been the type to want extra long hair. I like to keep things as simple as possible. All that extra hair would drive me crazy.:eek:
I want waistlength, possibly even tailbone length hair. I didn't really have a clear goal in mind until I went to Hawaii last year and saw all of those Hawaiian women with gorgeous, long hair! :)
I have a question... what is classic length hair?

I searched for it, but couldn't find anything that told exactly what it is...
Porsche19 said:
I have a question... what is classic length hair?

I searched for it, but couldn't find anything that told exactly what it is...

I believe classic length is tailbone length hair. Princess hair.
First goal: APL (probably need a year to get there so I need about 6 inches)
Second goal: BSL (probably need another year after I reach APL so about 12 inches total).