How much growth do you get in a month?

How much growth do you experience in a month?

  • Less than 1/4 an inch

    Votes: 43 8.4%
  • 1/4 an inch

    Votes: 125 24.4%
  • 1/2 an inch

    Votes: 261 51.0%
  • 1 inch

    Votes: 62 12.1%
  • 1 1/4 inch

    Votes: 4 0.8%
  • 1.5 inches

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • more than 1.5 inches

    Votes: 14 2.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
Ok ladies, I know we've done this several times, but why not take a poll again. On average how much growth do you ladies get a month? For me personally I used to get an inch but now it's about .5 an inch.
not a lot thats fo sure.

not sure how much exactly but iv not had a relaxer for over 6months yet i don't think im even close to 3 inches new growth :( :mad: :(
Don't feel bad Kiss, my hair has slowed down significantly and I have no idea why. At first I was really upset about it, but then I decided to just go with the flow.
I picked 1/2 because you didn't have 3/4 listed:look: . This has been my average since March. I have averaged about 3/4 of an inch= 8 inches since March.
I get 0.46 inches lol My hair has grown just over 8cm since my last relaxer in February, this doesn't include the zealous bc I carried out in June, it's just how much hair I have on my head now. I don't take vitamins, exercise or eat right or use any aids so I guess that's at the low end for me. If only I could be bothered...
Catina72 said:
I picked 1/2 because you didn't have 3/4 listed:look: . This has been my average since March. I have averaged about 3/4 of an inch= 8 inches since March.

Oh wow Catina, lol I'm sorry I didn't even realize I didn't put 3/4 of an inch. Sorry about that!
I've been really honest with myself. I just have slow growing hair. I think I get 1/4 inch a month. That's not a lot, but it may be about average. I take vitamins, exercise and eat healthy foods.

Since Feb 2006 my hair has only grown a little over 3 inches. Is that even 1/4 inches a month?
I get about 1/2-3/4", depending on the month. The great thing is that i am normally able to retain it all, since I wear protective styles all the time. So I should be able to keep my 6" per year. :)
i used to get an inch, but now its more like 1/2-3/4 due to the fact i havent been consistent with my vits!
Yesterday I measured a grey strand that I have in the front of my head and it had about 3/4 inch of newgrowth...I relaxed on Sept. 7.
I discovered my hair growth varies depending on the section of my hair. The front, crown, and sides average about 1/2 inch, while the back grows a solid 3/4 inches per month.
:ohwell: im thinking.. maybe 1/4 inch a month.. but i think i can bump it to and 3/4s once i stepp my joggin and food game up..:ohwell:
1/2"-3/4" without supplements (depending on what part of my head), 1" with. Growing hair is no retaining length, that's a different story.
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I get between 1/4 -1/2 an inch, depending on what I doing . I don't take aids or vitamins, but some months I get major spurts and some times the growth just creeps along.