How much is TOO much?...


New Member
This past weekend I went vitamin crazy. I purchased 10 different types from GNC and my local exchange:

1. Nature's Bounty HSN w/ 3000mch Biotin: 3x daily w/meals

2. Sundown Flaxseed Oil 1000mg: 3x daily w/meals

3. GNC Evening Primrose Oil 500mg: 2-4x daily

4. GNC Cod Liver Oil: 1-2x daily

5. GNC MSM 1000mg: 1-2x daily

6. GNC Biotin 600mcg: 1 daily

7. XHG Select Natural B-Complex: 1 daily

8. XHG Select Natural Zinc 50mcg: 1 daily

9. XHG Select Natural Vit. C 500mg: 1 daily

10. YourLife High Potency Multi-Vit & Mineral: 1 daily after meal

I took some of these last year. And I tell you, my hair has never felt so soft and silky in my life. I mean, my fingers could just slide through w/o getting caught. I was worried that this may be too much. Do you think I went over board?
Some of those vitamins (b,c,zinc) might be supplied in your multivitamin. Your body can only absorb a certain amount so you dont want to go overboard.
make sure to compare it with your multi, like the other post said. Overlapping isn't good for the body and is a waste of money cuz your body will only use what it needs which usually ins't that much.
This past weekend I went vitamin crazy. I purchased 10 different types from GNC and my local exchange:

1. Nature's Bounty HSN w/ 3000mch Biotin: 3x daily w/meals

2. Sundown Flaxseed Oil 1000mg: 3x daily w/meals

3. GNC Evening Primrose Oil 500mg: 2-4x daily

4. GNC Cod Liver Oil: 1-2x daily

5. GNC MSM 1000mg: 1-2x daily

6. GNC Biotin 600mcg: 1 daily

7. XHG Select Natural B-Complex: 1 daily

8. XHG Select Natural Zinc 50mcg: 1 daily

9. XHG Select Natural Vit. C 500mg: 1 daily

10. YourLife High Potency Multi-Vit & Mineral: 1 daily after meal

I took some of these last year. And I tell you, my hair has never felt so soft and silky in my life. I mean, my fingers could just slide through w/o getting caught. I was worried that this may be too much. Do you think I went over board?

Personally I think you went WAY overboard. If you are going to take HSN, you probably won't need the B-complex, and like others have said, the separate vits you purchased are probably included in your multi and/or the HSN.

For me, if a package says take 3x daily, I don't even look at it. It's either AM, PM or not at all. For the flaxseed, you should start out at 1x/daily, and if you feel you can, go up to 2x, but I don't think 3x/daily is necessary for the avg person. Same with the EPO. Later on, you may want to look out for one that has all Omega's (3-6-9) in one, just so you can cut back a little.

Also, hold out on taking the separate biotin for a few weeks so that your body can adjust, since your HSN has it in there. Then, if you feel it's safe to move up, then add the biotin.

HTH :)
You take more vits than a cancer patient takes drugs. I think you should talk to your doctor personally. Next checkup, let him or her know and bring ALL your vitamins with you so they can see exactly what's been going on and give you their medical opinion. Silky hair or not, you don't konw if you are harming body. Or take them to your local Pharmacists and get an opinion. Too much of a "good thing" can be bad for you over time.
If you overdo it on certain vitamins you can put yourself at serious health risks. Please limit your vitamins to one Multi and whatever different oils like. You can overdose of vitamins and with those vitamins you are sure to find yourself in the emergancy room sometime in the future.

I recently did a thread on the dangerous of multi-vitamins.

Here is my personal diagnoses:

1. Nature's Bounty HSN w/ 3000mch Biotin: 3x daily w/meals Choose One Multi

2. Sundown Flaxseed Oil 1000mg: 3x daily w/meals

3. GNC Evening Primrose Oil 500mg: 2-4x daily

4. GNC Cod Liver Oil: 1-2x daily

5. GNC MSM 1000mg: 1-2x daily Take Back

6. GNC Biotin 600mcg: 1 daily Take Back

7. XHG Select Natural B-Complex: 1 daily Take Back

8. XHG Select Natural Zinc 50mcg: 1 daily Take Back

9. XHG Select Natural Vit. C 500mg: 1 daily Take Back

10. YourLife High Potency Multi-Vit & Mineral: 1 daily after meal Choose One Multi
The Nature's Bounty pretty much has all the others in it. I would NOT recommend taking EVERYTHING all together at one time. Not a good idea :nono:
This past weekend I went vitamin crazy. I purchased 10 different types from GNC and my local exchange:

1. Nature's Bounty HSN w/ 3000mch Biotin: 3x daily w/meals

2. Sundown Flaxseed Oil 1000mg: 3x daily w/meals

3. GNC Evening Primrose Oil 500mg: 2-4x daily

4. GNC Cod Liver Oil: 1-2x daily

5. GNC MSM 1000mg: 1-2x daily

6. GNC Biotin 600mcg: 1 daily

7. XHG Select Natural B-Complex: 1 daily

8. XHG Select Natural Zinc 50mcg: 1 daily

9. XHG Select Natural Vit. C 500mg: 1 daily

10. YourLife High Potency Multi-Vit & Mineral: 1 daily after meal

I took some of these last year. And I tell you, my hair has never felt so soft and silky in my life. I mean, my fingers could just slide through w/o getting caught. I was worried that this may be too much. Do you think I went over board?

Okay.....Lets break it down(I am also assuming that you have a decent diet)

For starters you have a multi-vitamin and mineral right so drop the zinc....most multi's contain 15mg of zinc which is enough for you. 50mg of zinc is alot. I personally have taken that much zinc but I do so only when I am sick and for limited amounts of time. Otherwise, drop it. A safer amount of zinc, if you were looking to take additional zinc for immune benefits would be 22.5 -30mg.

If you are going to take the HSN vitamin then drop the Codliver oil. Cod liver oil is a good nutrional oil but it is high in retinal palmate; a form of vitamin a that is harmful in high amounts. Given that your multi already has vitamin a and the HSN vitamin has vitamin a, drop the cod liver oil.

You have started with a good level of MSM so keep the vitamin C. Vitamin C helps increase the absorbtion rate of MSM which can make smaller amounts more effective. If you want, just take your MSM with juice and you can drop the vitamin C supplement.

Since you have biotin in the HSN and in a separate pill, you need to make sure that you have higher levels of B-vitamins as well. The multi and the HSN together should provide you with enough so you can drop the b-complex if you wish. How much folic acid does your b-complex have?....Your multi probably has 400mcg and the HSN probably has close to the same.....If you b-complex has 400mcg then drop it. I advise people to look for b-complexs with less than 400mcg of folic acid if you are taking other supplements. If you take the multi and HSN as directed then drop the extra b complex.

The flaxseed and evening primrose oil will make sure that you have a complete Omega Fatty acid profile ( 3,6 and 9) so leave them the way they are. They benefit WAY MORE than just your hair and skin so don't drop them. It is also hard to get high levels in your diet so keep those supplements. If you want to reduce the amount you take, drop one flaxseed pill and eat a handful of walnuts each day as a snack.
I agree that you went way overboard. I also think that you should consult with your doctor. If you don't have a doctor or don't have insurance you can also take your bag urrr suitcase full of vitamins :lachen: to a CVS or other pharmacy and usually the person there can help you out. They are very knowledgable about drugs n vitamins n stuff.
TOO much is when you already eat a healthy diet but decide to supplement with a few other vitamins. Many people feel that by taking more you are getting the maximum benefit, but actually you will absorb only the amount the body can hold and the rest is excreted out if it's water soluble or can be overdosed and cause medical issues. I would say stick to a protein, healthy fat, fruit and vegetable diet. If thats not completely possible, add a good quality women's multi-vitamin and go from there. Remember, vitamins are a natural part of our food, but it can cause serious reactions in some people if there is a deficit or too much!
Okay.....Lets break it down(I am also assuming that you have a decent diet)

For starters you have a multi-vitamin and mineral right so drop the zinc....most multi's contain 15mg of zinc which is enough for you. 50mg of zinc is alot. I personally have taken that much zinc but I do so only when I am sick and for limited amounts of time. Otherwise, drop it. A safer amount of zinc, if you were looking to take additional zinc for immune benefits would be 22.5 -30mg.

If you are going to take the HSN vitamin then drop the Codliver oil. Cod liver oil is a good nutrional oil but it is high in retinal palmate; a form of vitamin a that is harmful in high amounts. Given that your multi already has vitamin a and the HSN vitamin has vitamin a, drop the cod liver oil.

You have started with a good level of MSM so keep the vitamin C. Vitamin C helps increase the absorbtion rate of MSM which can make smaller amounts more effective. If you want, just take your MSM with juice and you can drop the vitamin C supplement.

Since you have biotin in the HSN and in a separate pill, you need to make sure that you have higher levels of B-vitamins as well. The multi and the HSN together should provide you with enough so you can drop the b-complex if you wish. How much folic acid does your b-complex have?....Your multi probably has 400mcg and the HSN probably has close to the same.....If you b-complex has 400mcg then drop it. I advise people to look for b-complexs with less than 400mcg of folic acid if you are taking other supplements. If you take the multi and HSN as directed then drop the extra b complex.

The flaxseed and evening primrose oil will make sure that you have a complete Omega Fatty acid profile ( 3,6 and 9) so leave them the way they are. They benefit WAY MORE than just your hair and skin so don't drop them. It is also hard to get high levels in your diet so keep those supplements. If you want to reduce the amount you take, drop one flaxseed pill and eat a handful of walnuts each day as a snack.

Nice breakdown, gymfreak! Thanks for that...I learned a few things!
:blush: That is definitely TOO much.

I would get rid of more than half of those supplements. The ladies have already given you great suggestions.
thank you for your suggestions. i'm starting off slow. so since i've already started the multi a month ago, i will finish that along with my omegas and the hsn. i would hate to end up in the hospital over something that preventable. :badidea: